Chapter 14: Kakyoin? A traitor?!

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Jotaro, Hikari, Anne and Kakyoin were walking together somewhere in Singapore. Enjoying the comfortable silence and the warm sunny rays. Hikari turned to Kakyoin and asked him why Nemuru hadn't come with them. Kakyoin shrugged his shoulders and said that she didn't feel like coming. Anne spotted a  ice cream kiosk up ahead and ran towards. "Can I get some ice cream, please?" She asked the owner. He turned to her with welcoming smile as he greeted the young girl. "Welcome. You know, ice cream is pretty good but this baby here," He said as he held out a fresh coconut. "Chilled coconut juice, nothing in the world like it. How bout it?" The owner offered an, a already made, drink to Anne as she looked at it with little uncertainty.

"I guess we could try it." Jotaro said as he and the others walked up to the kiosk. "Four then" He told the owner. "Thank you much! That's eighteen dollars." He said. Anne got upset with him and told him to lower the price to at least nine or twelve. Hikari started to go through her wallet, counting to see if she had enough when Jotaro gave her a look that said 'don't even think about it'. She quickly put her wallet back in her pocket. "Sorry."

"Here. This should cover it." Kakyoin said as he gave the owner the money to pay for their chilled drinks. Behind them was some sleazy looking guy who was walking by when he set his eyes on the high schooler's wallet. When Kakyion was about to put it back in his pocket, the guy ran up and swiped it from his hand. "I'll take that!" He said as he ran off. Kakyoin only took a glance at the thief and he sent out Hierophant Green after him. His Stand grabbed the guy by his ankle, causing him to trip and dropping his wallet. Of course, because he wasn't able to see his Stand, the guy thought that Kakyoin had done something to make his fall. And turned to give him a piece of his mind.

But he was frozen stiff as Kakyoin glared down at him with the most vicious look that no one would think he could even make. From how his eyes seem to pierce his soul, it was very clear that Kakyoin was going to cause some serious pain. " dumb, useless, disgusting piece of shit! Who the hell do you think you are?!" He yelled. Catching the attention from Jotaro, Hikari and Anne back at the kiosk, they hadn't noticed that he moved from his spot till just now. "I'll make you wish you were never born!!" Kakyoin shouted as he slammed his knee against the thief's face, breaking his nose in the process. What?! "Kakyoin!" Jotaro called out to him. "What are you doing?" Hikari asked in shock.

However their voices didn't reach their friend as he kept inflicting his merciless punishment. "Get up." Kakyoin demanded, holding the man up by his hair. "You vile, little cockroach dick. Do I look like easy pickings to you? And now, you'll feel the pain!" Kakyoin tossed the thief face-up across the his shoulders before hooking his head with one hand and a leg with the other to then pull down on both ends with brutal force, making thief to cough up blood with every pull. "How dare you touch my wallet with the same grimy fingers that wipe your filthy ass! I can't let you get away with something like that, now can I?!" He yelled, pulling him down with even more force than he used before. "Can I? Come on, tell me!! Can I?!"

Kakyoin wanted an answer from him, but he knew that if kept him in the hold he's in, he'll never answer. But that's exactly what he wants. "Kakyoin, what are you doing to this guy?! You'll kill the bastard!" Jotaro shouted at him, but he wasn't letting up. "Stop! Please, Stop!" Hikari begged, visibly shaking now. What's going on with him?! This isn't like him. Kakyoin had never used this type of filthy language or was ever this violent. She didn't understand why Kakyoin was behaving like this all of a sudden. He always been so polite and kind ever since they saved why? Why is he like this? What happened to her friend?!

"Kakyoin! Now cut it out, damn it! You're losing control!" Jotaro couldn't stand back any longer, so he ran up and roughly shoved Kakyoin to force him to release the injured man. Once the man fell to the ground, Jotaro and Hikari went to his side if he was okay. "You're acting like such a bastard. Something's not right." Jotaro said as he looked over Kakyoin. He was picking up his stolen wallet and acted as if nothing had happened. "What's gotten into you?" He asked. Kakyoin turned around and shot him with a dirty look. He dusted himself off and said, "That hurt, you know. You didn't have to shove me around like you're the one in charge."

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