Chapter 13: Day at the pool!

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While out at sea, the Joestar group were miraculously rescued by two real freighters that were passing by. After gaining a lift, the group had finally arrived in Singapore. Fun fact; There was a prince from the land of Sumatra, who traveled the seas seeking new lands. He, eventually, landed on an island inhabited by lion's called, Singas. An island he named, Singa Pura. Today, the land is bustled with ships and tankers from around the world. This nation that shared both eastern and western heritage thanks to free trade is Tropical Singapore. They group had decide to stay at a hotel, recharge their batteries, and think about their next plan of action. 

Joseph had picked a good hotel that was within walking distance and seemed the most convenient. They were about to head towards it when a whistle blew out, catching their attention. They found that a police officer was running at them with an angry expression. "Hey, you!" He yelled. "Yeah, you! With the flattop!" Obviously, he was referring to the blue-eyed French man. "Yeah, you. You threw this trash, right? Then it's a five hundred Singapore dollar fine." He said. Polnareff's eyes widened in disbelief at the amount he just stated. "No way, five hundred?"

"The law here prohibits littering and fines all violators, and that means you." The officer continued, being completely adamant about the whole ordeal. "Five hundred Singapore dollars is..." Kakyoin said, trying to do the calculations in his head. "I think that's got to be about forty thousand yen." Joseph said.


"Are you clear on that, punk?!" The officer asked Polnareff. "Trash?" He asked. Polnareff hadn't had a clue what he was going on about. Polnareff was sure that he hadn't thrown anything away. If he had, he would've remembered right away. The officer was now pointing at the 'trash' left on the ground to further prove his point. Everyone looked at what he was pointing to and saw a dark green bag. Avdol struggled to hold in his laughter. Polnareff then gave a smirk at the officer. True, he did felt a little insulted but he couldn't blame the man who's only doing with job. "All I see is on the ground here is my own luggage." Now, instead of being in the right, the officer was caught by surprise as he looked down at Polnareff's bag. "So, you got me a little confused now. Would you be so kind to tell me what trash you're referring to, officer?" Polnareff asked him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "If you're wrong, then I'm obeying the law, right? So where is it?"

" mean that bag is your luggage?" The officer asked, nervously.

"Yeah, you got it."

"O-oh, I'm terribly sorry." The others began laughing at the situation and at the poor officer's misunderstanding of Polnareff's luggage. They soon stopped laughing as a another voice was joining in. They turned and saw Anne laughing along, who then stopped herself when she realised that they were looking at her. Once the cop left, Polnareff asked his team, "What's up with this kid? She's still following us like a lost puppy."

"Hey, you. Weren't you going to see your father once we got here?" Joseph asked the young child. "Why don't you stop tagging along and go? You're here now, so move on." Polnareff told her.

"Heh, I'm meeting up with him in five days. I can go wherever the hell I want. I not taking orders from you jerks." Anne may have talked like she was tough, but one look in her eyes told that she didn't want to be left alone right now. Hikari, feeling sympathy for her, asked the others, "It's only for a little while...shouldn't we let her stay with us for the time being?"

Avdol shook his head and said, "She mustn't. She'll be in danger if she stays with us." That was a valid reason, still it wouldn't be right to just leave her on her own like this. Speaking of which, did she even have any money for resources to find a place for herself for five days? "Well, maybe she lacks the cash for a place to stay." Kakyoin said.

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