Chapter 24: The Lovers part 2

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Author's note: Hello everyone. Ivory Luna, speaking to you loud and clear. Due to a suggestion made by @men-aint-shit, I'm putting a warning for this chapter. I hadn't exactly thought of this before when I wrote this chapter, and I feel terrible knowing I wrote this without taking consideration of the feelings of others. I'm sorry if I had offended anyone as there are a lot of people who aren't comfortable reading scenes like this, and it can be triggering to some.

So here is your warning. This chapter contained scenes of sexual assault. Viewer discretion is highly advised.

Steely Dan walked around town with Jotaro and Hikari following close by. Eventually, they stopped at a drainage ditch. Dan looked over at the ditch with some thought. "A drainage ditch? This could be fun. I'd try and jump it, but if I trip and twist my ankle, it could be real bad for old man Joestar." Hikari noticed a bridge that wasn't too far and hoped that if Dan saw it, it would spare Joseph some agony. "B-but look there. There's a bridge right over there, see?" She said, helpfully pointing it out to him. 

Dan looked over at the bridge but had a bored expression. "Yeah... but walking all the way to that bridge would be such a bother. I've got an idea... Lie down across this ditch and make yourself into a bridge. I'll just walk on you to get across." Jotaro didn't say anything. He wasn't even looking at him. Hikari grew concerned for Jotaro and gently held his hand. 'JoJo...'

Dan had gotten annoyed with Jotaro ignoring him and said, "What now? You don't want to be my bridge or something?"

"Tch, shut up. The hell you keep yammering about?" Jotaro said.

"I said make yourself into a bridge! You good-for-nothing, arrogant prick!" Dan yelled as he kicked at a fire hydrated hard. Hikari flinched, thinking about how much pain that caused Joseph. "AAAAUUGHH!" Joseph screamed out, feeling his whole leg going numb from the pain he suddenly felt.

"What?! What's the matter?!" Polnareff asked.

"Mr. Joestar!" Kakyoin called out.

"M-m-my leg! It's going numb!" Joseph said, falling to his knees from the pain and making him let go of the image of The Lovers. "Damn it, Jotaro. What the hell are you doing?! Chiara, you better be watching him."

"Aw, don't look so upset, Jotaro." Steely Dan said calmly swinging his leg. The two men stared each other down before Jotaro let out a "Tch" and walked over to the drainage ditch kneeling down. He laid himself across the gap just like a bridge. It broke Hikari's heart to her hero being forced to do this. 'I have to do something to protect JoJo's pride.' She thought. Hikari had decided right there that no matter what Dan does, she was going to protect Jotaro's pride and be strong for him. No more was she going to cry.

"Good." Dan said as a sadistic smirk appeared on his face. He took one step before stomping onto Jotaro's back, digging his heel right in as he walked. He stopped halfway and stood there on Jotaro's back. "Your a rather sturdy bridge, aren't cha? Impressive." He started to bounce up and down on Jotaro's back.

"Stop it! Please!" Hikari begged of him. She can't bear to see Jotaro like this any longer. Dan gave her a smirk and continued to walk, and made sure to step on Jotaro's hand, digging his heels into Jotaro's fingers. Dan turned around and sent a charming smirk to Hikari holding his hand out to her. "Now the lady's turn." Hikari looked at his hand and turned away. She was NOT going to use her best friend as a bridge! Soundless Voice appeared and projected three shields to act as platforms, and Hikari jumped on each one crossing to the other side. Once she was over, she quickly went to helped Jotaro up.

"Here sweetheart. I got you." She said as she grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him up, healing his hand and body in the process. Hikari was bent down to her knees and raised up a little when he did, but that didn't matter. Hikari felt her skirt being lifted and gasped when she heard, "My, my, my. Pure white with a lacy trim on, not a bad choice. The little bows on the sides are nice touch. These shaped your cute little ass very nicely." Dan let out a chuckle as he let go of her skirt and walked. Leaving Hikari frozen in shock and Jotaro glaring at him, gritting his teeth. How... f****ing...dare he?!

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