Chapter 17: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2

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The next morning, the remaining Joestar crew had gathered around for breakfast in a different hotel. Sitting in a deafening silence. Not since yesterday, they didn't have any else to say. To make matters even more dreary, it had begun to rain outside. Matching the depressing feeling hanging over them. Hikari gazed sadly at Nemuru. Out of all of them, Nemuru hadn't spoken a single word since yesterday's fight and this morning. Last night, Hikari tried to talk to her but she's shut it tight.

Looking over to an empty seat, Joseph softly said, "So he really didn't come back after all." The others followed his glance. The empty chair was a reminder that Polnareff wasn't with them anymore. If he was here, he would've probably made this situation more light-hearted. But he wasn't. Was he alright? Did he had some sort of strategy to beat Centerfold? What...what was he thinking going on alone?

Later on in the day, Polnareff searches for a lead. Asking nearly every person in the area if they seen someone -anyone- with two right hands. But so far, they all said the same thing. They never seen anyone who fits that description. Polnareff was growing furious and getting impatient. He knew that Centerfold was around somewhere close by. He just...didn't know where. Yet, he was determined to find him. No matter how long it takes. Then...he found it!

"What? You've seen him?" Polnareff asked a homeless man, who was sitting in between two stores. "Are you absolutely sure you saw a man with two right hands?" When the man nodded, Polnareff kneeled to his level and asked him where he saw him. The man then pointed in the direction. Polnareff looked at and saw the two men slowly approaching him. But his primary focus was on one of them. The one who the rain didn't touch, as if he was protected by an invisible shield. At that instant, he knew exactly who it was. Centerfold! The rain had began to clear up and the sun's light was breaking through the dark clouds. However, something went wrong.

Even though Polnareff just saw two men approaching him, Centerfold had suddenly vanished from his view. The only one left was the cowboy himself. Polnareff growled beneath his breath and went in to confront him. "The gun is mightier than the sword." The cowboy suddenly said. "Huh?" Polnareff asks in confusion. "Hmm. Not bad, if I do say so myself." The cowboy smiled, tipping his hat.

"Wait. What? Who the hell are you, buddy?" Polnareff asked him. The cowboy smirked and lifted his head to meet him in the eye. "Hol Horse. That's what they call me." He said. "I'm a Stand user just like you are. And my card is the Emperor. Lord Dio paid me to get rid of you guys, so say your prayers and get ready for a beaten."

Polnareff gave an annoyed sigh and said, "Look here, cowboy. I don't give a rat's ass who you say you are. Where is the man with two right hands?" 

"That was pretty rude. You asked me who I am, so I answered you. Well, whatever. I came here with that guy." Polnareff's eyes widened in shock. This cowboy was working with him?! Does that mean they're partners? Oh man, he wasn't expecting this. "He's nearby." Hol Horse told him.

"What? Where is he?!" Polnareff demanded. Looking around for any sign of him. "There's really no point at all in you asking that." Hol Horse tells him with a cocky grin. "I, Hol Horse, will have the pleasure in snuffing you out." At first, Polnareff glared at him before he gave a grin of his own.

"Arrogant morons like you always talk trash and it always end up the other way around." Hol Horse couldn't help but laugh at that. He laughed as if he heard the funniest joke imaginable. "Oh, what that funny?"

"Lord Dio had you pegged. "Polnareff had the fatal habit of underestimating his opponents. Beating him into a corpse won't be any trouble for you"." Hol Horse suddenly said. That shocked Polnareff. Had Dio really told him that?! This didn't feel right. "He was exactly right, so I couldn't help but laugh."

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