Chapter 33: High Priestess part 2

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Water was quickly filling up the submarine already past everyone's ankles and to make matters worse the submarine was losing oxygen quickly. It was getting so hard to breath. "You okay?" Jotaro asked Hikari. The golden-haired girl nodded as she clung on to him when he rose them back up to their feet.

"Hey you guys, the air is getting pretty thin in here." Polnareff said as Kakyoin hauled Joseph over his shoulders.

"Kakyoin, I need your help. Did you catch which one of the gauges the Stand merged with?" Jotaro asked him. Kakyoin was a little surprised but he walked over to his friend and said, while pointing to the gauge, "Well, from what I could tell, it looked like it turned into this one." Jotaro held out his arm and Kakyoin and Hikari both stepped back as Jotaro approached the gauge. He held up his fist, and Star Platinum's arms was summoned.

Everyone, including Jotaro tensed up, slowly inching his way towards it. But as it was about to make contact something moved behind Kakyoin. Avdol noticed that a light directly behind Kakyoin was flickering on and off rapidly and his eyes widened when High Priestess morphed behind the young man. "That's not it! Jotaro, it's already moved! It's right behind Kakyoin!" Avdol yelled.

"Kakyoin!" Nemuru yelled out as she moved in to save him. The Stand took a deadly swipe at Kakyoin, but quickly he dodged it. "Hierophant Green!" Hierophant Green attacked with an extreme close range Emerald Splash, but High Priestess was much too fast as it dodged it heading for Kakyoin. The moment when Nemuru reached him, Kakyoin took her into his arms and shielded her just as the wretched Stand sliced deep into his neck, making him cry out. "Kakyoin!" Hikari cried.

High Priestess jumps onto a wall and Star Platinum immediately went after it. He slammed his fist into the wall, creating a dent, but High Priestess dodged it and landed on another part of the submarine, growling at Jotaro like a rabid animal before vanishing. "Everyone, head for the door, quickly. The Stand's become part of the hull's surface and is traveling through the machines!" Avdol said.

"Yeah, you say that but-." Polnareff began to say.

"If we stay in this room any longer, there's a very good chance that none of us will leave with our lives! Kakyoin, are you alright?" Avdol asked his friend.

"Yes, I'm fine." Kakyoin said as Hikari ran over to heal his neck. "Come on everyone, to the next room." Everyone one ran to the door, all the while, Hikari tried to make something in her hands. "We'll seal the room off and trap it inside!" Avdol shouted as he grabbed the handle, but as he did it transformed into High Priestess, it had already moved over and disguised itself.

"There's...! No way! It...already moved to the door and transformed itself into the wheel..!" Avdol said. He has to let go now before it's too late! Its claws were able to slice through Joseph's prosthetic hand like it was nothing! "What?!"

"Come on, come on..! Catch it, please!" High Priestess went in attack but it was quickly stopped when it became trapped in a navy blue bubble, and taking it off the door. The bubble floated itself into Soundless Voice's hands. Hikari gripped at her shirt and tried to catch her breath. "Oh thank goodness..! It worked." Hikari said. Soundless Voice looked at the High Priestess as it slammed itself against the solid bubble. She shrunk down the bubble, ceasing its movements and making sure that it was...well behaved.

"Nice Hikari! We got it!" Polnareff cheered.

"That was close." Avdol said as he sighed in relief.

"Uh, th-thank you. So...what should we do now?" Hikari asked.

"Show no mercy! Don't hesitate! Here's an idea, why don't begin by ripping off its little head!?" Polnareff shouted with a smile. Hikari paled a bit before Soundless Voice offered the bubble to Jotaro. "Maybe you should do it." She said.

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