Chapter 9: Two enemies on deck

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Meanwhile, Back at the Kujo estate, doctors sent by the Speedwagon Foundation with the latest medical technologies still struggle to treat Holly's condition. With the loathsome curse of Dio, even they stand powerless against before Dio's curse. All they could do is treat her and keep her well enough until they Joestar team finally kill that monstrous bastard while they watch over. To save Holly, JoJo and crew continue on their journey to Egypt. With air travel now too treacherous, they board a boat heading first to Singapore.

"To get from Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for three full days." Joseph said. "Well, let's relax and keep our spirits up."

"You're right, Mr. Joestar. Three days isn't too terribly long and we should make the most of it here, look how beautiful the ocean is." Hikari said as she walked towards him with a tray full of drinks. "Oh, here! I've made some lemonade, and I've given some to the sailors, and Mr. Avdol and Mr.Polnareff." She said as she handed him a glass. Joseph smiled at her. "Thank you, Chiara. But first, I have a serious question."

"What is it?"

"What the hell is with the high school uniforms, you three?" He asked the three teenagers. Pointing at Hikari first and then at Jotaro and Kakyoin, who were lounging on the poolside chairs. Kakyoin reading a book, and Jotaro who has his arms behind his head and legs crossed. "Can't you go and find something else to put on? Isn't it ridiculously hot?"

"Well, we are students after all. And good students should behave as such no matter where they are. I guess, that sounds like a stretch." Kakyoin tried to explain to him, not bothering to look up from his reading.


"Kakyoin has a point to that. Besides, it really isn't that hot. Actually it feels very nice." Hikari smiled as she gave lemonade to the boys. Joseph was very skeptical about that. "Ha, Japanese students are such stiffs, aren't they?"

"So this is what they call 'Bushido'. Like they say, clear your mind and even flames feel cool." Avdol said, sounded a bit impressed by them.

"That's all well in good, but that really won't get you any girls." Polnareff said to the boys as he took a sip of his drink. Suddenly voices could be hear shouting at the top of their lungs, just across them. They turned and saw two of the crew members integrating, or at least trying to, two people that they've never seen before. One was holding on to a eleven-year-old boy, of average height and thin to medium build. He had dark hair, brown eyes, a small, slightly upturned nose, and freckles. He also wore a cap, overalls, a light shirt, and sneakers. "Let go! Let go of me!! Damn it, I said get off me! Let me go! What's your problem!?" The boy shouted as he struggled to get out of the sailor's grip.

"Shut your trap, you brat!"

The other, who looked liked he was ready to blow his top, was shouting at a young girl of fifteen years. She had pale, transparent skin, dark purple eyes, and long, dark purple hair, with some of it in front of both shoulders, falling to her mid-back. Her bangs slightly covered the right side of her face and she wore the same school uniform as Hikari's wearing with black knee socks, and dark brown loafers. "Are you a thief?! And are you two working together?!" One of the crew members yelled as he struggled to get her up the stairs and into the upper deck.

"I keep telling you 'no'! Are you some kind of idiot?! I don't know whose more brain-dead, you or the dumbass who hired you in the first place!" The dark-purple haired girl yelled in his face. She glared daggers at the man and looked like she was debating on whether or not to punch the sailor in the face. The sailor forced her up the stairs as Joseph eyed at the two strangers and he said, "Hey, who are they? I thought we agreed there'd no other passengers onboard but us."

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