Chapter 20: The Wheel of Fortune, part 2

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After they were safely back onto of the cliff, everyone got out to see the car below on fire with smoke coming from it. It was totally destroyed, and considering all things, no one could've have survived a fall like that.

"Nothing here suggests he used a Stand attack, I think it's safe to say, he's just some weirdo with an axe to grind." Joseph said. "Yeah. Either way, he's a goner after that fall. Heh, I guess what goes around, comes around." Polnareff said.

"Yeah, but I still wonder. How did it get behind us? It was like watching a magician or something, it's so strange." Anne pondered. Just then, a soft static noise came up and a voice followed soon after, saying. "Actually, little girl, it's not strange at all." Everyone gasped and looked behind them. "The radio!" Polnareff said. "He's coming from the am fm fam!"

"I was able to do that because it's my Stand, Joestar!" The voice said.

"What?!" Joseph yelled. "He knows my name, so that confirms it. He's an enemy Stand user!"

"Where is he? Could he really be sending out a signal from the car down there?" Kakyoin asked. "No way! Do you see the wreck down there?" Polnareff told him. He didn't want to think that is was what he thought it was. However, Jotaro had confirmed his unheard question. "No. That old jalopy could very well be a Stand. You remember the boat Stand? This may be a repeat." Jotaro said

"Oh, great. Wonderful." Nemuru said, bitterly.

"Behold, the Wheel of Fortune. My Stand will lead you to your maker!" The radio threaten. Suddenly the ground beneath them started to shake. Oh, come on! What's happening now!? "What the? An earthquake?"Kakyoin asked. "I've got a bad feeling." Polnareff said.

"Everybody, get in the car!" Joseph said.

"No! Stay back! Don't go anywhere near it!" Jotaro yelled. "Couldn't be!" "Below us!" Polnareff and Kakyoin yelled out. The ground beneath the car broke open and that was enough to make the Joestar team and Anne to run away from their car as the Wheel of Fortune broke through the ground. The car was mangled and crushed but it still managed to burrow through the ground to the surface.

"Impossible! It burrowed up through the ground! Alright, I think it's pretty obvious that car's actually a Stand!" Polnareff shouted in shock. "Looks like the Stand's user is inside the car." The car started to morph taking on a new shape, looking more like a monster than a car. Spikes and tubes erupt from its hull, its bumper morphs into a beastly maw, with mandible-like projections on either side, and it gains massive exhaust ports on its rear. Wheel of Fortune revved its engine and sped towards them. "It's heading straight for us!" Polnareff yelled. Jotaro scoffed, giving a smirk and held up his fist. "If it's a duel you want, I'm happy to oblige."

"Don't do it, Jotaro. Don't fight it yet! Not until we know what that Stand's power is!" Joseph said. Wheel of Fortune sent out some kind of attack and Jotaro was struck, three holes appearing on his body, blood gushing from them. "Jotaro!"

"Impossible... I couldn't see it. What the hell did he shoot at me and how did the hell did he-?" Jotaro said but was interrupted by the enemy's laughter. "Yeeehahahahaha! Don't even know what hit you, huh? You'll soon find out! The moment you croak that is!" Wheel of Fortune said charging forward. It sent out another attack. Polnareff and Kakyoin jumped in and tried to save Jotaro, while Hikari rushed in with Soundless Voice to form a shield, but the attack was too fast and all four were hit. "Hikari!" Nemuru gasped. "Jotaro! Polnareff! Kakyoin!" Joseph said.

"God damn! What the hell is this?! The wounds aren't deep, but they sting like hell!" Polnareff said. "I can't see it at all! I thought the car threw something at us, but there's nothing inside our wounds! What the hell is going on here!?" Kakyoin shouted.

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