Chapter 30: Death Thirteen part 3

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Eventually, Hikari had taken the liberty in making dinner for everyone. Joseph and Polnareff were greatly enjoying Hikari's cooking and while she and Jotaro had already eaten their fill, the sapphire-eyed girl glances worriedly at the other two, they hadn't even touched their food. She was beginning to worry about their health. Hikari was in the process of making food for the baby when she spotted Jotaro off to the side, staring off at the distance.

Now feeling worried for him, Hikari asked Joseph if he could handle the rest while she checks on Jotaro. Joseph nodded and took the mini pot and wooden spoon from her hands, and she walked over to Jotaro, who was lost in thought. 'So this is Saudi Arabia. About 8800 kilometres from Japan.' Jotaro thought to himself. He then looked up to the scatters of stardust in the night sky. 'And it's been around four weeks since we began our journey. If we don't hurry, we'll be in serious trouble.' Jotaro turned around and saw Hikari jumping away in surprise.

"Oh JoJo..." Hikari said. Jotaro's eyes soften on her and walked towards her. "Are you alright?" They asked in unison. They blinked in mild surprise. "Sorry, you can go first." They said in unison again. "Okay, now you can go." And again. "Stop it!" And again. They looked at each other for a moment before laughing. Ooh, they hadn't done that in years. "Alright, fine. Are you alright?" Jotaro asked her. "Hm? Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask honey?" Hikari said.

"I'm worried that the Old Man might've put out too much pressure on you to make that shield on the plane earlier." Jotaro said, still feeling a little pissed at his grandfather for that. Hikari shook her head and said, "Oh no, don't worry about that, I'm okay. Mr. Joestar meant no harm in that, it was already a stressful moment to begin with. And besides, he had already apologised for that and I had forgiven him." She walked over and held his hand. "So there's no problem." Hikari said, smiling.

Jotaro looked and her before letting out a small chuckle. "You're such a little angel." He said under his breath with a smile. "Huh?" Hikari went. She didn't quite catch that. Jotaro shook his head. "It's nothing, come on." He said as he took hold of her hand and began walking back to the campsite. Hikari gave Jotaro a smile and a gentle squeeze before going back to the baby's food. Looks like Jotaro was feeling just fine.

When the tall delinquent sat down, he glanced over at his fellow schoolmates. They looked like hell. 'Kakyoin... Nemuru...' There was definitely going on with them. But what? "Hey Jotaro. What do you think is up with those two?" Polnareff asked. "First Kakyoin nearly kills us in his sleep, now they're both look like they're coming apart at the seams. They even went after the baby. Something's just not right. If you ask me, they're at their wits-end. I hate to say it, I really do, but we may have to send them packing."

The baby peeked out from his basket as he stares in glee over Kakyoin's and Nemuru's predicament. He was greatly enjoying watching them slip into insanity. He chuckled in his thoughts as he smiled. 'For a second there, I thought they had actually figured me out. But now the poor louse and the queen bitch are half-doubting themselves. To top things off, we're in the middle of the desert. All I have to do is wait until they fall asleep. If there's no one to wake them up.....hahahaha..'

"Something smells good. What kind of food is that?" Polnareff asked, interested by what Hikari was cooking this time. "This is baby food, a tiny recipe from my grandmother on my father's side. It's a tasty combination of milk, egg yolks, bananas, and bread all stewed together." Hikari said as she picked up a small portion and lifted the spoon to Polnareff. "Would you like to try some?" She asked. Polnareff took a bite and swallowed. He then got a big smile as shouted in glee, "Wow!! This is flat out amazing! Give me more!"

Polnareff took the pot and spoon away from Hikari and shovelling the food down his throat. He got about three spoonfuls before the spoon was snatched out of his hands. Hikari let out a laugh as she said, "Mr. Polnareff, stop it. this isn't for you, hahaha!"

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