Chapter 40: Anubis part 1

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The hospital was rather quiet as Polnareff, Jotaro, Hikari, Nemuru, and Joseph went to visit Kakyoin and Avdol. Avdol was being released today but the same couldn't be said for Kakyoin. As the conversation ensues, Nemuru couldn't stop looking at Kakyoin with eyes filled with guilt and worry. Though she was grateful that his injuries weren't as serious as they had thought, she kind of hide in the back. But kept her eyes solely locked on him.  "Have your injuries improved any Avdol?" Kakyoin asked. "Hikari, are you feeling well enough to go?"

"They have. As relieved as I am, I'm even more relieved to know that you and Hikari are alright." Avdol says with a smile. Unfortunately, Kakyoin wouldn't be able to see as he has bandages wrapped tightly around his eyes. "Oh, please don't worry about me. I'm fine. What's even more important is that your injuries are fortunately healable." Hikari says as she placed a hand on her heart. "Yes, well, I'm fortunate there was no significant damage to my cornea. I'm expected to make a full recovery." Kakyoin says.

"Ah, thank goodness." Nemuru softly says to herself. Unaware that Hikari had curiously looked her way, having heard her words. Hikari said nothing but smiled all the same. "This takes me back to middle school. During, what should've been an ordinary game, one of my classmates took a baseball in the eye. He was good as new the next day and, as it turned out, his eye had only lost a bit of fluid." Kakyoin says, recalling his old school days. He couldn't forget that day even if he tried.

"Wait, are you serious!" "No...!" Polnareff and Joseph said in disbelief and near disgust.

"Hikari, don't worry about having to heal me. I'll get these bandages off in no time and I'll catch up with you in a few days." Kakyoin said, promising his friends. Nemuru felt something hitting her. "In 800 kilometres are Cairo and Dio. Everyone, you must remain vigilant." Despite having promised that he would meet up with them once he was healed but that still didn't mean they weren't going to miss him. They left his room, after giving their voices of getting well soon, Hikari looked back and noticed Nemuru lingering at his door.

"Nemuru? Are you okay?" Hikari asked her, walking up to her side. Nemuru looked through the window, gazing at dark-red haired teen before turning to her best friend. Without even thinking, she said, "I'm gonna stay here with him until he recovers." Once she had acknowledged what she had said, and seeing Hikari's face lit up, Nemuru's face burned up and cleared her throat. "I-I mean, I owe him one for saving me! And since there's still enemies after us, I need to make sure that they don't come around here to attack him that's all."

Hikari continued to smile and giggled while Nemuru kept on getting redder and redder. "Shut up! I'm not staying here because I like him!"

"If you don't like him then why are you staying here?" Hikari asked innocently with a smile.

"B-because, I-... I...I'm doing him a damn favour." Nemuru said defensively. She then growled and began shoving Hikari back towards the others. "Shut up and go!" Hikari giggled before leaving the dark-purple haired girl in the hallway. Once she arrived back with the rest of the Crusaders, she explained to them about Nemuru's decision to stay and keep watch on Kakyoin.

As the group paid for the hospital bill a group of nurses had gathered outside admiring Iggy. Who was just sitting there chewing his gum as the women huddle around and gushed over him. "And here I thought Iggy was waiting for us outside." Avdol said.

"Good grief."

"Looks like he's a hit with the ladies." Polnareff said in annoyance as he went outside to set the women straight and let them know that Iggy hated people but things ended up with Iggy jumping on his face and getting a face full of Iggy farts. Much to the amusement of the ladies. "Such a cutie!" "You get along so well!"

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