Chapter 53: The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 2

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'He who reads this carving and turn back shall....' Avdol was suddenly filled with fear and adrenaline when he moved his hand to read the rest of the message. It stated that they will die shortly. Hikari suddenly stopped in her tracks when and tightly gripped at her chest. She shook uncontrollably as if she were splashed with cold water. It was that feeling again. That...thing! It was here! Right behind them!! Right behind-!

'The flames don't sense a thing...and Iggy hasn't picked up on anything either.' Avdol slowly turned his head and was shocked to see the Executionator Stand hovering right behind him. 'My God! What IS that abomination?! Impossible! Neither my flames nor Iggy could sense it! Where did it come from?!' Avdol had no time to think. No time to breath. His body had just reacted. "POLNAREFF, IGGY, HIKARI, YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!"

"MR. AVDOL!!!"

The moment Avdol shoved his friends to the ground a bright white light suddenly flashed out. Engulfing the room in its blinding light. Along with a very haunting sound. Polnareff and Iggy were thrown across the room, bewildered at what just happened Polnareff sat up. He was about to ask what happened, only for his eyes to widen in shock when he only sees a torn clump of Avdol's overcoat and his severed arm, and that both he and Hikari missing. "Hey, where are you, Avdol?! Hikari?! The hell?! Wha-what was that thing?! Where did it-?!" Polnareff shouted.

Everything happened way too fast for him to even process it. That...thing...! He only caught a glimpse of it but he had no idea what it was. But what made him panic the most was, not only the thing he thought he saw which he was sure was lurking around somewhere but the fact that he couldn't see his friends anywhere. The torn fabric of Avdol's overcoat and arm and Hikari vanishing into thin air sent Polnareff into a panic. "Hey! Avdol! Where did you go?! Avdol! Hikari! Where are you?! AVDOL!! COME OUT AVDOL!! HIKARI, SAY SOMETHING!!!" He screamed and cried out for his friends but he received no response.

What did responded to him was a portal to a void-like dimension, appeared before him. Cream appeared from the portal, bringing out its upper body out from its mouth. Just seeing the horrific beast sent Polnareff into even more of a panic. "What the hell is that thing?!" He shouts. "Where did it come from?! Weren't Avdol's flame supposed to be able to sense anything?! Hey, Iggy! Couldn't your nose pick up on this thing?! Answer me!!" Iggy couldn't even look at him. Iggy breathed heavily as he was just as terrified by Cream's presence as Polnareff was.

"Avdol! Hikari! Where are you?!" Polnareff shouted. "Where the hell you'd go?!" Cream got its arms out and grabbed hold of Avdol's severed arm. Cool Ice's voice echoed through the void as he told the Frenchman. "Avdol...has been reduced to nothingness." He says as he picks up Avdol's arm. "Beyond my jaws lies an endless void. A dark dimension which harbours things even I do not fully comprehend. The girl has no doubt run off, leaving you behind. Your ally is dead, but fret not as you will soon join him. You are arrogant enough to believe you could defeat Lord Dio. Therefore you must be punished." Cool Ice says as Cream devours Avdol's arm.

Polnareff's eyes widen in shock and fear from Cool Ice's words and seeing the Vampire himself appearing withing Cream's mouth. "One by one, each of you shall fall in line as I scattered your atomic fragments across the deepest recesses of the void." He declared. Iggy stared at both Stand and user in complete fear. Now that he was seeing him, Iggy knew that the man is dangerous and pure bloodthirsty.

"No, you're lying. It's impossible...! There's no way you killed Avdol...! There's no way Hikari would ever leave a person behind...! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME?!?!" Polnareff shouts in anger as he prepares to fight Vanilla Ice. An enraged Polnareff sends out Silver Chariot to attack Cool Ice, the shining knight appearing right behind the executioner Stand, catching Cool Ice off guard. 'Wh-what?! I never would've imagine Polnareff's Stand could attack this swiftly from so far away! An amazing feat to be sure.' Cool Ice thought.

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