Chapter 4: Enter Noriaki Kakyoin. The first enemy. Part 1

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At the Kujo household, Hikari was currently helping Holly make dinner for everyone. As nice as it was to make dinner, she knew this was just something to distract them both from thinking back on what Joseph had explained to them. Still, Hikari loved to help out her friends anyway she can. As long as Holly's able to smile at the end of the day, then all is good. Even with these Stands around them. Wait, speaking of Stands. "Mrs. Kujo? May I ask you something?" She said.

"Of course, what is it dear?"

" know how we're able to see these Stands, right?"


"Well, the others and I are able to see them because we have our own. But then again, why don't you have a Stand of your own?" Hikari asked. Holly thought about it for a moment. Joseph told them that because of Dio's revival, it awaken their powers through Johnathan's body. Not coming up with much of answer, Holly told her, "I'm not entirely sure, I guess that power skipped me."

Hikari nodded. It was good of answer as anyone else would give. Besides, this was all new territory and they're just learning about this now. Oh well, it's probably not much to worry about. Holly later told her that she could handle the rest here and go set the table, which she complied. When it was all set up, Hikari walked over to Jotaro's room to tell him that dinner was just about ready. She knocked on his door and said, "JoJo? Dinner's ready. Are you hungry?"

Jotaro didn't open the door, but he told her, "I'm not in the mood." Hikari was a bit disappointed, but she understood. Jotaro need more time to process what's been going on these past few days. Especially, since he just left his jail cell that same day. Hikari told him through the door that she was going to bring food for him anyway just in case he needed it. She went back to the kitchen, picked up a tray, and prepared a meal for him. Before she left, she asked Holly if she could tell Joseph and Avdol that she'll be staying with Jotaro for a while. Holly nodded, confirming that she will. Hikari made her way back to his room and knocked before she let herself in. "JoJo?" She found him lying in his bed on his side. With his back facing her. Hikari closed the door behind her and said, "I know you said you weren't in the mood, but you're going to be hungry eventually, so I'll leave here for you." She placed the tray on top of his desk and waiting for him to respond. He didn't. He didn't turn to look at her either. Hikari felt sadden by this, but she still tried. She sat down beside him and told him, "I understand that this is a lot to take in one day. No one can really take it in stride...but JoJo, please know you're not alone in this. I'm sure things are going to be fine. "

"Hmph." Was all he said. Hikari smiled. At least he spoke to her. Kind of. Though she hoped she wasn't being to pushy, just to get him to talk to her. Deciding to leave with his thoughts, she got up and began to walk away. "Have a good night's sleep dear." Hikari told him. She was about to turn the doorknob when she heard, "Show me your Stand." Hikari turned and found him looking at her with an unreadable expression. She was slightly surprise at his request, but then again, it was only fair. She'd seen his, Joseph, and Avdol's Stands, so it's only natural he'd be curious about hers. Jotaro got up and walked over to her. "I want you to show me your Stand."

She did what he asked and summoned her Stand before him. Something she hadn't done in a long time. Jotaro took in the sight of Soundless Voice. She looked beautiful and had some potential. Yet, he had a feeling that this one wasn't fully capable of combat. "What's the reason why you kept it secret?" He asked. Hikari hung her head in shame. "I didn't want to. I wanted to tell you, but...I accidently hurt a few people. Badly. And well..." She trailed off.

"You were scared of it." Jotaro finished.


"Hmph. Well, that doesn't matter anyway." He said as he placed his hand on top of her head. "Try not to be scared anymore, alright?" Hikari looked him in the eyes. She gave him a bright smile and nodded. "Alright." Yeah, things are going just fine for sure. The next day, the two teens got up early and got ready for school. Hikari was the first to step out of the house, as she looked up at the sky. "It's a beautiful morning, isn't it JoJo?" She said.

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