Chapter Three: What They Really Are

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Alexis Loy's P.O.V

All of the sudden there was a crash noise not too far from us.

"Let's go check it out," Alexis suggested.

"How about we don't," I replied.

"Don't be scared. Live a little."

"I'm not scared!"

"Then c'mon." she grabbed arm and pulled me with her.

What we saw was the most unbelievable thing. We saw a werewolf on top of trashcans. That must've been the noise. We also saw four figures near the werewolf.

"Come on , Zayn, before someone sees us." said one of the figures.

"Wait, I smell mortal blood near us." said another.

They turned towards us but we hid from them.

"We know your there." said one of them.

Me and Alexis slowly walked from our hiding place to see the boys but Zayn. For some reason the werewolf just sat there next to them.

"Y-y-you guys are..." I started.

"Supernatural." Alexis finished.

"Yes we are." said the werewolf.

It turned into a figure which was Zayn. Me and Alexis were shocked in fear. We couldn't move.

"I'm a vampire. Niall is an angel, Louis is a demon. Zayn is a werewolf, as you saw, and Liam is a fallen angel." Harry explained.

"H-how?" Alexis asked.

"I was bit by a werewolf, Niall was given a second chance but as an angel, Louis was born like that, Liam was like Niall but kissed a mortal and became the way he is now, and Harry was bitten by a vampire." Zayn explained.

"I'm shocked." I said.

"Well, since you saw what we really are, you can't go home." Niall said.

"What?!" Alexis said.

"But I have to stay with my brother." I said.

"Well, you have to put your old life behind you." Liam said.

"Fine, lets get going." Alexis said with tued.

We got into their tour bus and sat down.

"You guys may seem nice and sweet on the outside but you guys are monsters in the inside." I snapped.

That got Zayn tensed up, i bet he wants to slap me right now.

"If you want to slap me then just do it!" I snapped at Zayn once again.

"I'm not going to slap you, Lexis." he said.

"Don't call me by my nickname, call me by my real name, Alexis."

"So, you and Alexis have the same first name?" Liam said.

"Shut the hell up." I snapped.

"Lexis, calm down a little." Alexis said.


When Alexis tries to calm me down, it usually works. But when I am super ticked off there is no going back.

"You really listen to her when she tells you to?" Niall said.

"Yeah, because she is my BFF." I said.

"Can I talk to you Alexis." Harry asked.

"Sure." she said.

Alexis Childers' P.O.V

"Can I talk to you Alexis." Harry asked.

"Sure." I said.

I followed Harry into another room.

"What do you want to talk about?" I said.

"About earlier when we met." he said. "The reason why I didn't want to talk to you that much or make eye contact with you is because, when I am in love with a mortal, I want them to be like me so the only was to control it is by not talking to them or not looking at them."

I was shocked at what his word were.

"Your saying that y-you love me?"

"Yeah, when I winked on stage near you, I was winking at you."

Alexis Loy's P.O.V

I just sat there is silence annoyed by the boys. They said we can't go home to our family. I bet every fan would want to live with these guys but if you knew what they really are, they wouldn't want to.

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