two (edited)

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i'm here for you

shane's pov

we all started to walk to my house, as i noticed that ryland was staying very quiet. he seemed nervous and uncomfortable, which i could understand because today was his first day at a new school, even a new state, but also he hasn't really talked to my friends.

"he's pretty really quiet all day, shane. that's not normal for our group." lisa whispered into my ear, as i just rolled my eyes at her words. 

she was cute, but sometimes annoying. [i love lisa, do not come for me danG]

"he's new around here of course he's going to keep quiet. give him some time, alright?" i replied, as lisa rolled her eyes back at me, and grabbed onto daniel's hand, as he just flinched at her touch. 

now, i know i haven't been in any type of relationship but i'm pretty sure that isn't normal. i ignored it, it was any of my business, and just scrolled through instagram the whole time. we finally reached my house, and everyone went inside. my mother greeted everyone and her eyes widened when she saw ryland. i guess she actually didn't think i would listen to her orders. 

"you're the new neighbor! it's so nice to meet you! was shane nice to you?" my mother asked, as i scoffed, and crossed my arms. it wasn't like i was going to beat him or anything, he's too cute and adorable for that. 

...i'm acting weird. 

"he was very nice actually. i didn't think i was going to make friends here." ryland replied, as he shifted his backpack on his shoulders, and smiled. 

"aw. you're a very handsome young man. there will be a lucky lady waiting for you."  my mother said with a soft smile, as ryland then looked very uncomfortable after my mother said that, but he just nodded and gave a weak smile.

he's good looking guy. i wouldn't be surprised if even guys like him. i then grabbed ryland's arm and told my mother we were going upstairs. when we reached my room, joey and daniel had already started to play with the xbox, and lisa was doing gabbie's makeup. i then noticed i was still holding onto ryland's arm, so i kindly dropped it. 

"yeah. i was about to say something about that" ryland chuckle, causing me to laugh in return and he just stared with a smile on his face. 

"what do you wanna do?" i asked, wanting for him to be comfortable. "we could do homework, or watch a movie, play games, whatever really."

"i kind of wanna see your dog, if i'm being honest. i heard him bark literally all night." he laughed, as i then waved for him to follow me. 

we both we downstairs, as i took him to the back door and opened it up for him. we stepped outside and uno came running around the corner. he jumped onto ryland, causing him to tumble over and hit the grass below him. uno started to lick his face, as ryland was just laughing.

i couldn't help but smile at the cuteness that was happening, it was all just too beautiful. uno had never really jumped onto someone like that, so it was a very different approach that i thought it would be. if it were another person, he would bark until the other person was freaked out, and go back inside.

i sat down on the grass and pulled uno off of ryland. i then handed uno his favorite chew toy and he sat down in front of ryland and i. the sun was starting to beam less, as i looked over at ryland and he was petting uno's fur and laid him head on his head. i couldn't help but smile at the sight. 

"he's really cute" ryland said, smiling, continuing to pet uno. 

" but he's not as cute as me though, right?" i joked, as ryland just shrugged and then laughed. 

"i prefer the dog." he admitted with a straight face, causing me to gasp, and sending ryland into a fit of laughter. 

"uno will never be as cute as me! you're so lying!" I argued playfully, slapping his arm slightly as ryland just smiled. 

he rolled his eyes, and started to pet uno once again. "i would never lie to you, shaney" he spoke, the name rolling off his tongue. 

shaney? that's a new one. 

"shaney?" I asked, tilting my head, it was new feel.

 "i thought it was cute little nickname" ryland said softly, almost as if he was scared that there was a possibility that he had upset me, but i was far from that. 

"no one has ever given me a nickname. i like it" i responded, which ryland smiled and looked forward. he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. there was probably something bothering him. 

"are you alright?" i asked, concerned over him, as now i was the one scared that maybe i made him uncomfortable.

 "i'm fine. just a little homesick, which is normal. i miss all my friends, because they understood me in any way" he explained, as i felt bad for him. he lost all his friends back home, and now he thinks no one will understand him.

but i'm here now for him.

"hey, listen, i'll always be here for you. don't worry, you can tell me anything, and i'll totally understand" I stated, kindly, as he smiled and looked at me with a little glow in his eyes. 

god, he's breathtaking.

"your eyes are so beautiful" i said with then noticing what just came out of my mouth, and instantly regretted it afterwards. 

ryland noticed that i was freaking out, and started laughing. "thank you. you don't need to freak out you dork" he smiled, calming me down, luckily ryland didn't take it weirdly. 

"why are you freaking out anyways? it was just a compliment." ryland asked, i didn't really want to talk about this topic, but i guess since we are both straight it wouldn't be weird. 

"my father doesn't really accept gay people, and i don't want him to think i'm gay. even when he isn't around i still get scared" I confessed, as ryland just stared at me blankly. 

"what does he have against gay people? it's not like we are different from straight people!" He shouted, his face getting slightly red. "we just have different likes, and there's nothing wrong with that."


"you said we, don't you mean they?" i asked, which caused ryland to go pale as his looks now looked terrified. 

"do you not like gays either?" he asked, scared nor making any eye contact, which now i put two and two together, but i didn't want to assume, i rather he'd tell me himself if it's true.

"no. why do you ask?" i asked, as he then looked at me and he had a little tear roll down his eyes. 

"will you think differently of me?" ryland asked, trying to hold in tears, as i shook my head, and scooted closer to him, putting my arm around him and he leaned his head on my shoulder. he then looked up at me and let out a heavy sigh. 

"i'm gay" ryland stated, confidently. my heart stopped for a second, as i was glad he told me, i was glad that he was able to trust me. 

"it's okay, ryland. i'm totally okay with you being gay. you will be the same ryland that i met earlier today" i responded, wrapping my arms around his waist as he leaned his head into my chest. 

we sat in a comfortable silence, as ryland's crying died down. the only thing we listened to was the wind softly blowing past us, as we enjoyed each other's company in one another's arm. or at least that was until we heard lisa yell from inside the house.  

"daniel! how could you?! you're suppose to be with me, and not...this! " she yelled at the top of her lungs. 

ryland and i jumped up, and ran inside the house and up the stairs. i turned the corner to see daniel and joey in the bathroom together, holding hands.


a/n: i'm not really proud of this chapter really. i felt like i was missing something, but i don't know. thank you for all the nice comments last chapter :)

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