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-Shane's POV-

"Shane, You're going to be late if you don't get up" My mother said from her bathroom. "Do I have to go to school?" I asked. She came into my room, and sat down on my bed. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" My mother said, as she felt my head. "No, but I really don't wanna go" I said. "Fine. Only today though" My mother agreed.

She gave me a kiss on the head, and left for work. I was flipping through channels on the TV when the doorbell rang. I groaned, and went downstairs. I opened up the door, and there was Ryland just standing there. "What are you doing here? Hasn't school started?" I asked. Ryland then pushed me out the way, and sat down on the couch.

I raised an eyebrow at him, and closed the door. "You usually leave earlier than this, so I came to see what's up with you" Ryland said. I sat down right next to him, and he then looked at me. "The bags under your eyes are really red" He said. "Oh. I couldn't sleep last night" I said. I couldn't tell him the actual truth. 

"You looked pretty fucked up" He said. I rolled my eyes, and laid down on the couch. He laughed, and then laid down facing me. I put my arm around him, and pulled him closer. So much for letting go of him. He then put his arm around me, and laid his head in my chest. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "Go ahead" I said. He sighed, and grabbed a hold of my hand. 

"In what way do you love me?" He asked. I knew the answer I should say , but I didn't say it. "A friend. A best friend actually" I answered. He let out another sigh, and nodded. We just laid there until we both fell asleep in each others arms.


"Shane. Shane, Wake up" Ryland said, slightly pushing me at every word. I groaned, and opened my eyes. He threw some clothes at me, and told me to put them on. I looked at the time on the oven at it was 12:10. We must have really liked each others arms to have slept that long. Ryland looked away, and I laughed. "We're all boys here, Ry." I said. He shook his head, and put on the clothes. 

"You can turn around now" I said. He did, and then smiled at my appearance. "I wanna go walk the beach" He said. I left a little note for my mother saying I left to the beach. We then went outside, and I got in the driver's seat of the car. I started up the car, and pulled out of the driveway. 

"Who's car is this?" Ryland asked. "It's my fathers. He really doesn't care if I take it sometimes" I said. He then turned on the radio, and started to sing along to every song that came on. I thought it was pretty cute the way he sang. I kept looking at him in the corner of my eye, and he would always catch me.

We arrived at the beach, and surprisingly not much people were there. I parked the car, and Ryland ran out into the sand. I giggled to myself, and followed him. He sat down to roll up his pants, and I did the same to mine. He looked over at me, and leaned his shoulder down on me. 

"I get you're trying to be cute right now, but I low-key want to go in that water" I said, as I got up. Ryland giggled, and got up along with me. We both went in, and Ryland splashed water on me. "You're going to regret that Adams" I said. I stepped closer to him, and pushed him into water. He screamed, and was now all drenched in water. "Be lucky I have a towels in the car" I said. He narrowed his eyes at me, and then threw muddy sand at my face. 

"Ryland!" I shouted. "You deserved that!" He shouted right back. I then started to wash my face with the water. Ryland was smirking the whole entire time. "I could take that walk now" I said. We walked out the water, and onto the sand. "What's up in your world?" Ryland asked. "Well, My father doesn't want me anywhere around you" I said. Ryland laughed, and just raised an eyebrow.

"Yet, you're here with me right now" He said. "Well yeah. My father isn't here" I said. Ryland scratched the back of his neck, and sighed. "Why the hell does your father not like me" He asked. "For starters, You're gay and he doesn't want me to like you or for you to change me" I said. "Okay, I can't really change you. You just kind of fall for the person, and you have to accept it" Ryland said. 

We talked, and walked for several more hours. I looked at my watch, and it was 6:45. "I'm actually getting tired. Do you wanna go sit on the rock up there?" Ryland asked, as he pointed towards the rock. I nodded, and we made our way towards it. We climbed it, and sat at the very top. I pulled him close, and held my arm around him. 

He then again leaned his head on my shoulder, and chuckled to himself. "What are you laughing about?" I asked. "This. You are just here holding me, and I'm casually leaning on your shoulder. Yet we are only 'best friends'" He explained. I stared off into the distance, and he just kept looking at me waiting for my response. "Fine. I do like you, but I can't be with you" I explained, still not looking at him. 

He then put his hand under my chin, and made me face him. He was smiling, so I smiled back. "That's all I need. I don't care if you can't be with me for now. As long as you feel something for me, then I'm okay with that" He said. I smiled at him, and put his arm around my neck. He pulled me closer to him, and we were both leaning into each other. 

I then decided to have some fun, and I kissed his cheek. I got up, and started making my way down the rock. Ryland then followed me, and we then both got down the rock. "Can I have my real kiss now" He asked politely. I shook my head, and started to run away from him. 

"Shane! You're such a little butthole!" Ryland yelled out, as he started to run after me. We ran for a while, until I gave up and turned around. He then jumped onto me, and we fell backwards. We laughed, and Ryland lifted himself up off of me. We stared at each other, and just smiled like dorks. He leaned down, and our lips collided. 

My eyes fluttered close. All I could think about was the kiss. That this kiss wasn't wrong at all like it was with Lisa. I was told this was wrong, but it didn't feel at all like that. It felt perfectly right, and I didn't understand what part of it could even be potentially wrong. We pulled away from each other, and Ryland just smiled. 

"Can you spend the night?" He asked. "Sure. I don't see why not" I said. Ryland then got off of me, and helped me up. We walked back to the car, and got inside. The whole car ride we held hands, and sang along to music. 


a/n: i don't know if i want to make the next part a smut or just them being cute... so be prepared for something...

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