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-Shane's POV-

I walked into science then sat in my seat. Joey wasn't there yet since he wasn't sitting there in the empty chair that was next to me. Everyone was either talking or on their phone so no one was really paying any attention to my face.

The bell had rang for classes to start, and the teacher stood up from his desk. I immediately zoned him out. His words were meaningless at this point. He continued to talk for more minutes then the door opened. I didn't even glance at it, not really caring who came in.

Whoever it was sat next to me. In the corner of my eye, I could tell it wasn't Joey. He had dirty blondish hair, and had some round circled glasses. I didn't get a good view of him but he ended up opening his mouth.

"I'm Garrett. What's your name?" He said so calm, like nothing bad could happen in this world.

"Shane" I responded quickly.

"Can I maybe like see your face?" He politely asked.

"No, You can not" I stated sharply to him.

He stayed quiet after that. I looked back at him with the corner of my eye. He looked sad at my response to him, but I wasn't in the mood to tell a random stranger about everything. I did feel bad though. He just wanted to see me, and I was being an asshole.

For some reason I felt like he didn't deserve that. He had such a calming voice that was so relaxing to me. I took another peek at him, and he took a little peek back at me. We shared a little smile with each other along with some giggles.

(you always gotta have those giggles :) )

I then resumed my attention to my teacher who was talking about blood for some damn reason that I don't know about. I got lost in time, and the bell suddenly rang. I got my things together, and headed out the door. But of course, Garrett wasn't going to give up.

"Please?" Garrett whimpered, while pulling my shoulder back.

I knew I couldn't tell him no now. I just sighed, and turned around quickly. He stared at my bruise on my eye, and frowned. He then came closer, and lightly kissed my eye. I instantly blushed, and smiled. 

"I still like your face anyways.."  He said, pulling his hand off my shoulder.

"Uh, I have a boyfriend mister" I sassed back but playfully, crossing my arms.

He let out a little laugh, and nodded. His laugh let alone made me bring a smile to my face. He then put his hands in the air like a cop had a gun pointing to him.

"Well I'm so sorry" Garrett said in a playful manner, putting his hand over his heart "I just want to give a little compliment."

"I know. I was just joking with you. Thank you for that" I said nicely. 

He quickly nodded, putting his hands in his pocket. We walked out the school, and my friends were standing there waiting for me. This motioned me towards them, and I just put a finger up telling them to hold on.

"Those are your friends?" Garrett asked.

"Yeah, my boyfriend would be there but he stayed home today" I said.

I then heard footsteps making there way over to us. I turned, and saw Joey. I rolled my eyes at him, making him stop. I heard him then huff and continued to walk again.

"Come on! Ryland needs to see your face!" Joey yelled out.

"Okay, Can you not fucking yell?" I questioned him, rolling my eyes. "Why weren't you in science class either?"

"I was in Math class finishing up the math test, and Mr. Barns didn't care since I had a good grade and could catch up tomorrow" He explained.

"Whatever. At least you let me meet Garrett. Garrett, This is Joey. Joey, This is Garrett" I said, motioning my hands with who I was talking about.

"So when we aren't around you go on to other guys? That's pretty fucked up don't you think?" Joey questioned sarcastically. "Can we go now?"

I groaned, and said my goodbyes to Garrett. He then again secretly kissed my eye so where Joey wouldn't see it. He walked away, and I slowly turned around to Joey looking through something in his book.




"Shane. You're literally staring off into the distance. Let's go. Ryland has literally sent me the twenty-sixth text to come over already" Joey said.

I quickly nodded, and walked with all of my friends. They were all laughing while I was lost up in my thoughts once again.



a/n: garrett, stay in your lane... im jk.... sharrett? :)

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