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Shane's POV

Ryland and I slept in the same bed that night. He held me close and tight just like I liked it. He wanted to make it up to me today, but I was scared for the outcome. He could either fuck it all up or fix the things like the both of us wanted. I just wanted to be the only boy in the world to him.

I felt the light shine through the window, making my eyes squint at the brightness of the sun. I squirmed around before turning on my left side to face Ryland. His eyes were open and they were examining my own face. He then leaned in a placed a peck on my lips. 

"Good morning, sunshine" He spoke, pulling his body closer to mine. 

"Morning, Ry" I said, sounding more tired than I actually was.

"Get up, we have things to do today" He said before jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. 

I laughed as I got up to go to my room. I freshened myself up with a shower, and got dressed for the day. I wondered the one time what Ryland would do to make it up to me. Once I finished up, I smelt something coming from the kitchen. 

I headed down the stairs, and saw Ryland. He was cooking breakfast while my parents were just sitting there at the dining table drinking coffee. I greeted them both with hugs before making my way to Ryland. He flipped a pancake and then continued to work on the other food on the stove.

"I've never seen you cook breakfast" I said, taking a piece of bacon off the plate.

"I cook breakfast, but I'm just too lazy to get up."  He joked. "But today's special, so I thought why not"

"So you're going to only cook breakfast if you decide not to be lazy or when it's a special timing?" I questioned.

"Oh, for you I would cook everyday if you wanted me too. Just not for other's because they're not as important" He explained.

I smirked at his response before then sitting down next to my father at the table. He was doing his daily look at the paper which I found really old school, but that's just him. Ryland then placed a plate in front of me that had a full plate of food. He then came with a glass of orange juice.

He then served my parents and sat down next to my mother. We all had talked to each other, but my parents were interested in things that we going on back home in California. Ryland informed them as I watched him the whole entire time. Maybe it could go all go back to normal....


We  were cuddling on the couch with a blanket over the both of us to keep us warm. His hand was in mine, my head resting on his shoulder. We have already watched about three movies already, making this one the fourth one. I loved how we could stay so silent, but yet not get any type of bored.

"I think maybe we should head out now" He said, pushing the cover off of him and standing up.

"Where are we even going?" I asked him, standing up from the couch.

"You'll see, and you should probably bring some extra clothes just in case" He said with a smirk on his face.

I ran upstairs and slipped on some shoes that we by my bedroom door. I grabbed my old backpack, stuffing some an extra pair in clothes in there before heading back downstairs. Ryland was ready to go by the front door.

"How are we going to get th-" I was saying before I was interrupted by him dangling my father's keys in front of my eyes.

I laughed at him as we then went outside and got into the car. He turned on the radio to use it as something in the background. He drove the car as I just stared out at the window to the view outside of the car. The sun was still up, and the sky was still a perfect blue. 

We arrived maybe an half an hour later, and he parked the car. I stepped out as I looked out in the view in front of me. There was amusement rides and stands where you could play games at. I turned and a wooden staircase that lead you to the beach.

"Tell me how you thought of a boardwalk?" I said with a smile.

"The beach was where our first kiss was, and the carnival was where we had our first memorable memories together" He explained. "A boardwalk is a perfect way to put the both of those together"

"You actually remembered those things. I'm proud of you, Ry." I joked before running to the entrance of the boardwalk. 

He ran in after me, and laced our hands together. We went to literally every single ride and stand that you could go to. It took us about an hour or two, but it was way worth it. The sun was then starting to set, catching both Ryland's and I eyes. 

We walked down the stairway to the beach and found a little private place to sit. We sat down on the sand, holding each other in each other's arms. The sight of the sunset calmed me, wanting me to stay in this moment forever. Ryland then looked over at me, and I turned my head to face him.

"Listen, I know I've put you through some shit but I want you to have this to know you're my only one from now on until our forever ends" He said, pulling out something in his pocket. 

He grabbed my hand and slipped it onto my finger. He then pulled my hand up to his face and kissed it before setting it back down on my lap. I smiled at him, and looked back down on the ring. It was a silver and had an engraving on the inside that said "I love you".  

"Ryland, this is beautiful. When did you even get this?" I said, not letting my smile leave my face.

"Back in California, I wanted to get you something that would remind you everyday that it's just you and only you." He responded. "So why not a promise ring?"

I smiled once again before locking my eyes with his eyes. I knew it was time to finally believe in him again. Yes, he hurt me but we can get through anything together. I leaned in quickly, placing my hand on his cheek and colliding the both of lips together.

He instantly kissed back, wrapping his arms around my waist. We shared a long, passionate kiss before pulling away to catch our breaths. Our foreheads rest against each other, our hands laces, and our smiles exchanging between each other. 

"I love you, Shaney" He whispered.

"I love you too, Ry" I whispered back to him. 

We shared another smile between each other before making our lips meet again. They moved in sync and it was so full of love. I knew deep down that everything was finally going to okay as long as he was here with me.


a/n: currently listening to sam smith because why fucking not.


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