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-Shane's POV-

note: same day as last chapter

"You did what?" Ryland questioned. I let out a sigh, and then repeated myself. "I kissed Lisa. I was just kind up caught in the moment" I said. Ryland rolled his eyes, and threw a pillow at my face. "You are really fucking stupid" Ryland said, as he got up from his bed.

"Don't be mean right now" I said, as I threw the pillow back on the bed. Ryland grabbed his jacket, and put it over his shirt. "It's freaking cold in here" He said. "Aw. Do you want me to warm you up" I asked. He looked at me, and raised his eyebrow. 

"Ew. You're so gay" He said, and gave a little smirk. I let out a little laugh, and just shook my head. "I'm not gay" I stated. "Oh. You're one hundred percent straight...okay sure" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"I don't like you right now" I said. "Oh shut the fuck up. You love me" He said with a little smile. "I'm pretty sure I don't love you. I like you" I said sarcastically. "I can take that. It's okay if you don't love me for now" He said. 


We are all Joey's house, because he wants to hang out with all of us. Of course, I had to beg Ryland to come because he wanted to stay home. "JOEY, YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT" I heard from outside. It sounded like Lisa, so I went outside and checked on them.

They were literally in each others faces just arguing. "What's going on?" I asked. "It's Joey! He keeps saying that he wouldn't be surprised if you choose Ryland over me one day!" Lisa explained. Joey groaned, and then rolled his eyes.

"No one asked for Shane and you, like get over yourself Lisa" Joey said. Lisa then slapped the hell out of Joey. Of course, Joey couldn't hit Lisa so he did the next best thing. He pushed her into the pool. Would you say I'm a bad boyfriend for wanting to laugh. 

"She deserved that" Joey said, as went inside holding his cheek. She must have slapped him really hard. I went over to the pool, and sat down on the edge. "You shouldn't have slapped him" I said. "He's an asshole anyways" She said, as she pushed her hair back.

Ryland came out with a towel, and sat next to me. "I saw him push you. I'm sorry for being mean but I laughed" He said. I helped Lisa out of the pool, and she wrapped herself in the towel. "It's whatever. I'm going to go dry off" She said, walking inside. 

"You're not mad at Joey?" he asked. "No. Why would I care?" I questioned. His eyes widened, and raised one of his eyebrows. "She's your girlfriend..." He said. "I mean he didn't hit her so I'm fine with it" I said. "You're one fucked up person" He said.

I chuckled, and looked at him. He noticed me staring at him, and stared right back. I could literally see my reflection in his eyes. My heart started to race faster and faster, and I didn't understand why. His eyes were just memorizing, and hypnotizing. 

"If you two are going to kiss just do it" Daniel said, as he came out holding Joey's hand. I let out a little laugh, and turned towards Daniel. "Where's Lisa?" I asked. "She literally left. Gabbie went to go take her home. She is so bratty" He said.

I just shrugged, and they were all confused. "Can I ask you one question?" Joey asked. I nodded, and tilted my head. "Do you like or love Lisa?" He questioned. I never really thought about it. I kissed her myself, so I had to have liked her at least. I just know if I 'love' her.

"More leaning towards like" I said. "You make no damn sense. Lisa is just going to use you" He said. I then got up, and went inside. I wasn't in the mood to be really told anything. I didn't really know why the hell I was with Lisa in all honesty. 

It felt wrong earlier today, and that's what scares me. Why the hell was it wrong to kiss her if she has been my crush for forever. I thought she was the love of my life just literally 2 weeks ago, and now that's all different.

I sat down at the bar table, and covered my face with my hands. After a couple of minutes, I heard the back door open and close. The footsteps were quiet but I could tell they were coming closer to me. I felt whoever it was sit next to me, and rub my back.

"Who are you" I asked. They chuckled, and said "Who the hell do you think it is?". It was Ryland. Of course, why wouldn't it be? I removed my hands from my face, but didn't look at him. "Are you okay? You haven't really been the same since that kiss you had earlier today" He said, with a little concern and worry in his voice.

"I don't know, Ryland. I'm just scared, because that kiss didn't feel right. Like my lips didn't belong to her" I said, letting a tear roll down my face. "Why was it wrong? Don't you like love her?" He questioned. "I did. That's all changed now, and I don't understand why!" I exclaimed. 

"When did this change?" Ryland asked, as he brought his chair closer to me and held me. "A little over a week ago" I said. "So about the time I moved here" He stated. I nodded into his chest, and he just held me tighter. "Well, You have to figure this out yourself. I can't tell you why it feels wrong, because only you know that" He said, as he pulled me out of the hug.

"Maybe actually listen to your heart, and accept who you love. I will think no different of you" He said with a little smile. His smile made my heart flutter. How could he do that if I didn't feel anything for him. He ruffled up my hair, and walked back outside. His words then started to replay in my head.

Listen to my heart?

Accept it?


Stop it.

You're not gay.

You're straight.

I like girls.

But then again there's Ryland...

Just pretend Shane.

Don't disappoint your father.


a/n: double update for you :)

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