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Ryland's POV

"Just stop, David. I'm not in the fucking mood to argue with you right now" I said annoyingly, as I packed some clothes into my luggage.

"No! You never told me about your stupid little boyfriend in New York?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?" David yelled, throwing his hands around. "You're such an asshole, and I was so good to you!"

"Oh my fucking g-, No! I cheated on him with you! He's not even my boyfriend anymore and neither are you!" I yelled out probably making my face turn a little red because of my anger.

David stayed quiet, I'm guessing he was speechless at my words. I continued to pack my things because I was leaving tomorrow. Shane's father had sent me my plane ticket earlier this week, and he told me he would pick me up. I made no eye contact with David as he was slouched down on my bed.

"How did you two break up?" He asked weakly. 

"He had a picture of us, and we argued that night. He broke up with me and I let him leave without even saying my goodbye to him" I answered. "Now I've got to go see him and fix things with him."

"D-Do you love him?" He asked me, sounding like he was a little hurt. "Was I anything to you?"

"Please don't ask these questions. I can't go through this again, can you just please leave?" I asked him. "Live you life, and just forget that we ever happened"

He looked me in the eyes, and slowly walked pass me. I kept my head down as he left my room with a quiet close of the door. I sighed and zipped up my luggage, setting it near my bedroom door. I sat down on my office chair, plopping my head down on my hands.

I was lost into my thoughts when my mother called me downstairs. I groaned and got up from my chair, exiting my room. I walked down the stairs as my mother was smiling at something in her hands. I got closer to her as she looked up to see me in front of her.

"Look what I found" She said, handing me a rectangular paper. "I cleaned out your drawer the other day and I was going through the papers just right now"

I grabbed the paper out of her hand, and turned it around. This paper wasn't just any paper, it was photos of Shane and I. The same photos that Shane and I had taken that night we decided to have a photo shoot. I felt my heart break, I couldn't look at his smile and not feel bad that I was the one causing him to hurt.

I forced a smile on my face, knowing my mother didn't know about the whole cheating scandal. She still thinks I'm with Shane and we are just doing this long distance thing while David is just a friend. My mother then handed me the bracelet Shane use to wear on his wrist, I still wear mine.

"Don't you think you should take this back to him?" She said with a smile. 

"Yeah, He's still my only one isn't he?"

Kyle's POV 

"Are you going to pick up Ryland tomorrow at the airport?" Teresa asked me.

"Yeah, He should be here around noon. That way he can spend sometime with Shane, if Shane is willing too" I explained to her.

"I'm sure he will. Deep down he knows he still loves that boy no matter what" She said.

I nodded my head to her as she continued to cook chicken. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up as it was Shane, and he looked better than earlier this week. He looked a bit sad, so I motioned him over to me. He obeyed, and sat down next to my on the couch. 

"You look sad. Why so?" I asked him, as he just shrugged for an answer.

"Come on, tell me. I'm your father and I can't help you if you don't tell me" I told him, making me give up.

"I'm sorry. You and mom didn't deserve that, and I should have been more respectful." He soft spoke. "Will you forgive me?"

"Of course, I know that you were just lost. I do understand you and everything you're going through right now" I said.

He didn't respond to me, he just continued to look at the blank television. I could tell that wasn't the reason he was sad. He just covered himself up, because he think I won't understand. I didn't want to anger him, so I let him be. He continued to sit there still before he pulled out something in his pocket.

"I found this in my hoodie earlier, I can't get it out of my head now." He whispered, letting a little tear fall from his eye.

I looked down and it was pictures of Shane and Ryland. It looked like they were in some photo booth. I looked back at Shane as he knew he had to explain for me. He sighed and then opened up his mouth to talk.

"It was the night of the carnival, he wanted to take pictures in the photo booth. I agreed with him and we took these. I was happiest boy alive at this time." He said, before looking at me and then scooted to the edge of the couch. 

"He isn't coming back to me. There's no way he would." He stated, as I was about to interfere he interrupted me. 

"I think it's maybe time for me to move on...."

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