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-Ryland's POV-

Joey, Shane, Lisa, and Gabbie all hung out at my house. Shane had to explain everything that happened to him, and it was pretty sad to me. A father shouldn't treat their child like that just because of their sexuality. 

Anyways, Lisa and Gabbie left after a couple of hours because they want to go to the mall. Joey stayed for about another hour before finally leaving. That now left only Shane and I. We decided just to cuddle and watch movies like any other couple would do.

"I don't understand this. Why does Jack have to die?" I asked, placing the blanket back over my shoulders.

"That's literally something I can't answer" Shane said while chuckling just bit.

"I mean, she could of died with him. Not freaking let him just die by himself" I testified.

"Ryland. He would want her to live on with her life, and not die like he did" He reasoned.

"That would cause so much hurt though. I could never live without you" I said, wrapping my arms around Shane's neck.

He just smiled and pecked my lips. We continued watching the rest of the movie, and cuddled together. My father came home and he smiled at Shane's presence next to me. He set down his backpack, and sat down on the recliner.

"Why are you two watching Titanic?" He asked, as he stared at the screen.

"Shane loves this movie, and I've never watched it until the end" I answered him.

My father nodded, and he turned his attention fully to Shane. Shane was into the movie, so he wasn't paying to much attention to his surrounds. My father saw his eye and raised his eyebrow. I shook my head at him and he just nodded again.

"Well, I'm going to go start dinner so when your mother comes home we can eat" He said.

I just nodded while Shane just leaned his head on my shoulder. He then grabbed my hand and placed it on his head. I raised my eyebrow at him which he sighed to since he had to explain.

"Play with my hair please?" He said so innocently, like a little boy just asked for a bedtime story.

I just smiled at him and started to play with his hair. The movie then finally ended, and looked towards Shane. His eyes were closed which was telling me he had fallen asleep. I laid him fully down on the couch, and placed the cover over him.

I made my way to my father who was in the kitchen seasoning the chicken he was about to cook. He smiled at me, and then looked over back to the living room. He then gave me a confused face.

"He fell asleep while I was playing with his hair" I answered.

"Oh alright, can I ask you something?" His asked me giving me a concerned look.

"Sure, what is it?" I said hestiantly.

"What happened with his eye? It's looks deep purple so you can tell someone hit him" My father said, leaning against the counter.

I didn't want to tell my father about Shane's father. He wouldn't want he around his house anymore. Besides, I think Shane would want everything that happened to him to be private. 

"He got in an argument with someone at school, and they took out of proportion" I replied.

My father just sighed and nodded. At least it wasn't completely a lie. Just the whole setting at school was the lie. He took it pretty well, and I went back to Shane. I crouched down next to him. I examined his face and how beautiful it is, and how peaceful it is to just look at it.

I started to trace his eye, and I frowned. I didn't want him to continue getting hurt by his own father. If he wasn't with me maybe his father wouldn't have done what he did. I couldn't help but think this is my fault. I know Shane would say it wasn't, but he's sleeping so he isn't stopping my thoughts.


It was after dinner, and Shane was up in the bedroom. It took a lot of begging for him to just walk to the room. He did it anyways, because he didn't like how the couch felt. I jumped into bed with him, and he instantly threw his body onto me. 

I smiled at his cuteness, and just wrapped my arms around him. I saw him flutter his eyes open, and just stared at me. I leaned into kiss him, and he kissed back almost instantly. We slightly pulled away from each other, and slightly chuckled.

"Please don't think this stupid black eye is your fault, because it's not" He whispered.

"How did you know I was thinking that? Are you just some mind reader?" I asked.

"Totally I just went inside your mind, and collected all your thoughts" He whispered, earning little chuckles from me. "I'm kidding, but I felt you trace my eye earlier."

"I just can't help but felt bad for you" I whispered, placing little kissed on his cheek.

"I know, but just...don't think about it anymore. It's all in the past, and I don't want this to be the only topic we talk about" He whispered.

I nodded and he just weakly smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile at his smile. His smile alone could turn your whole world to complete sunlight. I still can't process the fact that he was mine, and mine only.

"I love you so god damn much" I whispered into his ear.

"I love you so much too, Ryland. No one else is going to have my heart except for you" Shane whispered back to me.

He then grabbed my hand, and placed it over his heart. I could feel his heartbeat coming through his chest, and it made me smile. 

"As long as my heart is still beating, I promise I will always love you no matter what"


a/n: i probably won't be updating tomorrow, sorry.


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