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-Shane's POV-

"Bye Joey! See you later" Ryland shouted out, waving his hand back and fourth at Joey's car.

"Bye Ryland! Have a great time with Mr. Shane here" Joey said with as he winked. 

"Oh trust me, he will" I sassed playfully at Joey, putting my hands on my hips.

Joey laughed, and pulled out of the driveway and onto the street. Ryland turned to me, and just smiled. I bent down and grabbed his legs, and threw him over my shoulder. 

"Shane! What the hell!" Ryland squealed out as I walked up to the front door of my house.

I opened up the door with my free hand and walked inside. I set Ryland back down on his feet and he brushed himself off acting like he had something on him when he didn't. He crossed his arms and just raised his eyebrows.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" he said, uncrossing his arms and smiling.

I took his hand and guided him to the kitchen. My mother was in there cutting up some vegetables, and she looked up to see both of us. She greeted herself to Ryland and gave us both loving hugs.

We talked for a bit until my mother got a phone call from someone, so Ryland and I went to my room. He sat down on the bed and turned to my nightstand, and picked up a little camera.

"What is this?" He asked, showing it to me.

"Ryland, that's a camera. I think you should know what that is" I joked leaving Ryland to let out a little chuckle.

"Oh shut up. What do you use it for?" He asked again, messing around with buttons on the camera.

"I told you when I first met you that I'm into photography." I said. "Sadly, I kind of lost an interest in it over time, but I'm still amazing at taking pictures."

"Can we take a couple of photos together?" He begged, jumping up from the bed .

"Sure, I don't see why not" I said, taking the camera out of his hand. "But I'm taking the pictures."

We spent about an hour and a half just taking pictures. We went around the neighborhood just looking at places where it would look good to take a picture at. Hell, we even went to the beach because the beach was a 'perfect'.

We took the last photo for the night and it was a picture of us kissing with the sunset and beach in the background. We scrolled through all of them and just smiled on how cute either he was or how I was.

"I'm tired" Ryland yawned out, laying down on the sand and letting his feet play in the sand.

"It's literally only eight. You need to stop being so old, and live life a little" I joked with him, but it made him sit back up.

He sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around him only to pull him closer than he was so there would be no gap in between. He buried his feet into the sand as I watched him entertaining himself.

"I have something for you" I said, pulling out of the little hug we were in.

"Oh yeah, and what might that be?" He asked, taking glances between me and the sand.

"Close your eyes then" I said as he then obeyed me by shutting them close.

I grabbed the golden bracelet out of my pocket and put it on his wrist. I could tell he was getting a little impatient because he was jumping up and down. I then put on the black bracelet myself, and smiled at told him to open his eyes.

He at me first before looking down at his wrist. He instantly gasped, throwing his hand up to his mouth in shock. I laughed a lit bit knowing that he had loved his gift and he looked back at me. He threw himself on me, and collided our lips together.

"Shane, It's so beautiful. I love it!" He said as we slowly pulled away from each other.

"Did you read what was on the it?" I asked him, pulling him into my lap.

"Well duh, it say 'his only' and I'm guessing yours says 'his one'" He said with a little smile on his face.

"Of course it does baby. I love you so freaking much" I said, cupping both on his cheeks and colliding our lips once again. 

His lips were so soft. The way our lips moved in sync with each other had me feelings so many things. The way he would wrap his arms around my neck to keep us close. His small giggles into our kisses make me just want to marry him already.

"I truly do love you Shaney. More than words can say, and I don't know what I would do without you." He whispered.

"You will never have to know sweetheart. I'm always going to be with you, I promise" I whispered back to him.

"Never take that off..." he said to me

"Sure baby, as long as you never take off yours" I said back to him with a little smile.

He nodded, and looked back down to his bracelet. He admired it, and I loved that he could have some part of me while I was gone. He could look down at his wrist at anytime to reassure him that I love him and I'm not leaving him. My phone then buzzed.


Mom: I need you to come home, and make sure you drop Ryland off

Shane: Why mom?

Mom: Your father is back home.

Mom: He wants to talk to you...

Mom: Privately 


a/n: i have no school all week :) i'm very happy at the moment

here's a picture of the bracelets if you want to see it...

of course it isn't suppose to say her on the black one but I couldn't find one that says his so

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of course it isn't suppose to say her on the black one but I couldn't find one that says his so.

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