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-Shane's POV-

(ONE WEEK AFTER MOVING- yes huge jump cut but oh whale)

Even a week after moving, I'm still sad about leaving everyone behind. We didn't even get a chance to say goodbye since the plane was leaving at 5 in the morning. We had to hang out all night, and we said our goodbyes then.

Uno was left at the adoption shelter since I couldn't find him someone in time as I thought I would. I cried the whole day at the lost of him. I loved him so much and I couldn't even watch the workers take him away from me.

Anyways, There was one more thing that hurt me too. Ryland didn't even say goodbye. I tried talking to him the other day but he pushed me away. There was one thing that stood out to me though. His eyes had bags under them and his eyes were red, I couldn't help but feel bad.

I had to literally restrain myself from comforting him. I just wanted to grab him and wrap my arms around him, but that would be wrong due to everything that has happened between us. He simply said to 'leave him alone and to move on from him' but that's really hard when I'm still so in love with him.

He could hurt me all he wants, and I would still want him. No matter how much shit he would put me through I will still love him the exact same as I did before. I guess I'm still pretty desperate for his love. But maybe I should start listening to everyone else, and just move on.


My room was finally fully decorated. My father had bought some new furniture the other day after work. We went together and even had some bonding time. Believe it or not, he is back to his old self. He finally acts like the father I've always wanted and needed.

I looked around my room, and sighed. This was my life now. I don't really want to ever go back to Los Angeles actually. It's amazing here and I kind of love it here. Besides, this could be a chance to finally move on and not be sad anymore.

My phone had then buzzed off. I walked over to my nightstand, and reached for my phone. I plopped down on the bed as I opened up my phone. It was a message from Ryland. I rolled my eyes and turned off my phone, not even caring for what the message said.

I walked down the stairs to where my mother and father were at. My father was at the bar table working on some type of article while my mother was cooking something in the kitchen. I sat down next to my father and he smiled at me. I watched as he wrote about some political bullshit.

"Have you thought on a college to attend?" My father asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh no. I haven't really thought about it" I answer him.

"You need to find out now then. I really want you to go to a really good school honestly." He responded to me. "I could look for some for you if you want me too"

"Yeah sure I guess. That would help out a little bit." I replied to him.

He simply nodded and went back to his work. I sighed and looked back at my phone which made another message from Ryland. As I was about to open it up, my mother came around the corner and grabbed it out of my hands. She then set it the living room table.

"Hey! What was that for?" I asked her kind of annoyed.

"Dinner is ready, and I want you to be completely focused when I'm speaking to you" She answered.

I rolled my eyes as she noticed and mocked me. I chuckled at her as I sat down across my father. My mother set down both of our plates on the table and went back for hers.

As she placed her plate down and was about to sit down, the doorbell went off. I'm guessing my mother wasn't expecting anyone because she jumped at the sound.

She walked over to the door as I got up to pour myself something to drink. I heard a male and young sounding voice coming from the front door. I had a curosity of who it might be so I walked over to my mother.

"Well thank you. It was nice of you to stop b-" My mother was saying for I interrupted her.

I pulled the door open just a bit more, and there was standing a boy. He had light brown hair with the more brightest green eyes I have ever seen. He smiled at me and I could help but smile back at him. My mother moved out of the way and walked back to the kitchen.

"Hello. I'm Connor. I live just next door." He had said with still the same smile on his face.

(he's a fictional character)

"Nice to meet you Connor, I'm Shane" I said to him.

a/n: hi connor, welcome to the story. :)

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