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-Shane's POV-

I stopped replying to my mother after what I sent her. Once my father had left the house, I left myself also. For some reason I felt like I couldn't just stay there. I felt like I didn't belong in the house anymore. The way he disowned me in my own home. It didn't feel like home anymore.

I packed up a few things and left while my mother was on the phone. I didn't feel bad at all either. I knew she cared and worried for where I was, but for now I didn't know how to really feel anything else other than anger.

All I wanted to do at the time was just go. Go out and not worry about a single thing in the world. I started to let all my worries go, and just focused on the surroundings in front of me. The more and more I walked the more and more I thought less of everything. 

I ended up getting tired at a point, and ended up at a little pond. I sat down on one of the benches, trying to think about everything that was going on. I got about maybe fifteen minutes until someone sat next to me.  I turned to face them and they turned to see me. 


We sat there staring right into each other eyes. He crossed his arms and a little chuckle escaped his lips. He then looked down at his watch, raised an eyebrow, and turned to face me again.

"So, Why don't you tell me why the hell you are out and about at ten o'clock at night?" Garrett asked.

"I'll tell you why when you tell me the same thing for you" I sassed at him resulting in him to roll his eyes at me.

"I've been coming here since I was fourteen. It's kinda been my safe place ever since I came out my parents." He replied. "Now, tell me. Why are you here at ten o'clock at night?"

"My father and I had an argument about my sexuality, and I just didn't want to be home anymore." I said calmly. "I don't really want to go back either, nor do I want to drag Ryland into this"

He didn't reply to me but instead just a little sigh. I looked away from him and went back to my own thoughts. He immediately stood up from the bench and stood right in front me. I looked up at him and there was just a little smile on his face.

"Come on. You can stay at my house. We have a guest room, and I'll drive you to school tomorrow" He requested.  

I was hesitant at first. I didn't want to look like I was just a little baby but I knew I would hate to sleep outside. I got up off the bench and followed him to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. We drove to his house which was a little far from my house but I was fine with that.

We had arrived to his house and he parked his car in the driveway. The one thing that stood out to me was the huge tree in the front yard. My inner child inside of me really wanted to climb it but that's probably the wrong time to do that.

He opened the front door and I entered in the house. The house was dark so I flipped on one of the switches which turned on the hallway lights. I heard Garrett lock the door and he tapped on my shoulder and pointed down the hallway to the right.

"Your room is this way" He said with a little smile on his face.

I nodded and followed him to my room. Again, he opened the door for me and I entered in the room. I flicked the lights on and the whole room had a theme of gray and white. I threw my backpack on the bed and fell back on the bed.

"I'm guessing you are enjoying your stay here at casa Garrett" He joked.

"Oh, Most certainly I am. Could I also have some pancakes in the morning?" I joked back.

Garrett just rolled his eyes but there was a little smile on his face. 

"Are you parents okay with me staying here for tonight?" I asked him.

"Oh, Don't worry about them. They went to Texas for the week. Their travelers and I don't ever like going but I also have school so" He answered.

"Alright then. Well, goodnight" I said.

"Goodnight Shane" He said before closing the door to the guest room.

I got up off of the bed and changed into more comfortable clothes for the nighttime. I put up my phone to charge and got into bed. I put the covers all the way up to my face, and burrowed himself into them. It took me a while to fall asleep, but I did.


a/n: i'm hopeless and awkward, and desperate for love! - 3 -


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