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(this part will probably be very boring at first; sorry in advance)

-Joey's POV-

"Joey! You've got to tell Shane or I will!" Lisa shouted out as I pushed the double doors to exit the school. 

"I will! I just don't know how to! How do you go up to your best friend and be like 'Hey, your boyfriend is cheating on you with a the biggest fuckboy in school'!" I explained to her.

"You go up to Shane, and say exactly that. Although, do it a little more sympathetically" She sassed at me.

I rolled my eyes at her which made her cross her arms in response. The double doors had opened up again, and there he was. Laughing and smiling like nothing was wrong in his little world. 

"Hey Shane! What's up? How was your day? Did anything go wrong?" Lisa questioned him.

"Fine? Why are you asking me these questions?" Shane said with a little chuckle and one of his eyebrows raised.

Lisa shrugged, leaving Shane confused as hell. Garrett then pulled Shane into a hug and told him he would see him tomorrow. He whispered something into his ear, making Shane nod in response. He had then finally walked away from us.

"Do you two wanna hang out? I really don't want to go home just yet" He said in such a calming voice.

"Yeah, but we've got to talk" Lisa said almost inaudible. 

"Um, alright. Do you two wanna do then?"  He asked us, exchanging looks.

"My house. My parents are home, but they won't mind us" Lisa insisted.

Shane and I both nodded our heads at her offer. We walked over to my car and got inside. Lisa sat in the back with Shane as she never really even sat in the passenger seat anyways. We drove to my house in complete silence, listening only to the sound of the music from the radio in the background.

I pulled into Lisa's driveway and parked next to her fathers car. We all got out and she let us inside. Her mother and father were discussing something outside, only giving us a little wave to greet us. Lisa led us her movie room which had modern recliners to sit.

Shane plopped down on the one the recliners and let out a loud sigh. I sat down next to him, making a little concerned face at him. He didn't look back at me though. He put his hands into fist and rubbed his eyes like an innocent little boy.

"Are you tired or something?" Lisa asked him, flipping through channels on the big screen.

"A little bit, but I'm just kind of worried" He answered her.

"What could you possibly be worried about?" I asked him, hiding the fact that I had a reason he could be worried.

"This might sound really freaking stupid but like Ryland hasn't really talked to me today. He didn't even sit with us at lunch like he usually does, nor has he answered my messages" Shane explained to us.

Neither did I or Lisa respond to him. He grabbed out his phone and showed us his messages with Ryland. It showed that he had read them but didn't respond to them. My heart started to beat much faster in this moment.

"What's wrong Joey? You seem a little stressed" Shane asked me, sounding just a bit concerned.

You would think I could just be like 'Yes, something is wrong' but I couldn't even get anything out of my mouth. Shane stayed patient though. He kindly rubbed my back, telling me to just say what was wrong with me. Little did he know, I should be the one comforting him about this issue.

"Just please, don't be upset when I tell you" I pleaded him, making myself sound guilty. 

"I'll try not to. Just tell me" He said with a little concerned face.

I couldn't make it out into words. I handed Lisa my phone as I let her search for the picture. She then let out a little sigh before handing it to Shane. He grabbed it out her hand and his facial expression changed so quickly.

There was hurt in his eyes. You could tell he was trying so hard to hold in all the tears in him. He had received all the answers to his questions in one picture. He then handed me back my phone and rested his head in his hands.

"How the hell did you even get that fucking picture?" He asked me with his head in his hands still.

"I had to go use the restroom suddenly, and I heard something from inside. I peeked my head in and saw that. I knew I had to take a picture to show you" I explained myself. 

"I'm going to need you to send me that picture, please?" He said.

I obeyed him and he finally let his head come up. There was tears starting to form and threatening to fall. I knew he was going to find out some way. Lisa would have told him and he would have gave the same reaction.

"Shaney, I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this kind of hurt from him." Lisa said as she sat down next to him and pulled him in for a hug.

He wrapped his arms around her and let his head rest on her shoulder as he cried. She rubbed his back and let her hand run through his hair to calm him down. He still continued to cry for another couple of minutes.

He stayed there in Lisa's arms for comfort as he was still whimpering. I didn't blame him though. He was so hurt by the one person he truly loved. The one person he thought he could absolutely trust had hurt him badly.

"Please" Shane whimpered out, making Lisa and I look at him.

"Please what Shane?" Lisa asked him in a quiet voice.

"Please make it stop hurting" He whispered.

"What hurts?" Lisa asked.

"Everything. Everything hurts. Make it stop, please...." He whispered as he began to cry once again.


a/n: well, fuck.


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