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-Shane's POV-

We finally arrived to Ryland's house, and I turned off the engine. We then looked at each other until he leaned in and pecked my lips. When he pulled away, he had such a geeky smile on his face. 

"I've got to go home and get clothes really quick" I said, as I got out of the car along with Ryland. "Just wait for me inside, okay?" 

"No. I want to go with you" Ryland said as we met at the front of the car. 

"For all I know, my father could kill both of us" I explained, taking his hands into mine. "Just stay here, I'll be back."

"No! I wanna go with you" Ryland whined, taking his arms and crossing them over his chest.

I would be lying if I said he didn't look really adorable. I gave in, and I slowly unlocked the front door to my house. I opened up the door, and all the lights were turned off. I'm guessing my parents have fallen asleep.

We crept up the stairs, and we reached my bedroom. Ryland stayed behind me as I grabbed some clothes, and other things that are necessary. I put them all into a gym bag, and then motioned for Ryland to follow me.

We then crept back down the stairs, and made it back outside. I let out a heavy sigh as I locked the door. I turned around and Ryland was chuckling to himself.

"You really thought we were going to die?" Ryland said, taking my hand. "Yes. We could've died, and I don't want to lose you." I said. Ryland then looked at me, and smiled. "God, I love you" Ryland then said. 

I didn't reply. I let a big smile plaster onto my face, and I felt my cheeks get hot. He must have noticed because he giggled. I then gently squeezed his hand, and kissed his cheek. 

We came to Ryland's front door, and he opened it. His mother was on the couch with a computer in her lap. She turned to face Ryland and I, and she got a big smile on her face. 

"Hello there Shane! It's nice to see you again" She said, glancing between her computer screen and I.  "It's nice to see you too Mrs. Adams" I said kindly.

She looked down at our hands, and smiled. "Uh Shane's staying over..." Ryland said, looking down at the floor. "Okay, That's fine as long as you two take a shower. There's sand all over you boys" She said.

Ryland and I laughed, and we headed to his room. His room was literally filled with polaroid photos. Either they were pinned to the walls, or hanged up somewhere. "I've never been in your room before" I said, as I sat down on his office chair.

"Maybe you should come over more often" Ryland said, picking out some clothes from one of the drawers he had. 

I just sat there admiring him until he stood up. He turned towards me, and raised an eyebrow. He came over to me, and sat down on my lap. "Go take a shower" I whispered into his ear. He laughed, and stood back up.

He was about to walk out the door when he suddenly stood. He slowly turned around, and leaned into the doorway. "You should join me" He said, biting his lip. "Eh, I think I'm good. Besides, don't you think this is a little too fast?" I said playfully.

"Come on. It'll be fun" Ryland whined. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed some comfortable clothes from my bag. "I swear if you try any funny business" I warned him, as I walked towards where he was standing.

"I know. You have a girlfriend, and you're totally straight. You don't have to tell me again" Ryland said sarcastically as we walked into his bathroom. "Oh fuck you" I said, closing the door behind me. 

"Aw, I thought you said no funny business. Maybe some other time" Ryland said as he started the water up, and taking off his clothes. 

I didn't know how to reply after that. I just took off my clothes, and Ryland stared at me the whole time. We then went inside the shower, and ran ourselves under the water. We then washed each others hair, and bodies. 

Of course, we did get a little heated but we won't get into that. We were finally then done, and wrapped ourselves in towels. "We should do that more often, don't you think?" Ryland said, as he was drying himself off.

I nodded, and smiled at him. Once we were changed, we went to the kitchen to get something to snack on. "I want popcorn" Ryland said, as he grabbed the box from the cabinets. I watched him put the popcorn in the microwave, and then he patiently waited with his hands under his chin.

"You're really cute" I said, as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He leaned back, and kissed my lips. "Not as cute as you" He replied, as he looked back towards the microwave. 

The popcorn finally was done popping, and we poured it into a big bowl. We then made out way to the couch , and I sat down with my legs crossed. He went to look through the movies he had until his mother came into the living room.

"I'm off to bed, be good you two. Also, I know you both skipped school today" She said, as she eyed both of us. "Stalker much. Can I skip tomorrow?" Ryland begged. His mother sighed, and put her hands to her hips. 

"Sure. Only because you're doing good in your classes at the moment" She said. She then went to her room, and Ryland put on a movie. He made his way back over to me, and leaned his head into my chest. "You're skipping with me tomorrow" He stated. I groaned, and he playfully slapped me.

"I was just kidding. What movie did you put in?" I asked, as I grabbed his hand. "Shrek" He said, as he slightly chuckled. "What the fuck why?"  I asked, rolling my eyes. "Because I said so, now shut up it's starting" He said, as he put a cover around us. 


The movie was almost over, and Ryland was already passed out. I was laying down on my back, and he was on top of me with his head resting on top of my chest. I was still watching the movie, and I played with his hair as I did.

The movie then came to an end, and I looked down to Ryland still asleep. I then wrapped one of my arms around him, and kissed his head. I then replayed everything that had happened today. The one thing that made me smile was when he said he loved me.

"I love you too"  


a/n: i know i haven't updated in a couple of days; i'm very sorry about that, but i hope this cuteness made up for it. :)

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