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-Shane's POV-

I stood there waiting for a response, but no one said anything. I just groaned, and helped Ryland up. He had blood coming out of his nose, and it looked really swollen. I turned back around, and crossed my arms at the others. 

"Which one of you punched him?" I asked, changing the tone in voice. Joey and Gabbie backed away, and Lisa was just staring at me. I raised my eyebrow, and looked straight at her. "Why?" I asked. She came closer to me, and said "Why not?". I scoffed, and shook my head at her. 

"Shane?" I heard Joey say. "What is it Joey?" I said, giving him my attention. "Can you tell them to delete the picture?" He asked. "What picture?" I asked. "Lisa took a picture of Joey and I kissing" Ryland answered. I was very surprised at that answer. Joey had Daniel, so why the hell would they even try to kiss each other?

"It was a complete accident" Joey said. I extended my hand out in front of Lisa. She rolled her eyes, and handed me her phone. I found the picture, and ended up deleting it. I handed Lisa back her phone, and turned back over to Joey. "I still think you should tell Daniel. He would appreciate it if you were honest with him, and not hide it" I said. Joey nodded, and started to walk away.

"And for you Lisa, don't you ever put your hands on Ryland again" I stated. "You didn't even hear what he said. He said that I didn't deserve you, and that you were just using me to hide that fact that you could like boys!" Lisa explained. I rolled my eyes at her, and crossed my arms. "I don't give a shit on what he said. There was no need for you to do that" I said. 

I then walked away from Lisa, and grabbed Ryland's hand to lead him out of the park. We walked in silence for a little while, until I finally broke it. "You shouldn't have said that" I said. "She deserved it" He said, slightly annoyed. I faced him, and his nose looked even worse. "She hurt you pretty bad" I said.

He just shrugged, and we arrived at my house. I opened up the door for him, and he went inside. My parents weren't home, so that was a good thing. I guided him to the bathroom, and he sat down on the counter. I ran a washcloth under water, and sprigged out the extra water. I use the washcloth to get rid of the dry blood on his face. 

Ryland kept looking at me weirdly, and every time I gave him a weak smile. I cleaned up all the blood, and ran to the kitchen to grab him an ice pack to heal his nose a bit. "What do you wanna do now?" I asked, as I helped him off the counter. "Maybe watch a movie in your room" He insisted. I nodded, and we went to my room.

He plopped down on the bed, and wrapped himself in one of my blankets. I put on Beauty and The Beast, because why not? He smiled at my choice of movie, and I sat down right next to him. I then yanked the blanket that he was wrapped in off of him. "Hey! It's cold in here!" Ryland shouted. I laughed, and wrapped us in bigger blanket.

He then cuddled up into my chest, and I wrapped one of my arms around his waist. We stayed quiet throughout the movie. We were just enjoying the movie, and the presence of each other. "Can I tell you something?" Ryland asked. "Of course" I said. He let of a heavy sigh, and started to fiddle with his fingers. "What I said was true" He stated. I gave him a confused look, and he noticed. "She doesn't deserve you. You're too perfect for her" He stated.

I slightly blushed, and nodded. "Then who does deserve me?" I asked. Ryland smiled, and chuckled into my chest. "That's something for you to figure out" He said. "Well then I guess I have to hurry up the process then" I said. Ryland quickly nodded, and I laughed. We ended up finishing the movie, and he decided it was time for him to head home.

As he was about to head out, we heard something outside. I opened up the window, and it had started to rain. "You sure you still wanna go home" I said, hoping he would say no. "I kind of have to. My parents would want me at the dinner table tonight" He said. i frowned, and nodded. "Well, I'm not going to let you get all wet" I said. I went to my closet, and grabbed one of my hoodies. I handed it to him, and he put it on.

It was just a little bit big on him, but it looked really cute on him. "You look cute" I said. He smiled, and I put on a jacket myself. "What are you doing?" He asked. "You think I'm going to let you walk in the rain alone? What if you get kidnapped?" I said. Ryland laughed, and shook his head. We headed down the stairs, and my parents were sitting on the couch.

"I'm going to take Ryland home. I'll be back" I said. They nodded, and we walked out the house. I felt the rain land on us, and I stuck out my tongue. Ryland giggled, and I turned to look at him. "You're so cute and precious" He said. I blushed, and we continued to walk. We arrived to his house, and he pulled down the hood of the hoodie he was wearing. 

"I'm guessing you want this back" He said, about to take it off. "No. You can keep it" I said, slightly smiling. He smiled, and nodded. "I'm really sorry about Lisa. You didn't deserve that" I said. "I'm fine now. You don't need to worry" He said. I then took a step closer to him, and grabbed his hand. He looked up at me, and stared at me. Our bodies were slightly leaning into each other, but like always there is an interruption.

"Ryland? Are y- OH. Am I interrupting something?" Vicki asked. We both turned to her, and she smiled at us. "Actually, I was just leaving" I said. I then hugged Ryland, and I waved bye to him. I turned back to see Ryland watching me walk home. His mother told him something, which made me blush really red. I wonder what she said.


a/n: lovely weather we are having today...

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