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-Shane's POV-

I had freshen up already with a shower, and got dressed into appropriate clothes for school. I grabbed my backpack and phone from the nightstand and headed out the room. When leaving, I smelt a wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen.I turned the corner and there was Garrett.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, putting my arm around his neck .

"Well, I'm hungry and I remembered you wanted pancakes so here I am" Garrett said as he flipped the pancake that was on the pan.

"Aw, thanks Garrett" I said in a cheerful way.

"It's the least I could do with everything that you are going through" He said, placing the pancakes on two separate plates.

He set them down on the dining room table and we both sat down. He then suddenly pulled out his phone. He showed me the Youtube app which I knew about but didn't really understand it so I didn't use it. We watched random people or what Youtube calls them channels.

There was three channels that I actually really enjoyed. There was one guy named Ricky, another guy named Drew, and one girl named Trisha. They seemed like pretty legit people, and I actually laughed at their videos. Garrett and I finished up and were ready to finally leave for school.


"I don't like the kind of music you listen too. It's very weird" I said while getting out of Garrett's car.

"You're very weird. I guess we are even then" He joked.

I let out a little chuckle to his reply, and we walked together inside the school. I walked with him to his locker which was on the other side of where my locker was. When he opened up his locker, you could tell he wasn't an organized person.

"You're locker is a mess like a fucking tornado just happened" I blurted, not caring if I sounded rude or not.

"Oh shush. It's the last week of high school. I don't think we have to really care if we're organized or not" He sassed me.

I rolled my eyes at him in which he noticed because he playfully punched in the shoulder. I playfully pushed him and he let out a little giggle which lead me to giggle. I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Lisa and Joey.

"Where have you been? You usually walk with Ryland or we give you rides to school!" Joey exclaimed, throwing his hands around. "Then you run away from home! What's gotten into you?"

"Okay first off, I didn't run away. I'm going back home tonight. Secondly, nothing has gotten into me. I'm still the same Shane as yesterday" I explained

"Fine then, whatever. If you left last night, where in the hell did you stay?" Joey questioned me, sounding a bit annoyed with me.

"Garrett offered me to stay with him last night. I slept in the guest bedroom, and I slept fine" I said rolling my eyes.

Joey and Lisa both raised their eyebrows at me and looked at Garrett. Garrett looked pretty annoyed with them so he crossed his arms and scoffed. Lisa then pushed Joey out of the way and stood right in front of me.

"So what you're telling me is you stayed at another boy's house but in different rooms?" Lisa asked trying to understand me.

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm trying to fucking say. You are both acting like I fucking cheated or something like that!" I yelled at them both.

They flinched a little and stepped back away from me. The bell then suddenly rang and I sighed. I rudely pushed past them and Garrett followed me. He had a hard time keeping up with me since I was walking a little too fast. He grabbed my wrist and made me stop.

"Hey. Don't worry about them seriously. You and I both know we wouldnt do anything like 'that'. Besides, I highly doubt you cheat on Ryland. I can tell you two have such a strong connection" He said to me with a smile on my face.

I smiled at him and nodded. He walked me to my class and we shared a little brotherly hug. I sat down in my seat and just focused my mind on the teachers topic for the day. It just kind of hurt that Joey and Lisa would think I would actually do that to Ryland. I knew deep down to that he wouldn't do that either.


-Joey's POV-

(after 1st period)

The bell finally rang for us to be released from classes. I sprang out of my chair and I heard Lisa laugh in the distance. She rushed over to me so we could walk to Art together. For some odd reason, I had the sudden urge to pee.

"Hey. I'm going to use the bathroom really quick. Just wait for me at your locker" I said.

She immediately nodded in response. I pulled out my phone and walked to the nearest bathroom which was further down the hall. Once I arrived at the bathroom door, I heard a little thump come from inside.

I came to a sudden stop, and slowly peeked my head through the doorway of the bathroom. The sight I had saw made my heart completely stop and drop all the way to the bottom of my stomach. The two people were in clear view and I grabbed my phone and took a quick picture.

They didn't seem to notice and I instantly ran to Lisa. She saw me running towards her and her eyes seemed concerned. I stopped right in front of her and gave her my phone. Her eyes showed that she was scared but she opened my phone.

Her eyes quickly turned into an angry and sad eyes. Her face then suddenly showed sympathy. She gave me back my phone and pushed her hair out of her face. She paced around, and I couldn't stop thinking about what I had saw.

"That fucking son of a bitch. We were just on the topic about cheating just about forty minutes ago!" She blurted out in anger.

"This time the tables are flipped. It's not fucking Shane cheating on Ryland with Garrett" I said in annoyance.

"It's Ryland cheating on Shane with that fucker David"


a/n: it's not what it seems...okay well maybe it is :)

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