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-Shane's POV-

Everyone except Lisa and I walked the trail. I insisted that her and I sat by the pond, and just have little chat. She sat there just picking the grass, while I was having a full on anxiety attack. Lisa looked up at me and was very confused at my state.

"Are you okay? You seem a little stressed out or something" She said, wiping the extra grass that was left of her hands.

"No, I'm not okay. I have to tell you something..." I said, not making any eye contact with her.

"Okay, just tell me. It can't be that bad" She said, trying to sound calm.

That's the bad part. I didn't know how she would react to what I was about to tell her. First, Daniel and then now me. I grabbed her hand slowly, and gently squeezed it. I then lifted my head up, and made my eyes meet hers.

"I'm very sorry, but I can't be with you" I said calmly, giving her hand a little squeeze again.

"I don't understand. What do you mean you can't be with me?" She asked confusingly.

"It's just...I don't love you like that anymore. I'm in love with someone else" I stated, taking my hand out of her hand.

"Who is this someone else?" She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

I was pretty sure she thought it was a girl I was talking about. I could lie, but I rather not at this point. She deserves the truth either way.

"R-Ryland" I said, fiddling with my fingers.

I heard a heavy sigh from her, and a little sniffle. I looked back up, and she was wiping away some tears. I felt instantly horrible, but I knew I had to do this.

"So...You're gay?" She asked, pushing her hair out of her face.

"No. I still like girls, but I also like boys. I'm bisexual..." I explained, chuckling a bit at her question. 

She slowly nodded, and smiled. She then pulled me into a tight hug. I guess she wasn't going to kill me. This wasn't the way I thought she was going to respond to my confession to her. We both pulled out of the hug, and met eyes again.

"So, You're not going to kill me?" I asked, slightly chuckling.

"Oh no, Shane. I mean if you dragged me on for a year like Daniel did well then maybe, but you're also my best friend and I want the best for you" She explained, chuckling.

"Well, I couldn't have dragged it on for a year anyways..." I said, looking down to the ground.

"What do you mean? " Lisa asked in a concerned voice.

I know I told Ryland that I would tell him first, but I really needed to talk about it right now. I then let out a sigh, and laid back on the ground. 

"I'm moving in less than a month to New York due to fathers work" I said. 

"What! You can't move! What about Ryland and all of us?!" Lisa shouted out.

"Don't you think I've thought about that. There's literally nothing I can do about it, because I won't be eighteen yet. I have to send as much time with him as I can until I leave" I explained, sitting back up. 

"Are you two going to do long distance?" She asked, biting her bottom lip.

"Well duh. I'm not going to let him go, because I will come back" I said.

"So no one knows?" She asked.

"Except for you. I was suppose to tell him first, but that clearly didn't happen" I said.

"You need to tell the others when they come back, and also about your sexuality" She said, giggling at the end.

I nodded, and then chuckled myself. We sat there, and talked about a few things until the others finally came back. We all sat in a circle, and Ryland was sitting right next to me. Lisa nudged at me, silently telling me to tell them everything.

"Can I tell you all something?" I asked, getting everyone's attention. 

"Sure, What is it?" Joey asked, urging me to continue.

"Well....I'm...I'm Bisexual" I said, kind of scared.

I knew they were going to be accepting, but there was just a little part of me thinking they weren't. The circle was very quiet, and I looked to see that Ryland was smiling. I smiled back at him, and Joey finally broke the silence.

"WELL WELCOME TO THE FAMILY SHANEY!" Joey yelled out, making everyone laugh a bit.

"Yeah yeah, but who the fuck changed you?" Gabbie asked.

"Uh...That's another thing" I started, turning my attention towards Ryland.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked, putting my hand into his hand.

Joey squealed, and Ryland couldn't help but let out a little laugh. He then slowly nodded, and pulled me into a quick little kiss. Everyone was happy, even Lisa which was a good thing. I then held Ryland's hand, and he leaned his head down on my shoulder. 

Lisa then nudged at me again. I couldn't tell them now. They were all laughing and smiling, I didn't want to ruin this moment. I slowly shook my head in response. Lisa just sighed, and nodded.

I looked around once more, and four of these people were friends that I grew up with. I could already tell that I'm going to hate leaving them behind. Then there was Ryland, who meant the absolute world to me. I would have to make this long distance thing work.

I wasn't going to lose him just because of my father.

My father has done enough.

I wasn't about to let him ruin my happiness.


a/n: i was going to make this a sad part, but you'll get some of that later on...

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