three (edited)

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in love with the thought of you

shane's pov

"what the hell is going on?" i asked, exchanging looks between lisa and daniel. lisa had tears running down her face, and daniel just seemed terrified. "daniel said that they were going to the store but they're in here eating each others faces!" gabbie explained. i looked over at joey, as he was death staring at lisa.

"daniel, just go home and take joey with you. i'll see you tomorrow" i spoke. daniel nodded and exited the bathroom with joey's hand in his. i would be lying if i didn't think they were cute together.  

they've always been super close since we were all little. 

"he isn't worth it lisa. you're so much more than that. any guy would kill to be with you" gabbie comforted, as she pulled lisa into a hug. 

it was true actually. i would totally love to call her mine, and just make her feel safe in my arms. she's so beautiful, and she didn't deserve to find out that daniel was gay in such a manner.

"no wonder he was grossed out by many things. even holding his hand was weird for him!" lisa cried, trying to desperately wipe away the tears that were falling down her face. 

"lisa, i know you've dated daniel for two years, but you should have dumped him a long time ago" gabbie replied, rubbing lisa's back softly.

"ugh, i know. it's just... why the fuck does joey have to ruin everything!" lisa shouted, as she stood up and crossed her arms.

i understood where lisa was coming from, but it wasn't joey's fault. it wasn't his choice to have daniel feel things for him that were just "friendly". you can't stop someone from loving you, nor can you stop yourself from loving them right back. 

it's love, it's hard to ignore those feelings. 

"maybe you should just take some time away from boys" gabbie suggested. "i mean, look at how he decided to end things. you shouldn't deal with that with any guy."

"no, it's okay. i wasn't completely loyal to him either. i kind of liked another guy while i was with him" lisa whispered, and looked down to the floor.

how confusing.

gabbie tilted her head to the side, as she gave lisa a confused look. "that makes no sense. why are you so upset then? go run after that guy!" she encouraged, though lisa simply shook her head and walked away.

she seemed very nervous about this 'mystery guy'. either way, I could care less about the dude. the only thing that's running through my mind is about the three people that came out to me. gabbie and lisa then said their goodbyes, leaving me all alone with ryland.  

"well, three of my friends are apparently gay. how exciting." i joked, watching ryland chuckled and turned to enter my room. 

he then jumped onto the bed, and held onto my pillow. "you enjoying my bed?" i asked, chuckling at him. ryland nodded and turned his head over to my shelf. 

"aw, that's so cute. you have stuffed animals?" ryland chirped, getting up and grabbing my childhood teddy bear of the shelf.

"don't judge me! they all mean something special to me." i scoffed jokingly, as ryland rolled his eyes and threw the bear at me. 

"you did not just do that" 

"oh, but i did, what are you gonna do about it?" 

i playfully tackled him, as he fell to the floor with a soft thud. ryland then pushed me off of him, as he threw his leg over me and getting on top of me. he pinned my wrists down to the floor, as i tried to get him off. after multiple tries, it was no use.

he was stronger than he looked.

i let out a soft sigh, and relaxed my muscles. seeing as i gave up to him, ryland smirked at me. i couldn't help but smile back at him, and stare into his eyes. his blue eyes kept darting to my green eyes then down to my lips. i could tell he was slightly leaning closer. he wasn't straining me enough, meaning i could push him off. 

though, i didn't want too.

"shane! come downstairs, please." a voice spoke, my eyes widened, instantly knowing who it was. 

it was my father. he was back already from his business trip, he must have finished everything earlier than expected. ryland then got off of me quickly, and extended his hand out to help me up. we stared at each other for a few moments, until my father came up the stairs himself, and opened my room door.

"oh. i didn't know you had friends over" he spoke, his eyes scanning ryland up and down, as he seemed a bit on the off side. 

"dad, this is ryland. he's the new neighbor that just moved in recently." i introduced, as i scratched the back of my neck.

my father merely nodded, and waved to ryland, as ryland returned the same. "it's nice to meet you mister yaw."

"likewise ryland." father hummed, as he then verted his eyes over to me. "anyways, dinner's ready if you're hungry. your friend can eat with us too if he'd like."

"actually, i think i'm gonna head home now. i'll see you tomorrow, shane" ryland smiled, as he grabbed his backpack off my desk. he hugged me softly and left, leaving my father to raise an eyebrow at me. 

"just a friend, right?" father asked, his eyes darkening and staring into my pools of green. "you know how i feel about this type of stuff, young man. you know better, am i right?"

"yes, father. don't worry about things like that, he'll only ever be a friend to me. i like girls, i promise you." i responded, my father nodded, and gave me a smile. i went downstairs with him to eat dinner, as the whole time i couldn't stop thinking about ryland. 

did he think of me as more? 

no, that couldn't be.

we only knew each other for a day. 

although, he did feel comfortable to tell me his secrets and about his life. he even knew about how my father felt about homosexuals. he would never try to like me with something like that running in my family. besides, i'm not the best looking guy in the world. 

though, ryland could probably turn any straight guy gay, because he was so pretty, at least for guy. everything about that boy is so perfect. i know i shouldn't be thinking like this, but i couldn't help myself. 

i've never felt this way about....a boy. 

it's different, and exciting.

"shane? are you okay? you're smiling at nothing" my mother spoke, as i looked up, feeling the smile on my lips still. "do you need me to take you to the doctor?"

"i'm fine. it's just something that happened earlier today" i beamed, as my mother just chuckled and continued with eating dinner and my father just seemed confused out of his mind.

i finished my dinner fairly quickly, and put my dirty dishes in the sink. i went back upstairs, and got ready for bed, throwing on some night clothes. when i grabbed my hoodie off my desk chair, i noticed there was a little piece of paper on the desk. i flipped it over and it was ryland's number. i then grabbed my phone, and entered in his contact.

"you should really get some sleep, shane. you have school tomorrow." my mother spoke, as she was standing in the doorway, and i just smiled over at her. 

"you've been smiling ever since ryland left. what's going on?" she asked, slightly smiling herself. "did something happen between you two?" 

"it's just so weird when you fall in love with the thought of someone" i replied, smiling even wider than i was before. "it''s just so crazy, and so suddenly too."

but then again, i can't fall in love with him

it would be wrong of me, it was against all morals.

it would be doing everything my father told me not to do. 

i don't want to disappoint him.


a/n: lots of smiling :)

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