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Connor's POV

It had been about an hour since Shane had came back outside. Everyone was outside hanging out and dancing to music. I went inside trying to look for him until I bent over the counter and found him laying there. I ran over to his aid, trying to hold his head up.

He looked really knocked out. There was over dozens of empty liquor bottles that were scattered around, so he could have drank. I called out for Chloe as she helped me get him into the car. We laid him in the backseat as he was still asleep.

I drove Chloe home first, then taking Shane home. I pulled into my driveway and shut the engine off. I got out of the car and went to the other side to open the door up for Shane, but he got out himself. He was walking without balance, and he looked like he was dizzy as hell.

"Shane, calm down. Let me walk you home so you don't fall" I said, trying to go over to him but he pushed me away.

"Don't touch me. I'm so sick and tired of people trying to help me. You can't fix shit, so stop trying so hard. Don't waste your time anymore" He said as he pushed me to the ground and walked away.

I fell to the ground as I groaned in pain. He pushed me way too aggressively. I got myself back up as I just watched him walk home. He reached the doorway and walked in the house. I sighed in relief as I walked inside my own house.

Shane's POV

I walked inside my house as everything was dizzy and blurry.  I slammed the door shut, not caring on how loud it was. I walked over to the kitchen, opening the fridge, and grabbing one of my dad's beers.

I cracked the can open and took a big gulp of it. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, not caring who it was I kept my head down. I continued to drink the beer until the footsteps came to a stop. I looked up and there was my parents, standing there, watching me drink my life away. They looked so shocked with my actions unlike me I could tell this was going to happen.

"Shane? What are you doing? Is that beer?" My father asked me, acting like he was concerned.

"Yeah, why would you care? You never gave a shit about me, none of you have" I said, continuing to finish the beer.

"Where's Connor? Don't tell me you drove home" My mother said.

"Ugh, shut up. No one gives a fuck about Connor, I sure as hell don't." I hissed.

"Shane, Stop talking like that! What's gotten into you? You've been in the worst of moods" My father said, raising his voice a bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry dad. Are you going to hit me again? Am I disappointing you?" I sassed, making my father raise his eyebrows. "If so, I don't give a fuck"

I finished up my beer and crushed it in my hands. I threw it in the trash, then walked over to the dining room table and sat down on the chair. My parents were shocked with me like they never expected this out of me. They should have expected this, their part of the reason I'm like this.

"Are we going to continue to stare at each other or what?" I sassed. "Or are you two going to lecture me about alcohol?"

"Why? Why are you even drinking? You're not even the legal age yet Shane!" My mother shouted. "You will learn to obey the rules! You're grounded for a month!"

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