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-Shane's POV-

"Wake up bitch" A voice said, as a I felt a pillow hit my head. I groaned, burrowing myself into the covers. The faint little giggle that filled the room made a little smile appear on my face. I slowed peeked my head out of the covers, and there was Ryland sitting on the floor watching me.

"Why are you just staring at me?" I asked, staring back at Ryland.

"Because you're beautiful" Ryland stated confidently.

I smiled, and reached over the bed to grab my boxers. I put them on under the covers, and then got out of the bed. Ryland was already dressed for school early, so that left me to get ready. I grabbed my clothes, headed to the bathroom, and locked the door. 


I finished up getting ready, while Ryland was downstairs with his mother. I grabbed my backpack, and headed downstairs. Ryland's mother was sitting at the table along with Ryland who was scrolling through his phone.

"Hey Sh-Woah, you boys need to calm down" His mother said, taking a sip of her coffee.

Ryland looked up confusingly, and saw whatever it was. He lightly blushed at it. I walked over to them, but his mother pulled me over first. She sat me down and grabbed a bag out of her purse. I'm guessing it was full of makeup by the looks of it. 

"We're just going to cover these little marks up" She said, as she started to rub something on my neck.

She did this for another minute or so until she finally patted on my back, telling me I was done. I got up off the chair, and faced her. She had a very stern look on her face which Ryland then laughed too. 

"You two really need to tone it down" She said, handing Ryland his backpack.

We then suddenly heard a car horn honked twice. Ryland then got up off of his chair, and reached his arms out to give his mother a hug.

"Sure totally, we're gonna go now" Ryland said, as he took his hand into my hand.

"Alright then. Have a good day you two!"  She said with a little smile on her face.

We walked out the door, and the car horn honked again. "I texted Joey to pick us up, but I didn't know he would be such an impatient bitch" Ryland said, making me let out a little chuckle. We got into the car, and Daniel wasn't there like I expected.

"Where's Daniel?" Ryland asked, as he buckled himself in.

"Don't get me started. I caught him talking to another guy last night, and he was trying to say 'it's not what it looks like' kind of bullshit" Joey cursed out as he started to drive the car.

"Maybe it was just a friend" I pointed out.

"Oh yeah, because friends totally just tell each other that they love each other, and wish they were with each other at the moment" Joey hissed.

Everything was then silent. No one said a word, nor did we even dare too. Joey continued to drive as Ryland and I held our hands together. Joey then finally looked in the mirror at us, and let a smile out.

"I'm glad you two are finally together, but I've got one question" Joey said.

"Thank you, and go ahead" I said, rubbing my thumb against Ryland's hand.

"When are you going to tell your parents?" Joey questioned, exchanging glances between the mirror and the road.

"My mother and father already know. My mother had told him last night, and he was very accepting to it" Ryland replied.

"That's good" Joey said then looking over at me "What about your parents Shane?" 

"My mother knows, and was very accepting. Although, my father doesn't know at all yet" I responded. 

"Well, I hope your father does. It's very awkward sometimes around him since he doesn't really like gays..." Joey said, pulling into the school parking lot.

Joey parked the car, and we all got out. Lisa ran over to us, and stood right in front of me. I gave her a little side hug since Ryland was still holding my hand. 

"Not to be rude, but like why are you here?" Joey asked as we all started walking into school.

"Gabbie and Zane were all over each other, and I wasn't about to be a third wheel. I then saw you guys as I walked out the door. Also, Daniel keeps asking for you Joey." Lisa responded.

Joey then rolled his eyes, and explained everything that had happened between them. I thought Lisa would be more rude about it, but she gave Joey sympathy. Of course, they talked about the mean and stupid things that Daniel would do.

Joey and Lisa then went down another hallway than us, leaving Ryland and I alone. Ryland talked about how I should tell my father tonight about everything. We reached his class, and shared a little kiss. 


"Shane, If you don't tell them..I will" Lisa whispered into my ear as she took a bite of her lunch.

"Okay fine! Just wait until Ryland gets here" I responded, scrolling through my phone.

"Are you going to eat?" Lisa asked with a little concern in her voice.

"I'm not hungry right now" I mumbled. 

Minutes had passed, and Ryland still wasn't at the table. I was starting to get slightly annoyed. He should have been here by now since the lunch lines aren't long at all.  I finally heard my phone go off, and it was a message from Ryland.


Ryland: I'm not going to be at the table today sorry xx

Shane: Why not?

Ryland: My friend David invited me over to sit with him and his friends

{Disclaimer: David is a fictional character}

Shane: Who the hell is David?

Ryland: One of my friends from Math class. You're not mad right?

Shane: Nope, enjoy you're time with them...

Ryland: Alright, thanks baby! I love you xx

Shane: Love you too

I put my phone back into my pocket, and put my head into my hands. Maybe this would be better if he wasn't around for now. I could tell him when him and I are both alone, and not around others.

"You alright Shane?" Gabbie asked, tapping on my shoulder.

"No. I'm not alright actually" I said, looking up at all of my friends.

"What's wrong? Is it Ryland?" Joey questioned with a concerned look on his face.

"No, it has nothing to do with Ryland" I answered.

"Okay then. What is it then?" Joey asked again, sounding very worried now.

"I'm leaving to New York in four weeks" I said, very slowly.

No one said a thing. My heart was pounding, and racing very fast. I exchanged glances between the three of them. Gabbie looked like she was in complete shock. Lisa had already knew, and just gave me a sympathetic look. Joey had a little frown on his face, and then suddenly his eyes widened.

"What about Ryland?" 

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