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Shane's POV

The next few weeks passed by, and I've been the happiest I've ever been. Ryland decided to stay here with me then to go home to his family. His family agreed with him as my family was more than alright to let him stay with us. I was pretty happy he chose me if we are going to be honest here.

His family would text or call just to see how he's doing, but other than that they really don't do anything else. They just think Ryland's old enough to make decisions for himself which I complete agree with. As long as the both of us were happy, then I was content.

"Babe! We've got to get dressed" Ryland squealed out, throwing a pillow at my head. 

"Nooooo, leave me alone. Just let me sleep until I die" I muttered, burrowing myself back into the covers. 

"Not gonna happen. Get up, we've got things to do today!" He exclaimed, jumping onto of me and yanking the blankets away.

"Ugh, fine asshole. What are we even doing today anyways?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes with my hands.

"You've got to get dressed and go downstairs first" He informed, moving off of me to let me get up.

I groaned again before getting up and walking to my closet. I picked out a random shirt and pants, not really caring for what I was wearing. I slipped on some shoes and grabbed my phone before heading downstairs where Ryland was. I rubbed my eyes with my hands, fluttering them open to a group of people.






They turned to look at with the biggest smiles I've ever seen them have. I felt myself get a huge smile along with them. I ran towards them, engulfing them into big hug. Their arms tighten around me to secure me. It look us a minute but we finally pulled away from each other.

"This may sound rude a bit, but why are you guys here?" I said, showing a bit of excitement.

"It's the last few weeks before college, and we just had to come see you before then" Garret explained.

"How long are you staying?" I asked, exchanging glances between all of them.

"Couple of days, but we can do a lot if we're all together" Lisa responded, I merely nodded at her.

I turned around to look at Ryland as he had a smile on his face. He motioned his hand in a silently telling of me to go without him. I flashed him a smile before Joey yanked my arm, pulling me out of the house and into the car. 

"We're getting food first, because I'm starving" I said, making them all chuckle.

Joey pulled out of the driveway, heading off to where ever he was going. Lisa kept showing me picture of her new boyfriend, and I was happy she found love. Gabbie was still with Zane, Daniel and Joey were still strong, while Garrett was actually talking to someone too. I happy for all of them.

It took a few minutes to get to our destination, and we all exited the car. I could smell the aroma of the restaurant even if we were on the outside of it. We all walked in and sat down at a table. We shared laughs and smiles with each other and I couldn't help but feel my heart growing at everything was going so perfectly.

Too perfectly to be honest.


Ryland's POV

Joey, Garrett, Lisa, Gabbie, and Daniel all left two nights ago. Shane has been a little down and we haven't really talked all that much. I never asked why, thinking it was most likely about his friends leaving him to go back home. I even heard him cry a bit at night before bed, I couldn't help but feel horrible.

I walked downstairs, and no one was in sight. I looked outside and Shane was there sitting on the grass. I opened up the door and sat down next to him. He didn't even look at me, his eyes just kept a graze on the ground beneath him. I noticed a piece of paper in his hand.

"What's that for, Shaney?" I asked him softly, not wanting to sound even in the slightest of loud.

He shook his head, letting it drop down. I put my hand under his chin and lifted it up to look at me. His eyes were bloodshot, and there was tears streaming down his cheeks continuously. His bottom lip quivered, I felt my heart ache just a the sight of him coming undone. 

"Why are you crying? You're too beautiful for that" I whispered, wiping away his tears with my thumbs. 

He handed me the piece of paper, watching me slowly open it. I slowly read all of it, but I could tell by the title of the page and the first sentence on why he would be crying. My heart ached at the thought of him leaving. Yet, that would be selfish of me not to let him go.

"My parents were scared to give it too me a few weeks ago because I was happy, and they didn't want to ruin my whole mood" He spoke.

I knew I would regret what I was going to say next.

"Go" I said with a smile on his face.

"What?" He asked in a bit of shock.

"I'm going to regret not letting you go to one of the best universities for film making" I said. "I want you to achieve your dream, Shane."

"You don't get it. I can't go with you again" He exclaimed. "I won't...It was too much for me to handle. I don't want to go through that again" 

He continued to cry into my shoulder. I held him close, not wanting him to go so soon. I laced our hands together. I knew I couldn't keep him away from his dream. If letting him go was something I had to do, then I was going to do it for his sake.

"I just...I don't want you to f-fall in love with s-someone else" He stuttered out.

"Shane, I promise you that our love is unbreakable at this point. I will never ever fall for anyone else other than fall for you more and more everyday" I said. "I love you so much to do that to you ever again."

I pulled him away from me, and collided our lips together. We moved in sync, and I felt his tears falling onto my cheeks. We both knew that this kiss would be one of the last kisses we would share before he would go. I slowly pulled away, him resting his head onto of my chest.

"When do you leave for Chicago?" I asked him, rubbing his back to calm him down.

"In about three weeks or so" He responded.

"Let's make this the best three weeks alright?" I whispered along with feeling him nod against my chest.


a/n: feelings? thoughts?

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