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Shane's POV

Ryland watched me as I fixed the bed in the guest bedroom. Every time I would glance up, he would be staring deeply at me. He then came closer to me as I felt myself tense up. He must have noticed because he kept his distance from me, which I mentally thanked him for.

He licked his lips and brought his eyes into my eyes. He took slow steps closer to me like he was afraid that I would run away from him if his pace was any faster. He then reached down for my hands and held them. I hesitated but I let my fingers fall and hold his hand back.

He then rubbed his thumb on my hand, knowing that was one thing that could calm me. Ryland then took his hands away from my hands. I frowned just a bit before he then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I then instantly wrapped my arms around his waist, letting my head rest on his shoulder.

(this looks weird if you make shane taller so just pretend he's shorter than his actual height)

"I've missed you" He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. 

"I bet you did" I said sarcastically. "Didn't your little David keep you company?"

"About him, we aren't anything. I broke this off with him before coming here" He assured me.

I stayed quiet. I didn't want to open my mouth again. I wanted to have his moment to us and not let this be about David. I let my arms grip tighter around him, him doing the same to me. I let my hands play with the ends of his hair. We stayed like this for good couple of more minutes before I finally pulled away from him. 

I sat down on the bed as Ryland then sat down next to me. I felt his thigh against my thigh, making me scoot over just a bit. He sighed, sounding like he was just a bit upset at my actions. He's done worse to me so it didn't make me feel the slightest of bad.

"Other than my father bringing you here, why are you here?" I asked him. I heard him gulp loudly before responding to me.

"I wanted to fix things with you. I want to fix us. I want us to go back to the couple we were before all of this went down" He spilled. "I want you. I want you so badly"

"I want you too, Ry" I whispered, trying not to sound hurt. "I just don't want you to hurt me anymore. I don't want to feel the things I've felt these past weeks ever again. At least not from you"

"Shane, I'm so sorry. I'll never forgive myself for making you feel this way. David was a mistake. Y-You're the love of my life, and I know it" He blurted. 

I didn't response to him. I didn't know how to. I didn't know how to react or how to feel to his choice of words. Love of his life? What a cliche thing to say at a time like this. I wanted to believe him so badly, but how? I didn't even know how myself, so how could he?

"Listen, Shane. I did a terrible and stupid thing." He cried. "I'm so so sorry, and I wish so badly I could take it all back but I can't."

Still no response.

"I just can't see us throwing away something that we had that was so damn good. I want you so much more than I have ever wanted you in these past months." He exclaimed. "I love you, Shane. I love you so damn much"

He then put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He then placed his hand on my cheek, and wiped away the tears that we starting to fall. He then leaned in a kissed my cheek and pulled away before colliding his lips with mine. I missed this all so much, and I wanted to kiss back just as bad.

"No, Ryland!" I shouted, pushing him away from me and standing up from the bed. I let my hands run through my hair as I turned around to face him.

"You can't just kiss me and think you're going to make it all go away! It doesn't work that way, and it never will. It doesn't make it the slightest of better to the situation" He shouted at him.

"Shane, please. We can work through this. I know we can" He exclaimed, jumping from the bed and coming closer to me. "I can't picture my life without you, and I don't want too"

"Do you not understand how hard it is to think about you without thinking about you and him together?" I shouted which shut him up quickly.

"I hate the fact that I can't get over you! I hate how you're still perfect to me even with your hideous flaws! I hate how I went through so much just to have you!" I screamed.

I continued to scream at him. I wanted him feel some type of hurt. I guess he had finally had enough when he then ran to me and wrapped his arms around me. I banged my fist on his chest as I continued to cry out. 

He held me tighter as I wrapped chucks of his shirt into my fists. I cried in his chest even more. He let me cry out and scream out all my feelings to him while he took all of it into him. I was giving all of my pain to him. I made him feel like he was the biggest asshole in the world. 

I finally stopped crying, he then wiped away all the tears with his hands. He reached over into his luggage and grabbed something out of the zipper pocket. He then slipped on the the bracelet I had left with him that night we broke up. I looked down on it before looking back up at him. 

"Give me one more chance to make this all up to you" 

I didn't want too.

But my heart was begging me for it too.

One chance more was what my mind was saying.

I sighed before nodding in response.


a/n: i forgot how much i was in love with danny zuko until now. if you don't know who that is well...find out yourself smh. 


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