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-Shane's POV-

I arrived home from school that day, and my father was actually home. "Is mom home" I asked. My father shook his head, and patted his hand down on the couch. "Sit down Shane" He said. I set my backpack down on the table, and made my over to him. I sat down, and we sat there in silence for a moment.

"What did I tell you about that boy Ryland?" My father started. My heart started to race, and I was very scared now. "That I shouldn't hang out with him" I stated. "But yet you do it anyways" My father said. "Yeah. You can't stop me from hanging out with him! He's just a freaking friend like come on!" I yelled, jumping off the couch.

"I saw you leaning into him last night, Shane!" He yelled right back. I was very surprised at his response. "You better not talk to that boy again, or I swear Shane I'll make your life a living hell" My father said, very confidently. I grabbed my backpack, and ran up to my room. I slammed the door shut, and threw my backpack against the wall.

I couldn't believe my damn father. Ryland will be nothing more than a friend. Sure, we've sometimes almost kissed, but I don't know what that was. I'm starting to scare myself. I was always taught that it was wrong, because apparently it is. Then again, Ryland makes me want to be wrong.

I heard a little knock on my door, and I turned my head to face the door. They opened the door, and it was my mother. She stepped in, and closed the door behind her. "I just got home" She said. I nodded, and went back to my thoughts. She sat down next to me, and started to rub my back. 

"Shane, are you confused?" My mother asked. I shook my head in response. "If you are attracted to boys, just know that I accept you" My mother whispered into my ear. "But I'm not attracted to boys. My attention is on girls" I said, as buried my face in my hands. My mother kind of chuckled, and stood right in front of me. 

"Don't lie to me Shane. The way you look at the boy is very different from any way you've looked at any girl" My mother said. I didn't response. She wasn't lying at all. She could see right through me.

"That boy loves you. If you are just going to continue to push the him away then let him go" My mother said. "I know what you're thinking. You don't want your father to hate you, but who the hell cares what he thinks. Be who you really are, and don't pretend" She said, as she was leaving.

I heard the door close, and I was all alone again. My mother would be able to accept me, but not my father. I would want both parents to be accepting. That sounds greedy, but it's true. I would want both parents there for me, not just one. If having both meant lying, I would would rather lie. 


"Dinner!" My mother yelled. I was staring at the home screen of my phone. I had lost all feeling in my body. I felt absolutely dead, but somehow I got down the stairs. My father and mother were already sitting, and there was a plate sitting there for me. 

I sat down, and my father was just eyeing me the whole time. I moved around my food,  and I stared at it. "Are you okay?" My mother asked. I nodded, and looked up at my father. "I had something else to tell you, but you got angry" My father said. I nodded again, and he proceeded.

"I got a promotion at work, but I would have to move to a different building for it" He started. I said nothing. "The building is in New York. We are going to move there" He finished. I looked up at both parents, and they looked back at me. "When?" I said, calmly. "About two weeks after you graduate which is in about a month or so" My father said.

I nodded, and pushed away my plate. The food was still there, because I didn't eat. "I'm going to go for a little walk" I said. I walked out the house, and onto the sidewalks. I kept walking and walking, until I arrived at little bridge. I then sat on it, and looked forward. I was just letting the breeze hit me. 

I wasn't going to jump, but I did come here to think about everything. If I left to New York, I would never have to see Ryland again. This could be my chance to get over whatever I feel for him. I would have to let him go before hand.

I knew it would hurt him, but my father was somehow winning over me. There was no way he was going to let me go against his rules. Ryland could have someone so much better.

Someone who could be allowed to love him, and be there for him. Someone that won't be scared to hold his hand or kiss him and not care what others think. Someone who will keep him happy, and promise to be there forever in his arms. 

And that someone is not me. 

I walked back home, I opened the door. My parents were sitting at the dinner table still. "I can't wait for New York" I said, slightly smiling. My father and mother smiled right back. I then went up to my room, and shut the door. I then slid down my back down the door, and pulled my knees into my chest.I then had a sudden rush of every little feeling in me,and I started then to cry.





a/n: sorry not sorry

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