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Teresa: Shane, where are you?
[Message Read]

Teresa: Shane. Tell me where you are now!
[Message Read]

Teresa: I know you aren't with Ryland because his mother said you never came by...
[Message Read]

Teresa: Ryland is worried about you..

Shane: I'm fine. I just want to be alone at the moment...

Teresa: Shane, please just come home. You have school tomorrow and its getting late.

Shane: No, I've got extra clothes with me. I'll be fine. Stop worrying.

Teresa: I'm not going to stop worrying! Who are you staying with?

Shane: I don't know for now. I'll find someone.

Teresa: Shane just come home. We can talk about everything at home..

Shane: You don't get it do you? My own father disowned me just because I love a boy!

Teresa: I know you're hurting right now, but I'm here for you Shane.

Teresa: I'm not going to leave your side either. You deserve to be happy, and it will just take your father some time. He loves you Shane. He wants the best for you...

Shane: You're such a fucking liar.

Shane: If he really loved me and wanted the best for me then he would have fucking accepted me already!

Shane: Stop trying to act like this will all turn out fine, because it won't.

Shane: I'm not coming home tonight.

Shane: Just leave me the fuck alone.

Teresa: Shane, it will turn out just fine! Just have a little faith in your father!
[Message Read]

Teresa: Just come home! Please. I'm worried for you...
[Message Read]

Teresa: I love you.
[Message Read]

Teresa: Just stay safe.
[Message Read]


a/n: ill update later today.

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