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-Shane's POV-

I sat at the table with a ice pack against my right eye. My mother sat next to me, rubbing my back. I wasn't shocked with my fathers actions; they were actually expected from him.

"I can't believe he hurt over that" My mother scoffed.

"It's fine mom. I don't give a shit about what he did. I just want him to know that I'm not what he thinks I am anymore" I explained to her.

She nodded her head, and went back into the kitchen. I let my mind settle into everything that had just happened. My own father had hit me because of my sexuality. I didn't understand why liking the same sex was wrong. 

He hit over something that isn't even wrong at all. It was just love, and nothing is wrong with love. It's suppose to be a beautiful thing, but he thinks differently of that. My mother was just staring at me with sympathy.

"Is it really bad?" I asked, moving the ice pack out of the way for her to see my eye.

"Oh my god. It's all purple and blue" She exclaimed, making her way over to me.

The more she looked at the side of my face that was bruised, she would tear up. I pulled her in for a hug. I knew she wanted to protect me, but I wasn't going to risk her getting hurt over me. I deserve all of that.

"I love you Shaney. I will always love you" My mother whispered into my ear.

"I know mom. I love you too" I said back to her, placing a kiss onto her forehead.

I pulled out of the hug, grabbed my ice pack, and headed to my room. I closed the door behind me before laying back on my bed. I let out a little sigh before closing my eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep.


I woke up the next morning feeling like hell. I glanced over at my alarm clock that read 6:30. I groaned, and just put on some decent clothes to walk in public in, and then fixed my hair up. My eye still looked really bad. 

I knew my friends were going to bombard me with questions even if I try to hide it. I brushed my teeth, and then headed down to my mother that was downstairs. She was packing her lunch, and I just quietly walk pass her.

"Let me see your eye again Mister" My mother said as I let a groan out.

"I know. It's still bad, but I don't really give a shit" I spoke, grabbing my backpack.

"I'm taking you to school today, so get in the car" My mother said.

I nodded, and tossed her car keys to her. She caught them which surprised me so I clapped for her. She laughed as I opened up the door. We got into the car and drove off. I turned up the radio just a bit to ease my mind.

"Did dad come home last night?" I asked her a little bit concerned for my father.

"No, he didn't. I would have made him sleep on the couch if he did anyways" She answered.

"Where do you think he could be? I hope he's okay" I said.

"It's funny that you're concerned for him. He's the one who hit you" She said to me.

"Well, I mean I still love my father. I provoked him to do that, and I knew he wouldn't have done that if I didn't say that to him" I spoke.

She nodded, and we went the rest of the ride quiet. We had finally arrived at my school after a couple of minutes. I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek, and headed inside. I kept my head down, not wanting anyone to see my face. I had reached my locker until someone spoke.

"Hey Shane! Guess what!" A voice shouted out at me.

I knew exactly who it was.

"Lisa, now isn't the time" I mumbled, still keeping my right side away from her. 

"Of course, it is! I made an A on that science test yesterday! All thanks to you!" She said, sounding very excited.

"That's great Lisa. Congratulations." I said, pulling some books out of my locker.

"Thanks. Can I have a hug? You know for all the progress I've made..." She asked, extending her arms out.

I stopped all my actions, and shook my head. She slowly put her arms down. I knew I had hurt her feelings right then and there. We always hugged each other when good things would happen to us. She just slowly nodded, and walked away.

I looked over at her, and she was still walking down the hall. I would be lying if I said that I didn't want her to walk back over and give me the biggest hug ever. I shut my locker, and quickly ran over to her. I hugged her from behind, and she stopped her walking.

She turned around, and I immediately put my head down. She put her hand under my chin and made me look up at her. She saw my face, and her hand went up to cover her mouth. She grabbed my hand, and pulled me outside.

"What the hell happened to you?" She asked.

"My father. I told him yesterday, and he didn't take it all too well. I was being an asshole though, so that could have been a part of it too" I answered.

"Your father needs to grow the fuck up. He's a grow man, and needs to learn that's not how you fucking handle things. Your beautiful face is now bruised up because of his stupid actions. " Lisa said, grabbing my hand.

"Beautiful face?" I said back to her, smiling at her.

"Yeah. Your face is a piece of art work, and I love it" She said, slightly laughing and blushing.

"Thank you. I love your face too lisbug" I responded.

"Lisbug? My god, you haven't called me that since the eighth grade" She laughed.

"I know, but it was such a cute nickname too" I chuckled. 

"You're so cute, but yet such a freaking dork" She said, playfully punched my arm. 

"Totally. I can be the dork, and you can be the cute one"  I said.

"Oh, so I'm cute? Well thank you Mr. Yaw" Lisa said, acting like she was all shocked with her hand over her heart.

"Your welcome Ms. Schwartz" I said.

We just stared at each other for a few seconds before sharing a hug. We stayed like that for a little while until I slowly pulled away from her. I smiled at her before leading her back inside for class.


a/n: i found this picture in my gallery and i almost died in science class from his cuteness...

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