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-Shane's POV-

I felt something be place across my waist. I opened my eyes, and saw Ryland had his arm around me with his head buried into my neck. He was staring right up at me, and he smiled when he saw me look at him.

"Good morning" I mumbled out as I turned to face him. 

"Morning" He said taking his hand in my hand, and then kissing it. 

I giggled at his cuteness. He then got up off the couch, and made his way to his room. I ended up following him to see what he was doing. When I entered in the room, he was changing into other clothes. 

"I think you should change too instead of staring at me" Ryland said, slipping on his shoes.

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my backpack off the bed. I changed myself while Ryland was taking his time making sure his hair looked at least decent. Once all was done, we decided to go to the coffee shop that just recently opened.


We walked to the shop at a decent pace, and we had finally approached it. I opened the door for Ryland and I followed behind him. The first thing that caught my eye was the two people playing the guitar on stage, while people were either on their phones, laptops, or with a another person. 

The coffee shop also had magnificent aroma of multiple spices. Surprisingly, the scents were very calming to me. Ryland had ordered our drinks, and we sat down at one of the tables. We stayed silents for a couple of moments until Ryland talked.

"When are you going to tell Lisa, and everyone else?" Ryland asked, sipping on his chai latte. 

"About what?" I questioned, looking at Ryland's face which had an eyebrow raised, "Oh. I don't know. I'm not really ready yet."

"Are you going to at least tell Lisa? I mean I don't really want this going on if you still love her" Ryland said, looking down at his hands. 

"Ryland. I love you with all my heart, and I promise you that. If this means a lot to you then I'll talk to Lisa tomorrow" I said, taking his hand into my hand. 

We both sat there, smiling like dorks at each other. Everything about Ryland was so perfect. I never thought in my life time I would meet such a precious human being. No one could ever describe my love for him, not even I could put it into words.

"Shane! Ryland! What's up!" A voice said, as we heard foot steps come closer. 

We snatched our hands away from each other, and tried to stay as calm as possible. I then saw Joey, Daniel, Gabbie, and Lisa. I rolled my eyes, and Ryland just sighed. Lisa sat down next to me, and grabbed my hand. 

I felt extremely uncomfortable with her actions. She must have noticed, because she showed a concerned face. I ignored it, and continued to just stare down at the table. 

"Aren't you guys suppose to be at school or something?" Ryland asked, slightly annoyed at everyone's sudden presence. 

" Well yeah, but we decided to just skip since you two weren't there. We were going to go to Shane's house, but then Daniel wanted coffee" Joey explained.

Everyone then went quiet. Ryland and I just stared at each other. He seemed a little upset that Lisa's hand was in mine. Gabbie then tilted her head, and exchanged looks between Ryland and I.

"Why are you two here?" She asked, still exchanging looks. 

"Because it's a public place duh" Ryland sassed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

I looked at Ryland and he had a very angry look now. Lisa then leaned her head down on my shoulder, and I instantly felt so many things. Uncomfortable, upset, angry, and some what happy because Ryland hasn't yet killed someone yet. 

"Just get out of our business Gabbie" I said sternly. 

Gabbie rolled her eyes, as Daniel came back with four cups of coffee. He sat down next to Joey, and passed Lisa and Gabbie their drinks. Ryland then grabbed his phone out, and I saw his fingers moving. My phone then automatically buzzed, so I grabbed it out of my pocket.

text message:

ryland: i don't freaking like her...

shane: i know. i'm sorry about that i really didn't think she was going to do that

ryland: it's fine. we didn't even know they were even going to show up

shane: i really wish they didn't...i wanted more time with you not with them

ryland: we can have more time over the summer :)

shane: about that...i need to talk to you later

ryland: is something wrong?

shane: no. it's just i want to tell you first...

ryland: well okay. get off your phone before lisa notices 

I then got off my phone, and so did Ryland. Lisa's hand was gripping harder onto my hand. I really didn't want to hurt her, but Ryland was way more important right now. I can't continue to drag her along when there could be another guy out there waiting for her. 

"Hey, we should go to the park and walk the trail. It's a beautiful day outside" Daniel insisted, exchanging looks with everyone at the table.

We all agreed, and finished up our drinks. Lisa's hand was still in mine which was slowly pissing me more off as time went by. We walked out the coffee shop, and made our way to the park. As we were walking, Lisa said something in front of Ryland that I wish she hadn't. 

"I love you so much, Shaney" She said, smiling at me.

I didn't want to look at Ryland's face. I knew he was either upset or angry, and if he wasn't then he will be with my response.

"I love you so much more, Lisa"


a/n: sorry for no update yesterday and a late one today. i procrastinated all summer on summer reading, and i'm not trying to get a bad grade on the first week of school.


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