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-Shane's POV-

I took Ryland home, and told him that I would see him tomorrow. I didn't exactly tell him why I had to go home. Although, he didn't give me a hard time about it and just let me go.

I parked the car and walked inside. My mother wasn't anywhere in sight. I walked up the stairs and saw my father was in his office. I light knocked on the door, worried that he would be mad by interrupting him. 

He motioned his hand telling me to come in. I opened and closed the door, and sat down on the lounge chair. He continued typing for a couple of seconds before turning his chair to face me. We met eyes and he scooted his chair a little more closer to me.

"Are you going to hit me again?" I asked, scooting back in my chair.

"No, I'm not. I just wanted to talk to you father to son" He said.

"Okay then. What do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"You know exactly what I want to talk about Shane" He said, crossing his arms over his chest. "So, Why don't you tell more about your sexuality"

"I told you everything that day. I still like girls dad, but I know now that I like boys" I explained.

"How do you even know if you.... 'love' Ryland?" He asked me, sounded like he was a little hesitant.

"I don't know how to explain it, but he makes me so happy. No one has ever made me feel this way except for him" I exclaimed.

He deeply sighed and put his hands up to cover his face. I just sat there staring at his reaction, waiting for him to blow up on me. He rubbed his eyes with his finger tips, and let his hands run down his face before collapsing them on his lap.

"I'm going to go get your mother. She's in the bedroom right now, so stay here" He said before getting up from his seat and leaving the room.

I sat there waiting for what seemed like hours when it was really seconds. My head was telling me that he wasn't going to accept me, but for some reason I felt like he would maybe just give up on it and accept it.

The door opened up again and my mother came in. She pulled a little chair from the corner up next to mine and sat down. My father stayed standing as he began to pace around the room.

"Kyle, Calm down." My mother said.

"How the hell can I calm down when my only son is a fucking faggot!" My father shouted out.

(i just trigger myself...wt)

I felt my heart break a little. He wasn't happy with me or my actions. I felt a little tear fall from my eye and slide down my cheek. That one word use to have no effect on me, but now it does. 

"Don't you dare call our son that!" My mother shouted back at my father, getting up from her chair.

"How can you just accept this Teresa? This is an issue that needs to be solved, and your just letting him do what he wants with it!" He yells back.

"My son is not a fucking issue! I wouldn't want my son to be something he isn't! You're the issue here with not accepting him!" My mother shouted right into his face.

Everything went mute after that. The sight of both of my parents fighting over something that I had caused. Both parents have two totally different opinions about me, and it was making feel so many emotions.

"Just shut up! Both of you! " I shouted out, leaving both of my parents shocked for yelling at them. "Dad, I love Ryland. Just accept it already! Just do both of us a favor!"

No. How about you do me a favor and leave Ryland. That way we can go back to the family we were BEFORE Ryland came into the picture" He said.

"No! I'm not leaving Ryland just because you can't fucking accept me for who I truly am!" I exclaimed.

"Fine then. We leave for New York in two week anyways" He said. "Either way, I'm going to get what I want."


a/n: yo kyle, why you so salty bro?

anyways, I wanted to make a little announcement. i'm going to be deleting Just Imagine today. i'm not interested in it anymore, or have any motivation for it either. it wouldn't make sense to keep it up if i'm not going to update it anymore.

sorry, if you actually liked that story


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