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-Shane's POV-

(a week later) 

I opened my eyes and there I was. Laying in my bed with the sun shining through my window. I looked to my left at my alarm clock, and it read 10:43. I rolled my eyes and sat up. I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake himself up just a bit more.

I got out of my bed and headed down the stairs. My father and mother were starting to pack up for New York which wasn't really helping with anything. My mother pointed over to the pancakes on the table and I smiled. I made my way over to the table, and sat down.

"Hey Shane. I wanted to talk to you after your done with your food" My father told me.

I nodded at him in which he smiled. Believe it or not, my father has tried his best to keep me happy with everything that has happened. I actually enjoyed seeing this side of him again. Yes, I was a little rude to him that night but he understood why.


I finished up my breakfast and my father was still helping out my mother. I sat down on the couch as they were setting things into boxes. My mother noticed me, and she sat down next to me. She wrapped her arm around me, pulling me into a little hug.

"I have one question" I said loudly.

"What is it, Shane?" My mother asked me.

"Well, Uno is going along with us, right?" I asked kind of hesitant.

"Aw Shane, I know you love Uno but we can't keep him. We were going to give him up for adoption since he is only two years old and still has a long life to him" My father said.

"What? No! I'm not letting you give Uno to a random stranger! At least let me find him somewhere to live. I just want to know he's safe and not with some crazy person" I objected.

"You're going to have to find someone in less than four days then" My mother said.

"Four days?! You said a week after graduation!" I blurted.

"I know, but the company wants me over there already. That reminds me, go get ready for your graduation. We are leaving in two hours" My father said.

I groaned, and walked up the stairs. This meant I had less than time than I thought. I turned on the shower to let the shower run. I looked into the mirror and my eyes looked better. They didn't look red and swollen from all the crying and rubbing I've been doing this past week.

Ryland came to my head almost every hour of every day. He couldn't leave my mind at all which upsets me. He could move on so easily, but I was still deeply in love with him. I don't think I will ever stop loving him anytime soon. 


I slipped on my dress shoes, and grabbed my tie off of the dresser. I've practiced this so many times but I couldn't even fucking tie my own damn tie. My father then came through my door as he was dressed nicely but not as nice as I looked. He laughed at my tie problem and tied it correctly for me.

"You really need to get that down before you get married" He joked.

"Oh shush. You said you needed to talk to me earlier, but you seemed busy" I said.

"Well, that's why I came in here" My father said as I sat down on my bed and he sat on my office chair.

We sat there in complete silence at first. I could tell he was kind of nervous and thinking about something. I patiently waited for him to say it to me because I really didn't want him to yell at me. He then looked at me straight into the eyes, and sighed.

"I know you've got through a lot this past week, and I realized something." He said hesitantly. "I can't stop you from loving someone that means something to you."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked him with a little smile on my face.

"I know you would of wanted this earlier but I want you to know I accept you. If you like both boys and girls, then that's you. I'm not going to stop you from loving anymore" He said.

I smiled at him, and he smiled back. We both stood up and hug each other. I finally had my father back. Everything was coming back together. Just like the both of had wanted. My mother then came in, and smiled. She then put on my cap on me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"You're friends are downstairs. They want you to arrive at graduation with them, and us parents will be behind you" My mother said.

I nodded and grabbed my gown from the closet. My parents and I went downstairs to leave. I stepped outside and there was Joey's car. Surprisingly, Daniel was there too. I was glad they were working things out finally. My mother and father got in their car as I got into Joey's.

-after graduation and the dinner-

There was still day light out, so Joey had an amazing idea. We all bought plain white shirts, jeans, and shoes. We then bought water guns, and every color of the rainbow of paint pints. We changed into our white clothes.

"Alright. Who's ready to have some fun?" Joey asked as he filled the water guns with paint while Lisa, Daniel, and I step up white plastic covers so the paint wouldn't get on the fences.

"I seriously love how we are doing this after we just got our diplomas" Daniel said, earning a laugh from everyone.

We had finished up with the fences, and Joey handed us the water guns and I shot some at Joey. The paint shot right into his face which earned a laugh everyone. Joey then shot back at me, and it ended up being seven rounds of running around the backyard with paint guns.

Each round was a different color. It was the order of the rainbow of course because then it wouldn't be confusing to remember what was next. Once we were done, our once white clothes were now covered in paint and it was starting to get dark.

My father had set up the fire pit, and gave us items to make s'mores. We sat on little logs since my father didn't want paint on any of the furniture. Lisa sat next to me and I let her rest her head on my shoulder. As Daniel and Joey were holding hands and being the cute couple they are.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Shane. I'm going to miss all of these stupid things we do" She said in quiet voice. "Like who the hell is going to do this with us?"

"I'm going to miss you too. You'll find someone yourself, and I'll be back in Los Angeles one day" I said, pulling her closer to me.

"Promise you'll keep in touch with us?" She said.

"Of course I'm going to keep in touch with all of you. You three have been my friends since forever, and I'm not ready to let any of you go anytime soon" 


a/n: just a calm chapter after the other three chapters....

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