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-Shane's POV-

I woke up that day with the light shining through the window. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. That text literally had me up til three in the morning. I checked my phone again, and there was more messages from Lisa. I unlocked my phone, and checked them.

Lisa: I know you've read the last text

Lisa: I tried coming by the house that night. Your mother said you were out with Ryland

Lisa: I just really need to talk you

I groaned, and decided I should freshen up. I took a warm shower, and put on some clothes. I went back into the bathroom and did my hair. "Shane, Could you come downstairs please?" My mother called from downstairs. I grabbed my phone and headed down the stairs.

"Yes mom?" I said. She was on the couch along with my father. "Sit down" She said. I raised an eyebrow, and sat down on the lounge chair. "Your father and I have been talking. We don't really think you should be hanging out with Ryland too much" She said, kind of scared.

I didn't understand. My mother was literally the one who told me to talk to him. "What? Why?" I asked, shouting just a little. "We know that he's gay and I don't want him to change you. " My father stated.

"Joey and Daniel are gay! Why is it so different for Ryland?! " I shouted. "Joey and Daniel have each other. They've been your friend since the third grade. Ryland is new around and doesn't have a boyfriend. I don't trust that. " My father said.

I then got up, and slipped on my shoes that were by the doorway. "I'm borrowing your car. I'll be back soon" I said, as I slammed the door shut.

How could they? They just expect me to be okay with not hanging out with Ryland anymore? That's fucking impossible. Last night was the best time I've had in a while. There is no way I'm giving that up. I got in the car, and drove straight out of the driveway.

I just cant see why my father cant let the whole gay thing go. I know I'm straight, but he wont believe me. My phone went off again, so I checked it.

Lisa: Could you come over please?

I sighed, and drove to Lisa's house. It was far from where I lived. I arrived at her house, and exited the car. I knocked on the door, and Lisa answered it. She had her hair in a messy bun, and she had a little bit of makeup on.

She let me inside her house, and closed the door. Lisa then went to her room, and waved her hand to tell me to follow her. I entered her room, and she sat on her bed as I sat on her office chair. "So about that text last night...." I started, but was interrupted by her.

"I meant it" She stated. I nodded and looked her right in the eye. "Let's do something today" She said. "Alright. What should we do then?" I asked. "Well first we are getting something to eat because I'm starving" She said. I laughed and she went to go change. 

I was playing a game on my phone, when she came out. She was a typical spring weather outfit. I extended my hand out, and she grabbed a hold of my hand. We walked out her room, and out the house. She locked the door, and got inside the car.

"Where are your parents at?" I asked, as I pulled out her driveway. "They went to some party last night, and didn't come back. I'm pretty sure they got fucked up" She said. I laughed, and she turned on the radio. She started to sing, and dance to all the songs. She looked so adorable. 

We arrived at her favorite breakfast cafe. I parked the car, and we got out. She grabbed a hold of my hand, as we walked in. That whole time was filled with laughter and smiles. We actually sat there for about three hours just enjoying each other. "We should go to the big park down the street from here" Lisa said. "Alright, but I really want to feed the ducks" I said. 

We first stopped at the store to buy bread, and then headed to the park. We grabbed the little package of bread, and headed to the pond. We sat down on the little stumps, and Lisa threw bread at the ducks.

She kept laughing at the way the ducks walked, and it was the cutest thing I've heard all day. "You're cute" I said. She turned over to me, and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Y'know. If you would have told me you liked me before I dated Daniel we would've been a thing by now" She said. "How did you know I liked you?" I asked.

"I read your little diary from when you were thirteen about two months ago" She said, as she fed one of the ducks. "You went through my stuff?" I asked again. "Oh yeah. You were taking forever, and I got bored. You were such a cute awkward boy back then" She said.

"Well, I'm glad we are here now" I said, as I grabbed her hand. She smiled at me and leaned her head on shoulder. "Oh my. Is Shisa going to happen?" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw Joey and Daniel. "Eh. I was kind of rooting for Shyland" Daniel said. 

"ME TOO!" Joey yelled. "Well, not everyone is gay like you guys" Lisa said. "I wouldn't say that so soon, Lisa. Ryland could steal Shane anytime he wants too just like I stole Daniel" Joey said. I saw Daniel's eyes widen, and he nudged at Joey. I looked over at Lisa, and she was literally death staring Joey.

"Well, we're going to go now. You two have fun!" Daniel said, as he grabbed Joey's arm and pulled him away from us. I grabbed Lisa, and pulled her up off the stump. I gave the bread to a random family, and they thank me. I decided to walk the trail with her. We walked in silence, until I had enough of it.

"Look, what he said will not happen" I said, and stopped in the middle of the track. She was looking down, so I lifted her chin up. Her eyes were sparkling, and I smiled. "I just want you forever in my arms" she said. I tucked one of her baby hairs behind her ear, and smiled at her.

"You're so beautiful, you know that..." I said. She smiled, and shook her head. "Well now you do" I said. I put one of my hands on her cheek, and wrapped my arm around her. I leaned in and she slowly put her arms around my waist. I collided our lips together, and I felt her smile into the kiss. 

We pulled away from each other, and laughed. I sat down, and she sat down right next to me. She grabbed my hand and leaned her head in my chest. I put my arm around her and held her tight.

Although, this was suppose to feel right...

It felt the complete opposite.

It felt like I wasn't suppose to be here.

Like I wasn't suppose to holding her.

All of this just felt....



a/n: bananas are my favorite.

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