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-Shane's POV-

I stood there and didn't say a single word. I didn't even know how to respond to him. I knew I was going to tell him soon, but that was sure as hell not a good answer. I met my eyes with him, and a little tear fell from his eyes.

"Exactly. Were you going to leave without any goodbye and not even telling me? You told everyone else except me, your own fucking boyfriend!" He yelled at me again.

"I was going to tell you that fucking day you sat at lunch with your other fucking boyfriend David" I shouted back at him.

"You could've told me anytime after that, Shane! But no, you decided to act like nothing was fucking wrong!" He argued.

"Well, I'm sorry. I couldn't fucking tell you, so I acted like everything was fine. That was a bad move, but I was going to tell you Ryland!" I screamed, letting a few tears stream again.

"Why? Why couldn't you just fucking tell me?" He screamed.

"God damn it Ryland! I didn't fucking tell you straight away, because I'm so fucking scared of losing you" I screamed at him. "But I've clearly already lost you!"

He completely back down on me. He didn't know how to respond. He tried but nothing would come out of his mouth. He was defeated. I wiped the tears that were continuously coming down from my eyes. 

"How did you even find that out anyways?" I asked him calmly.

"Gabbie. She came over to eat lunch with us for the past couple of days, and she was showing my sympathy. I guess she thought that you've already told me. I asked her why she was showing me pity and she explained it to me" He explained.

"When did she exactly tell you?" I asked him, a little bit annoyed.

"I don't know maybe a week ago or so" He answered.

"Did you just kiss David today or what?" I asked him, hoping he would nod but he shook his head. "Then how long have you been doing this for?"

"We were 'flirting'  when we were first together, and it didn't mean shit to me. Then Gabbie told me that day at lunch, and I'm was upset okay. David then was playfully flirting with me again and it got the best of me so I kissed him. Then that lead to where we are now." He explained to me. 

"I don't even know what to think of you. You've been flirting with him for weeks, and now you have been a thing with him for a week now! Did you really fucking think you could fucking play me?" I screamed at him.

"No! That wasn't it at all Shane!" He exclaimed.

"Then what was it Ryland?" I yelled. "Do you have feelings for him? Is that it?" 

He didn't answer me. There was one question that was bugging me. I know this was either a yes or no question, and it would determine my relationship with him. 

"Do you like him? Or dare I should say love him? " I asked him almost inaudible

"Maybe. David makes me happy, and he makes me feel good. I felt that with you too, but I don't know." He responded.

My heart instantly broke. It broke into so many pieces. I put my hand over my heart and clenched my onto my shirt. How could he? It was worse that I actually thought it was. I felt my life crashing down in seconds. 

"I'm sorry. I really am. I'm just so confused." He said, not making any contact with me.

"Well, I wouldn't want you to be confused anymore. I'll make the decision for you." I said so coldly. "I'm done with you. I don't wanna be with you anymore, Ryland" 

His eyes met mine, and you could tell he wasn't expecting that. I looked down at his wrist and his bracelet was still on. I smiled at it, and sighed. Our bracelets were like marriage rings to me. I looked down at mine, and unhooked it from my wrist. I then put it down on the table, and looked back at Ryland.

"He can have the other half" I said coldly before walking to his front door, opening it, and slamming it shut. 

I walked home in so much hurt, and disgusted with the fact that I actually had once called him mine. I opened the front door to my house, and my mother came running from the living room. She pulled me in for a hug as I hugged back. 

Her hug made me felt so loved, but I wanted to be loved by someone else other than her. I started to then cry once again. I fell to the ground as my mother fell along with me. My father rushed over to us and they had both such concerned faces.

They held onto me tight as if I would disappear into thin air if it was any looser, and allowed me to let out all of my tears. I was surprised there was still tears in me from everything that happened today. I was also surprised my father had actually cared about my feelings.

"Shaney, please tell us what's wrong" My mother pleaded me. 

"R-Ryland, h-he cheated on m-me. H-he l-loves someone else..." I cried out, trying to calm my breathing down before I spoke again. "I just broke up with him"

I then turned to look at my father who was concerned. He looked back down at me and he turned a little pale. I pulled out of their hug and stood up. My father then stood up along with me, and I backed away from him.

"I guess you got what you wanted earlier than you thought"


a/n: im a good person.

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