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-Shane's POV-

*one week later*

This past week has been really good. Gabbie finally found herself a boyfriend named Zane. Ryland came out to my group of friends, which Joey and Daniel were so happy. Lisa's mystery guy is still out of the picture for now, and I'm just being the happy person that I am.

"Shane! Ryland's here!" I heard my father yell.  I jumped off my bed and ran down the stairs. Ryland was standing by the kitchen talking to my mother. That's another thing, my mother has been very into Ryland's presence. I take it as because I'm not a very friendly person to new people. 

"Hey Ryland" I said, as I pulled him into a friendly hug. I felt eyes watching me, and I knew it was my father. I quickly pulled out of the hug, and gave him a weak smile. "Okay, so I was wondering if you possibly wanted to go to the carnival tonight with my family and I?" He asked.

I nodded, and let a sigh of relief out. "Thank god. I really didn't want to hang out with my little cousins" He said. "You have family here?" I asked. "Oh yeah. My father's side lives in Santa Monica. They are staying for the weekend" He answered. 


"Shane, You look fine" Ryland said, as he was watching me fix my hair. "No. It's got to be perfect" I responded. I take my hair very seriously and it frustrates me when it won't cooperate with me. "Just give me the brush, and I'll do it for you" He said. I handed him the brush and faced him. He started to brush my hair. He was looking at my hair then back down to my eyes. This continued for about another thirty seconds.

"There you go. Take a look" He said, as put the hairbrush down. I looked into the mirror and it looked actually really good. I turned and gave him a thumbs up, and we headed down the stairs. I said goodbye to my parents, and we walked to Ryland's home.

He let me go in first, and then he entered. "Hello Shane, it's nice to see you again" Vicki said. "Nice to see you too, Mrs. Adams" I greeted. Ryland then sat me down on the couch, and one of his cousins sat next to him.

"Who's your little friend here?" she asked. She had blonde hair, blue/greenish eyes, and little freckles that scattered her face. "Oh, This is Shane. Shane, This is my cousin Brianna" He said. "He's really cute, Ryland. Good job" Brianna said, as she gave Ryland a big smile.

I felt my cheeks get hot, and Ryland's face went fully red. "He's not my boyfriend. He's not even the slightest of gay" Ryland replied. Brianna then knew it was awkward, so she just left. I then faced Ryland, and his head was down.

"How would you feel if I was your boyfriend?" I asked. I didn't know why I just wanted to know. "Why would you ask me that?" Ryland asked, slightly tilting his head. I shrugged and waited for a response. "I don't know. I mean we've only known each other for a few days, but I feel different around you" He said. 

I just smile, and nod. I didn't want to seem like I liked him back, because I didn't. The fact that his face just went really red just made me wonder if he thought differently about me. "Alright, Time to go. Ryland, do you want to ride with us or your cousins?" His mother asked him. "I'll ride with my cousins this time around" He replied.

Big mistake. We had to ride with his three girl cousins, and they literally sang almost the entire time. When they weren't singing, they were saying that Ryland and I would make a cute couple. They even created a ship name called 'Shyland'.  I didn't hate it, but you can tell Ryland wanted to kill all of his cousins.

We finally arrived and got out of the car. Ryland already had his twenty dollars, and I told him that I could pay for myself. He told me no, and gave the ticket booth person the twenty bucks. "Shane! We should go on the Ferris Wheel!" He shouted. "We can go on that last" I said. He pouted, as I grabbed the tickets. 

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