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-Ryland's POV-

*a few days in advance*

Shane's eye had healed just a bit now, and doesn't look as bad as it did before. His father has not yet come home which concerns Shane oddly enough. We just finished up all exams for the year, and are ready now to have the last week of school.

"Come on, I need to go buy some new clothes!" Joey exclaimed. "The summer is coming and I've got to be ready for it."

"Argh, Fuck off. I hate the summer especially this one in particular" Shane scoffed, crossing his arms.

Joey seemed to understand why, but I stayed out of it since it probably was none of my business. Shane then sighed and gave into Joey. We got into Joey's car and set off. He drove to the biggest mall in the city which is 45 minutes away from the school.


"THIS LOOKS SO FREAKING CUTE!" Joey shouted out as he picked out a shirt from the shelf.

Shane and I just stared at him while he skipped to the fitting room. I looked down and saw hold comfortable Shane was with holding my hand now in public. I kissed his cheek and he just smiled like a dork.

"What do you wanna do while Joey is changing" Shane said, grabbing a hold of my hips and pulling me close.

"I know what we could do, but we can't do that in public" I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Shane just smirked and put his hand on my neck and pulled me into a kiss. We stood there just casual kissing and it felt like everything around us was a blur. That was until we were rudely interrupted.

"Hey Shane" A voice said with a little bit of eagerness in it.

"Oh, Hey Garrett. What's up?" Shane said, moving his head out the way to look at Garrett.

"Nothing much. Just wondering around with some friends, but I see you're really into that ones face" He said, pointing over to me.

"Oh haha. This is Ryland, my boyfriend" Shane said ever so confidently.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Garrett" He said, extending his hand out to shake my hand in which I accepted.

"Same to you too. When did you two meet?" I asked.

"In science class. The day when you were at home sick" Shane instantly replied.

I just fairly nodded, and bit my bottom lip. We stayed there silently just exchanging class. Garrett must have felt a little awkward because he finally excused himself and said goodbye to us. He said goodbye to him, and just set off.

Joey had not yet come out of the fitting room, so Shane and I resumed our session we were having. Of course, we were fairly interrupted just as it about to get good.

"Stop eating each other's faces!" Joey shouted out as he laughed at the end.


-Shane's POV-

Ryland had walked into a store that I can't even say the name to, while Joey and I went to do something else. We walked into James Avery and looked around for a bit, trying to look for the perfect one.

"Shane!" Joey called out from across the store. "Look at this one!"

I walked over to him, and he was pointing down on it. I instantly loved it, and it would look so cute on him. I called the lady over and she took it out of the case and showed us an up close version.

I looked at Joey, and he was just smiling and nodding.The piece of jewelry looked really pretty and nice, and I could tell Ryland would love it. I instantly nodded back at her and she wrote something down on paper and smiled.

"This is a beautiful choice. Would you like to engrave it?" She asked.

"Yes! Can you have this engraved on it?" I said, writing it down on the little paper that she had before handing it back to her.

"Sure! We can fit that write below here" She said, pointing it to the area where it would be engraved in.

"That's fine. Do you know how long you will take?" I asked, looking at the time on my phone which read 5:28.

"Maybe thirty minutes tops since we don't have much customers at the moment. Would you like to wait?" She asked.

I nodded, and she nodded along with me. She took the jewelry with her and went to the back room. I looked at Joey and he gave me a thumbs up. I took my phone out and texted Ryland.


Shane: Hey baby, are you done yet?

Ryland: Almost. I found a couple of shirts and shorts already.

Shane: When will you be done?

Ryland: I would say maybe 20 minutes, but the line is very long so maybe an extra 10-15 minutes...sorry <3

Shane: It's alright. Take your time <3

Ryland: What are you two doing anyways?

Shane: Just roaming around...

Ryland: Well alright, i'm going to go back to shopping. I love you <3 xxx

Shane: I love you too baby boy <3 xxxx

*30 minutes later -(because the author is a lazy fuck)- *

The lady came back out of the room, and we rushed over to the counter. She showed me the finished product, and I smiled so wide. She noticed she got her answer and put both of them in that box.

I paid the nice lady and she handed me the bag with the box inside of it. I walked out the store happy with myself and Joey was just a little squealing kid that was excited for Ryland to see it.

"You need to calm the hell down, and we got to go pick up Ryland so don't give any hints" I said, setting my hand on Joey's shoulder.

"The bag is pretty obvious" Joey sassed at me.

I put the bag into Joey's bag so it looked like I had nothing. Joey rolled his eyes and we walked to the store where Ryland was. He was checking out and he looked over at me and made a silly face.

I just laughed at his cuteness and made a silly face back at him. He grabbed his bag and ran over to me. He threw his arms around my neck and I caught him with his waist to help him stay in place. He happily kissed me, and did a little eskimo kiss.

I still can't believe this precious boy is all mine...


a/n: ....i updated twice today. i'm such a hypocrite.

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