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-Ryland's POV-

"Ryland, You're suppose to let me win!" Joey exclaimed. I had decided to spend the day with Joey since Daniel was busy with studying, and Shane is hanging out with Lisa. "That's not how you play Monoplay" I said. Joey groaned, and put the game board up. "So, How's you and Danny boy doing" I asked.

Joey let out a little laugh, and turned to face me. "Danny boy and I are doing just fine, weirdo" Joey said. I let out a chuckle, and stood up. "What do you wanna do today?" Joey asked. "I don't fucking care. I just want to get out of this house" I said. "Okay then, let's just go for a little walk" Joey said.

He grabbed his jacket, and we headed out. "Now, Let me ask you a question" Joey said. I turned to face him, and nodded. "How about you and Shane? How are you two doing?" Joey asked, slightly smiling. I let out a chuckle, and smirked. "Only if you promise to not talk to Lisa or Shane about it. Maybe Daniel, but that's it" I said.

Joey nodded very quickly, along with biting his lips and smiling. "We almost kissed the other day" I said. Joey gasped, and started squealing. "What do you mean almost?" Joey shouted. "Lisa literally almost walked in on it. We just ended up hugging, and I left" I explained.

Joey then shook his head, and we continued to walk. We ended up at the park, and sat on the bench. "You know if you like Shane, I think you should tell him" Joey said. "He won't care. He doesn't want to disappoint his father, but honestly who gives a fuck what he father thinks" I said. 

The only reason I was hiding the fact that I liked Shane was his father. He always talks about being scared of his father. I wouldn't be surprised if Shane decided to live his whole life a lie just for his damn father. I much rather have Shane be himself and just let his father's rules and opinions go to hell.

"His father is an actual asshole. He needs to let Shane be who he wants to be" Joey said, as he put his head down. "Doubt that would ever happen" I said. "Have a little faith" Joey said, and she slightly pushed me. I pushed him back, and then he fully pushed me off the bench. Joey started laughing, and I just laid there on the ground. 

Joey then extended his hand to help me up. i decided to use this as advantage. I extended my hand out, and grabbed his hand. I then pull him down, and fell right on top of me. I ended up hurting myself, because he ended up hitting my stomach pretty hard. Joey used his hand to lift himself just a little bit.

We looked at each other for a second. I noticed he was looking at me weirdly. He was slowly leaning in, and I was mentally freaking out. "Joey, What are y-" I was interrupted when Joey's lips met mine. I didn't kiss back, and I pushed him off. I then heard a little camera snap go off.

"Look what we have here" the voice said. I turned to look, and it was Lisa. She was standing right next to Gabbie. "Where's Shane" I asked. Lisa and Gabbie exchanged look, and then looked back at me. "He's over there by the river, but enough about him. Tell us about you two" Gabbie said.

"It was an accident" Joey said, looking at me. He looked absolutely terrified. "Doesn't seem like it" Lisa then said. I stood up, and helped Joey up too. "It didn't mean anything!" I yelled right in Lisa's face. She flinched, and took a step back.

"I think Danny would love to see this photo" Gabbie said. Joey was more confused now than terrifed. "You've never called Daniel that" Joey said. Lisa then smirked, and let out a little laugh. "We may have listened to your conversation too" Lisa said with a smile on her face.

"What the fuck! Do you not know shit about privacy" I yelled, clenching my fists. "You're in a public place aren't you?" Lisa said, crossing her arms. "Shut the fuck up Lisa. Gabbie, you're not going to show Daniel that meaningless picture! " Joey yelled.

I was so fed up with Gabbie and Lisa at this point. I wasn't about to put up with their shit. "We won't show him if Ryland stays away from Shane from now on" Lisa said. I leaned a little closer to Lisa, and looked into her eyes. "Fuck you. That's not going to fucking happen" I said.

She then gave me a death stare, and clenched her fists. "You know what? You don't fucking deserve that boy. He's probably lying to himself, and just staying with you to hide it. He would never stay with just a fucking stuck up bitch like you" I said. Everything went quiet.

Everything then happened so fast that I didn't even realized what had just happened. I was back on the ground, and I put my hand up to my face. When I looked back at my hand, there was blood on it.

I looked behind me, and Joey was just standing still. I then looked forward and Gabbie was a couple of steps away from Lisa. "Lisa, chill the hell out" Gabbie whispered. I then came to a conclusion that Lisa had punched me with all of anger in her.

She walked up to me, and crouched down. "He doesn't love you, and he never fucking will" Lisa said. "You're such a fucking bitch" I said, before laying back down on the floor. She stood back up, and smirked. "I know" She said before kicking me.

I groaned in pain, and clenched my stomach. I knew I couldn't do anything about it. Gabbie and Joey were too scared to even go near Lisa. I was about to let her win when I heard a voice that I didn't think I would hear at that moment.

"Ryland? Lisa? What the hell is going on here?" Shane yelled in confusion and worry.


a/n: i love lisa. this wasn't suppose to happen, but i was listening to music and it just happened. i also love food...

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