epilogue pt.1

880 34 16

Shane's POV

"Shane! Come on!" Jayden yelled out, throwing on his jacket. "The cab is waiting outside for us!"

"Coming" I yelled out as I grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

Jayden had already rolled out our suitcases and bags out to the hallway. I walked out the dorm room and locked it. I threw my bag over my shoulder and rolled my suitcase outside to the cab. The driver put our stuff in the truck as we got in. The driver got in and started to drive the car off of the campus. 

"Damn, I still can't believe we made actually got our degrees in film making" Jayden whispered, as he looked out the back window.

"I had a blast there. I never thought I was going to make it this far to be honest" I chuckled.

"Professor loved you dude, your films were so fucking good." Jayden exclaimed. "Hell, you got a master's degree while the others got bachelors."

(is that even possible? idk anything is possible in a fanfiction tbh)

"Yeah, but I'm going to give myself time before I get a big job." I explained. "Besides, I'm getting pretty good pay with this YouTube job"

We talked there rest of the car ride until we got to the airport. We gathered out things together and headed towards the security check. They checked everything and we were sent to go. We waited a couple of more minutes before our planes finally boarded. Jayden and I gave each other one last hug before we parted.

"I can sense your a bit nervous, don't be. Everything is going to go just fine with your man back home" Jayden said, making me chuckle just a bit. "Text me, alright?"

I nodded before handing the ticket into the assistant. I walked down the airbridge and sat down in my seat which was next to the aisle instead of the window. I put my headphones in my ears and let music go through them. More and more people got on the plane and there was a young little boy that sat next to me.

 He ended up taking one of the earbuds out and smiled at me. He had gray eyes with blonde hair. He pushed back his hair and blinked at me for a moment. I was about to put my earbud back in but he interrupted me before I could.

"Hi! I'm Ryan, and I'm seven years old!" He said, jumping just a bit in his seat. 

"Well hello Ryan. I'm Shane, and I'm twenty years old" I said with a smile that appeared upon my lips. 

"Actually could you call me Ry? I don't really like the name Ryan all too much" He said, swinging his legs back and forth.

"Well, why don't you just call yourself Ryland?" I said, letting another big smile out at the familiar name. 

"I really like that name. Thanks Shaney" the boy said with a grin on his face as he played with his action figures. 

"You're welcome Ryland" I said, before slammed down a coloring book on my lap with a couple of crayons. 

I looked back at him as he giggled, putting his hands over his eyes. I laughed at his cuteness and began flipping through the pages of the book. There was a picture of a flower and I decided to color that in. The little boy watched me with a slight smile on his face as he had his head resting in his hands. 


"Bye Shaney!" The boy yelled out as his mother turned around to flash me a smile. "See you on the flip side!" 

"Goodbye Ryland!" I yelled back out at him, as I smiled back at the mother and waved goodbye to the little boy. 

I turned my head to see my mother and father standing there. They smiled widely at me as I walked their way. My mother engulfed me into a hug and my father ruffled up my hair with his hand. We pulled away and they looked at the little boy that was walking away with his mother. 

"Last time I checked Ryland was taller than that" My father said with a chuckle in between. 

"His name is Ryan but he doesn't like it all too much, so I gave him the name Ryland" I explained. 

My parents laughed before we walked to the car and loaded my things inside. The whole car ride was about how school was. Honestly, I was pretty bored the whole time until did film projects more often. I already knew most of the things since I literally use to read all about film making when I was thirteen.

We finally arrived to my home, and I immediately ran inside. The house looked just the same as I left and a smile appear on my face at all the memories that flooded back into my brain. I ran up to my room and there still laid everything. I jumped into the bed and laughed; I just wanted to be home.

I felt something lay next to me. I thought it was my mother and I buried my head into the pillows. They then put their hand in my hair, which the hand was a little bit too small to be my mothers. The presence then left and I opened my left eye and nothing was there. I then felt the presence on my right side.

"Boo." It whispered in my ear, and laughed once I screamed. 

I turned quickly and my eyes met their eyes. My eyes widened and and a smile plastered immediately on my face at them. They had the same reaction and they came closer to me. I threw myself on them as my arms wrapped around his neck and my lips connected. I felt him smile into the kiss as I smiled too. We pulled away to catch our breaths but our foreheads leaned against another. 

"I missed you so much" I whispered. 

"I missed you so much more baby" Ryland whispered back into my ear before pulling me back into another passionate kiss.


this sucked ass but there will be part 2 thursday soooo hopefully thats a bit better 

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