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(all new characters are fictional)

-Shane's POV-

Connor parked his car next the curb near his friends houses. You could already hear the music bumping and the lights shining through the windows. Connor then grabbed a hold of my arm, pulling it to get to the house faster.

People were standing outside, either having a drink or having a conversation. Connor pushed the door open and we entered. The house was full of people, making me feel a little uncomfortable. Connor then left to go get us a drink, leaving me alone to myself.

"Hey there! You seem new? I've never seen you around" A girl said as she came closer to me.

She had long curly blue hair along with the darkest shade of blue eyes. Her outfit was screaming basic as she had on a plain black shirt with some ripped blue jeans. She had a multiple bracelets on one arm and had even a tattoo on her wrist.

"Uh, Hey. I just recently moved here. I'm "friends" with Connor" I said in the nicest tone possible.

"Connor? Funny, He never likes to make friends." She said as pushed her hair back. "Anyways, Welcome to the big apple!"

"Thanks? I'm Shane" I stated, giving a weak smile. "I don't exactly want to be here, so if you see Connor just tell him I'm waiting for him in the car when he's done."

I gently pushed past her, but she then grabbed my wrist. I groaned as I remember Connor doing the same exact thing not so long ago. She then handed me her drink and raised her eyebrow. I didn't exactly know what she was asking me, so I raised my eyebrow to her.

"Take a gulp. Maybe it'll loosen you up, and you won't be such a party pooper" She joked.

"I don't drink, and besides of I'm even the legal age. Also, not a party pooper. I just kind of want to go home and eat ice cream until one in the morning" I sassed, crossing my arms.

"No offense, but that's the most saddest thing I've heard today. Come on, have some fun." She pleaded, sticking her bottom lip out. "You only live once"

I stared at the red cup that was holding about half a cup of alcohol. My conscious was telling me no, but my body was saying the total opposite. I grabbed the cup out of Chloe's hand and chugged the rest down. I felt myself give one of those squeamish faces as I handed the cup back.

"Ugh, what the fuck is that shit?" I asked.

"Have you never had alcohol before?" She asked as I shook my head in response. "Wow, you're one good boy aren't you?

I kind of got embarrassed as she started to laugh at my state. She then poured us both some more drinks and we went outside. We sat down on the steps as Chloe pulled out a cigarette. Chloe and I sat there talking, sometimes going back inside to get more to drink.

"So, where do you come from Shane?" She asked, letting the smoke of the cigarette come out of her mouth.

"California, why do you ask?" I asked her.

"No reason, but you've come a long way? Why so?" She asked.

"My father's job, and there's nothing left for me in California except for some childhood friends" I said. "I'm not planning on going back anytime soon"

She nodded and continued to smoke. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, leaving me to kind of jump. I took it out of my pocket and Lisa was calling. I immediately bolted up and made my way further from the house, so I could hear her. I then finally answered the call before it could decline.

"Hey Lisa!" I said excitedly.

"Hey Shane! How are you? I can see you've been doing somewhat good because you haven't really tried calling or texting any of us" She said.

"Awe, I'm sorry. I've been a little caught up in my thoughts, but everything is fine here. I miss all of you" I confessed.

"Don't worry about Shane. We miss you too" She sighed.

"If you don't mind we asking, but do you know anything on Ryland? Like how's he doing or anything on him and David?" I asked.

"David is still around, sadly. He isn't around us anymore. I'm guessing because he knows he fucked up" She answered. "Why do you care? Aren't you getting over him?"

"Sure, totally" I lied.

"Don't tell me you still love him?" She asked as I gave no response. "Seriously? You're just going to keep getting hurt"

"I know that it's ju-" I was saying as I was interrupted by being pushed to the ground.

I groaned in pain due to me hitting the concrete pretty hard. I turned to look at who it was and it was Connor. He looked like he regretted it as he helped me back up on my feet. I bent down to get my phone that I couldn't really see since it was dark. I got into light and the whole phone was broken, it wouldn't even turn on.

"Really? You made me break my phone" I said, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"I'm sorry, Shane. I didn't think you were on the phone. It was suppose to be funny..." He said, decreasing his voice as he went on.

"Whatever, I'm getting something to drink" I said, walking past him and entering the house.

I was going to pour myself something non-alcoholic but that clearly didn't happen. I kept pouring myself more and more alcohol and chugging it straight down. My felt my eyes get blurry and felt myself losing all control of myself.

I suddenly then started getting flashbacks on Ryland and I. The smile on his face, his eyes, his hair, his everything were all that was on my mind. I consumed more alcohol, thinking it would get rid of him but it only made it worse. More moments of us started to show up, making me drink even more.

The flashbacks were so haunting. All the moments I thought he was really in love with me were all wrong. He had never loved me, and I couldn't handle it. I drank and drank, making my body suffer even more. I wanted to be loved so badly, and this is what I got. Alcohol and heartbreak.

In a span of minutes, I had consumed so much alcohol that I couldn't anything or think of anything. My mind was pure blank. I was so dizzy and I felt myself giving out. I took more in before finally feeling my head hit the glass counter and hit the ground. My body had finally had enough and given up.

Everything went black.

I couldn't feel anything.

I couldn't think of anything.

I couldn't do anything at all.

Just like I wanted.


a/n: until next the chapter...

im starting to piss myself off because i really want to make a cute shane and ryland scene and well that cant fucking happen

are you pissed with me?


its fine, i feel ya


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