epilogue pt.2

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Shane's POV

Ryland had intertwined our hands together as he made me follow him down the stairs. My mom and dad smiled at the both of us knowing that Ryland was up there the whole time to give me a welcoming home. We both walked out the front door and strolled down the pavement and onto the sidewalk.

We walked in a comfortable silence as I looked at around the neighborhood. It looked a bit different from the last few years as there were more people now, and more kids running around on their lawns. I smiled as a little boy played with another little boy, and they giggled all too innocently as they fell onto each other.

"We could have that you know..." Ryland spoke, leaning into my ear just a bit.

"Huh?" I asked, confused with what Ryland just said.

We had approached the huge park that sat in the center of the neighborhood. We walked over to the big tree that sat directly next to the swing sets. I climbed first as Ryland followed behind me. I sat on the biggest and strongest branch as Ryland pulled me closer to him, wrapping one arm around my waist.

"I was saying, we could have that of our own" Ryland explained. "Kids running around on the front yard, the big house, with the beautiful love that we share together."

"Hold your horses here, mister." I said, putting my finger over his lips. "We have to start small, like a little apartment and we will grow from there."

"Well of course, Shaney." Ryland exclaimed, turning so that his legs were on each side of the branch as I followed his actions. "I actually want you to come home with me."

"Um, we're twenty years old and I think if you want to get started on our life...we need a place of our own" I explained, not wanting to sound mean.

"Let me finish here before you jump to any conclusions, sir" Ryland said, putting his hand over my mouth. "I got enough money to buy myself a loft last year, I want you to move in with me."

My eyes shot back up to meet Ryland's as he removed his hand away from my mouth. A smile crept on the both of our faces and Ryland chuckled a bit. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a quick kiss as I felt Ryland smile against my lips.

"So is that a yes?" Ryland asked, timidly. "Are you going to come back to Los Angeles and live with me?"

"Well duh! I can't just leave you again." I shouted, happily. "I want to spend every second of every minute of every hour of every single day with you for the rest of my life."

Ryland smiled at me and he yanked me towards him. He made our lips meet once again as his hands rested on my hips. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck as our bodies were pulled even closer to each other. We slowly pulled away from each other and decided it was time to finally go home.


*A Week Later*

"I can't believe I'm going back to LA after three years" I exclaimed, shifting in my seat.

"Eager much, babe?" Ryland teased as he put his bag down on the ground, and then intertwining our hands together.

I nodded frantically which made Ryland chuckle. I felt the plane finally take off into the beautiful blue sky of New York. I watched how the land got farther and farther below us, and how the clouds were greeting us. I turned my head to smile at Ryland before finally getting lost in my own thoughts.

Before I knew it, the plane had landed and Ryland and I were waiting for our luggage. Once we had all of our stuff, Ryland had gotten his parents to leave his car for him this morning. We loaded our stuff into the backseat and got inside. The drive to the loft was interesting since the loft was another part of LA.

There was cute little shops that surrounded it. There was big plazas with much more places to go to and hang out at. We finally arrived and Ryland showed me up to the loft. I was trying to hide the fact that I was very excited, but Ryland could see right through me. He opened up the door and let me through first.

I look inside and the sight of the loft was breathtaking. There was huge windows that showed the city and how beautiful it truly is. The colors of the furniture complimented each other perfectly and it was all so pleasing to look at. I noticed the staircase, and I ran up it. The upstairs was the bedroom and I threw myself onto the bed.

"You like it so far?" Ryland laughed out, as he jumped in with me.

"I love it. I love it so freaking much Ryland" I exclaimed as I engulfed him into a big hug.

"I'm glad. I tried for the last six months trying to make it comfortable you to stay at." Ryland confessed. "There is actually a small room over there on the other side if you know...kiddos."

"We're not having kids anytime soon, Ry" I said with a slight chuckle in between as I got off of the bed.

"It was just a suggestion" Ryland laughed as he then showed me more of the lovely loft.

*Few Hours Later*

Ryland and I had freshened up with showers and we were now in our pajamas. The big screen TV was showing the movie Beauty and The Beast as Ryland remembered it was the first movie we watched together at my house and now we are in our little home.

(chapter nine if you don't believe me)

Ryland came back with our cups of tea and we wrapped ourselves up in a big blanket. We drank our tea together as the movie progressed. I snuggled up into Ryland's chest as he put his arm around me to comfort me. I started to giggle a bit as Ryland looked down at me weirdly.

"It's just funny to think about how far we made it to get to this point in our lives" I whispered, letting a smile overtake my face.

"What do you mean?" Ryland asked, confused. He removed himself from me to fully face me but he still had his hands in my hands.

"First, I didn't want to accept myself nor disappoint my father. Once I did, my father hated you and wouldn't accept of me." I started, trying not to tear up. "Then, it got all good and I found out that cheating bullshit."

I looked up to see that Ryland was staring right at me. He came a bit closer to me as he was trying to urge me to continue.

"I then moved and you then came back to me and we got all good again but school ruined that for the past two and a half years." I explained. "Now I'm back home and we're sitting here snuggling in our home just drinking tea and watching a Disney movie."

"It's kind of like the world finally stopped trying to forbid us from each other and just let us be" I said with smile as Ryland smiled back at me.

"Our love is a love that even the angels envy, and they saw that we were practically inseparable." Ryland said, pulling me by the waist to bring me closer. "Now they finally just let us live in our forever love that can not ever be forbidden."

We both exchanged our cute and adorable smiles to each other as we wrapped each other in the other's arms. Slowly, we both leaned into each other and our lips connected softly. The kiss was truly out of just pure love and so passionate. Our lips moved perfectly in sync with each other and hearts were beating as one.

Now this,

is what you call

true love.

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