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-Shane's POV-

We stood there awkwardly as my mother was just smiling at the both of us. I had removed myself from the doorway and headed to the kitchen. My mother tried calling me back over but I didn't listen. I grabbed my phone back and headed back up to my room.

I closed the door behind me as I jumped onto my bed. I couldn't help myself from the message Ryland had sent me. I sighed before clicking on the notification. The text opened up and I started to read it.


Ryland: Hey

Ryland: Could we talk? On text or phone, whichever you prefer

Shane: No offense Ryland, but I really don't want to talk to you at the moment.

Ryland: I understand, just please know that I'm so sorry.

Shane: It's fine Ryland. I've forgiven you already. I got to go now, but talk to you later I guess.

I threw my phone somewhere on the floor as there was a knock at my bedroom door. I groaned and got off of my bed and opened my door up. There he was standing there again. His green eyes were bright as he looked up at me with a smile.

"We just met not even five minutes ago, and you're already attached to me. Wow, we're going to be great friends" I said sarcastically but in a playful tone.

"Oh shut up. I know you just moved here, so you probably don't have any friends here. Might as well make one, that's why I'm here" He said smiling.

I sighed and opened the door wide open for him. He gladly walked in and sat down on my office chair. He looked around the room as I sat down on my bed, distracting myself with thoughts of Ryland. No matter how hard I try, I will never get him out of my head.

"You seem in deep thought. You alright?" He asked, tiling his head.

"I'm fine, Connor. I just need a little bit of space, alright?" I sassed.

He sighed and turned on his phone. He then immediately put it back into his pocket and looked back at me. He then stood up and sat down next to me. I looked at him in the corner of my eye and he just raised his eyebrow in a playful manner.

"Fine, we only met a couple of minutes ago but at least be a little nicer" He requested. "Now, tell me what's wrong and then just maybe I'll understand you"

I looked back to him as he then gave me puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop myself from smiling at his 'cuteness'. He continued to plead for who knows how long until I finally gave in. I faced myself towards as he then crossed his legs and put his hands up to his chin to rest his head.

"It was just a breakup, nothing special" I sassed, rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on Shane. There are plenty of other girls out there for you. Just give yourself another chance and someone will come to you" He beamed.

"Well, I'm not fully straight. I'm actually bisexual and it wasn't a girl, it was a boy." I corrected him nicely. "He was very special to me, but apparently I wasn't special to him since he cheated"

"That's his fault. Don't be sad over this dude who didn't even appreciate you in the first place. You're better than that and there are other people out there who are dying to be with you and call you theirs" Connor said.

"Like who? No one wants me Connor. I'm literally going to die alone and I'm never going to be happy again" I whined, throwing myself back on the bed.

"Oh come on, don't say that. You're not going to die alone and you will be happy again" He said smiling devilishly.

"Whatever. You're just saying that to make me feel better and I'm not falling for it" I pouted.

Connor sighed and stood up from the bed. He then grabbed my hands and pulled me up from the bed. I crossing my arms at him as he just let out a little laugh. He then threw me my hairbrush and ran to my closet. He looked through some shirts until he took one off of the rack and threw it at me.

"Fix your hair, put that shirt on, and let's go have some fun before you kill my mood for the night" He said.

I groaned once again, and went to go look at myself in the mirror. I fixed my hair so that it didn't look half as bad as it did before. I took off my shirt and put the other one that Connor had gave me on. I turned to look at him, and he smiled at my appearance in approval.

"Where are we even going?" I asked as he headed downstairs.

"I'll tell you in a minute" He whispered.

We walked down the stairs as my parents were still at the dinner table. They looked towards us and both smiled. I was pretty shocked my father didn't hound me with multiple questions, I guess I'm still getting use to the whole acceptance thing.

"Where are you two going?" My mother asked.

"I want to introduce him to some of my friends. Sorry in advance if I don't bring him home on time" Connor joked.

"Oh that's fine honey. As long as your keeping Shane happy that's all that matters" She said.

I rolled my eyes at her as she didn't seem to notice. I waved bye to my parents as they did waved bye back. We then walked over to Connor's car and got inside. He started up the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

"Your parents are super easy. You're one lucky duck here Shaney" He joked.

"They weren't easy at first, but I mean I guess I'm lucky now. They just want to see me get over everything and be the old me again but that's never going to happen" I argued.

"It might happen tonight" He then said mysteriously.

"Are you going to kill me? Because if so, you'd be doing me a big favor" I said jokingly.

"Oh good god no. Where in the hell did you get that idea? My friends are having a party, and I wasn't going to go until I saw how sad you looked" He said. "Maybe it will help you"

I didn't respond. I wasn't in the mood to 'party', but I'll have to just go with this for one night. What's the worse that could happen? Connor then hooked his phone up to the aux cord and put on a the girly song I've ever heard in my entire life.

"You make me question my decisions on leaving with you" I said. 

"Oh shut up. I love my songs that make me feel like a teenage girl" He joked.

"Gay" I stated.

"No shit sherlock" 


a/n: alright. i've got some news for you....

i know i use to update every single day (or at least tried to) and as you can tell that's not working anymore because of school and I don't have time to update as I use too. so, i'll only be updating on tuesdays and thursdays, and maybe sundays.


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