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-Shane's POV-

Once everyone left, Ryland wanted to stay a little bit longer to enjoy the view we had. The sun was still out luckily. We were laying down on the grass, holding hands, not even saying one word to each other.

"I can't believe you actually came out to them, let alone break up with Lisa" Ryland said. "I thought I was going to have to fight a bitch."

"Well sometimes you have to do things for the ones you love, even though they might hurt some else or them" I explained, rubbing Ryland's hand with my thumb.

"I'm glad I have such a perfect boy like you" Ryland whispered, rolling over to face me. "I never thought I would ever call you mine."

"Well I'm all your's now..." I whispered back, lifting myself up just a bit to place a kiss on his lips.

He then cupped my face, and kissed me back. I fell back down to the ground as Ryland was on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him closer to me than he was before. We stayed like that for a while until we needed to breathe.

"I've got something fun we could do" Ryland said, reaching into his pocket.

He then grabbed out a little pouch. He opened up, and there was a pocket knife inside of it. Now, I'm not one to jump to conclusions and assumptions, but I was kind of scared. I'm 99.99% sure someone is going to die.

"Why do you have that?" I asked, trying not to sound scared.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill anyone. Just come with me" Ryland said, getting up off the ground.

I got up myself, and Ryland instantly grabbed my hand. He guided me through a couple of trees until we stopped at a certain one. The tree was getting full sunlight, and you could see the whole park if you're next to it.

"This one's perfect" Ryland said, getting go of our hands.

"What are we even doing?" I asked.

"We are going to carve our first name letters into the tree" Ryland explained, handing me the pocket knife.

I smiled at this idea, and started to carve an S into the tree. After that, I added a plus sign and then Ryland started to carve his R. He finished, and then I thought something was missing. I took the knife back, and carved a heart around everything.

"That took forever, but this is too cute" Ryland said, smiling at our work on the tree.

"Not as cute as you" I said, slightly chuckling at myself.

"You're so freaking cheesy, but I still love you anyways" Ryland said as he cupped my face and planted a kiss onto my lips.

"We should head home. Your parents probably want you home by now" I said, lacing our fingers together.

"Fine, but I want you to stay over again" He stated.

"Ryland, I don't want to be burden to your parents. Also, I'm pretty sure my parents would want me home tonight also" I explained.

"Well too bad" Ryland said. "You're staying over whether you like it or not."

I groaned, and Ryland just laughed. We both then started to walk away from the park, hand in hand. I had to stop by my house to grab more clothes, and Ryland stayed with me. The door was unlocked so it opened immediately.

"Shane? You're back!" My mother yelled out, pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah, Is dad here?" I whispered into her ear.

"Oh no, He's working late tonight. Why?" My mother asked with a little bit of worry in her voice.

I just smiled, and grabbed Ryland's hand. My mother looked down, and then gasped. Her hand was covering her mouth. Ryland and I just laughed, and shared a little kiss together.

"Aw, I'm so proud of you Shaney! I'm glad you're finally being yourself!" My mother exclaimed.

"I've been staying at Ryland's, and I'm going to stay over tonight also" I said, hoping she wouldn't say anything about that.

"Okay, that's fine" My mother said as she just continued to just smile.

I left Ryland with my mother as I ran to my room to grab some more clothes. I also grabbed my backpack since I will have to go to school tomorrow. I then ran back down the stairs, and Ryland was talking with my mother.

"You won't tell dad just yet right?" I asked my mother.

"Oh no! You can tell him whenever you're ready" My mother replied.

I nodded, and gave her one last hug. She then hugged Ryland, and we both left. We cut through the grass to his house, so we could get there faster. Ryland was very excited that his parents weren't home which I didn't understand.

He opened up the front door, and I ran up to his room. He noticed, and locked up the front door and then ran after me. I jumped onto his bed, and he just laughed at me. He then jumped onto the bed with me, and kissed me.

At first, it was a passionate and full of love kiss. It then suddenly got more heated, and our lips were moving perfectly in sync. Over time, he bit my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth, letting him have an entrance.

I put my arms around his neck, and he pushed my neck to the side. He then leaned down and scattered my neck with kisses, trying to look for my weak spot. Once he found out it, I let out little moan and felt him smirk against my neck.

He continued to suck and leave marks on my neck while my moans were gradually beginning to get louder and louder.I felt my jeans getting tighter as we progressed. He pulled away, and took off my shirt. I saw that his length was also showing through his jeans.

"Haha, You're staring at dick Shane" He said, laughing at me.

"I mean...You can't blame me though..." I said, making my eyes travel up his body.

He then took off his shirt, and collided our lips back together. His hands traveled down my chest, and then down my thighs. He started to unbutton my pants, and then slipped them off of my legs. He did the same with his pants, and I just laid there breathless. After a couple of more seconds, we were both fully nude and kissing.

"You ready?" Ryland asked, as he pulled away just a bit.

"Of course I'm ready, now let's continue this" I blurted.

"As you wish, baby boy" Ryland said, as he reached over the nightstand to grab the lube and a condom.

And well let's just say I'm surprised that the neighbors didn't call the police by all the loud screams, moans, and whines that were escaping my lips.


a/n: i find it a little funny that i made Ryland a top, and Shane a bottom.... oh well :)

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