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-Shane's POV-

It was finally the end of the school day, and I walked to my locker. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see Ryland. I saw he was wearing a normal black hat. To be honest, it looked really good on him.  "Did you figure out what was wrong" He questioned, as he leaned against the lockers.

As much as I wanted to tell him, I couldn't. He had a little smile on his face, which made it harder to lie straight to his face. "Yeah. This is my first actual relationship, and it's just kind of scary for me" I said, making it sound as convincing as possible. He gave a slow nod, and then gave a weak smile.

"Alright then" He said, as started to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back over. "You need you help me with homework, so you're coming over" I said. He let out a little groan, and I grab his arm, and pull him all the way home.


"This isn't homework" Ryland said, as him and Shane were playing Mario Kart. "Well no shit. I just wanted to you come over" I said, as I kept my attention on the screen. "You could have just told me to come over" He said, as he set the controller down.

I pause the game, and laid down on the bed on the bed. Ryland laughed, and fell right next to me. We sat there in silence, until he turned over to look at me. I did the same thing to him, and we met eyes.

"Is it okay if I kind of flirt with you?" He asked. I didn't understand why he just asked me if he could flirt with me? Who the fuck does that? Apparently Ryland does that. "Why would you even ask? Just do it." I said. Ryland then raised an eyebrow at me.

"Don't you think it would be weird to have a guy flirting with you?" He asked in a sarcastic tone. "No, Not from you at least" I said, as a little smile spread along my face. Ryland smiled back, and I saw his cheeks get a little red.

"Here. I'll start. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever laid eyes on" I said. Ryland then rolled his eyes, and gently pushed me. "That's such a classic. Here's something better" He said. "You've got a good jawline, and your eyelashes are so long sometimes I think they are fake" He said, as he came a little closer to me.

This basically continued for the next few minutes. Just two boys 'complimenting' each others, and I loved every second it. Except he ended up winning, because I can't 'compliment" for shit. "Nice try, Shaney" He said, as he took a sip of his water.

"I get a prize now..."He started, before I interrupted. "Uh no. You don't anything from me" I said, slightly shaking my head. "I won. You have to get me a prize, or else that's not fair!" He said. I rolled my eyes, and laid back down on the bed again and covered up my face.

"Fine, I'll just get it myself" He said, as he grabbed my hands and pinned them down. He then got on top me, so that way I couldn't really get up. I tried pushing him off, but it was no use. The boy was somewhat stronger than me in this moment.

"What exactly is your prize?" I said, slightly shouting. "To receive a kiss for you of course" He said, as he slightly leaned in. "You could have just asked" I replied, and flipped us over. I was on top now, and he was below me. He was slightly giggling at what was happening. 

"You're so cute" I whispered, but I knew he heard it. He put his arms around my neck, and I slightly leaned into him. Our lips were practically brushing against each other at this point. I felt my eyes start to flutter close, when I heard footsteps approaching my door. We both pulled away quick, and the door flew open.

"Shane! Guess what!" Lisa shouted, as she plopped down on the bed. "What?" I said, as I looked over at Ryland. His face was red, and just looking down. "Are you even listening?" Lisa asked, and I turned around to see her. "If it's something about a dumb TV show then I really don't  care" I said.

"Fine. I'll just go talk to Gabbie then since you're being a little butt head" She responded, as she walked out of the room. Well, that was easier than I thought. I got up a closed the door, and turned back over to Ryland.

"I didn't think you would want to kiss me that bad" he said, as he jumped off the bed. I laughed, and pull him in for a hug. I wasn't going to kiss Ryland right now. I was going to, but maybe another time when Lisa doesn't interrupt.

Which probably will never happen.


a/n: i posted a first chapter of another book. go check it out, because i would deeply appreciate it :)

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