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-Shane's POV-

This is something I never ever thought that would happen. Everything in me felt numb. I had cried so hard and so long that I couldn't even get a tear out anymore. I couldn't feel anymore either. I wasn't angry or sad. Most importantly, I wasn't hurting anymore.

Lisa had gave me a blanket since I felt really cold, but I didn't care at all. Nothing mattered to me. What was the point? I cared and loved so hard about something and I lost it in the most hurtful way. I was most thankful that they actually told me though.

I don't know what I would have done if I found out myself. At least I had them to comfort me and I wasn't alone. I laid against the chair and watched the movies that Joey and Lisa would put on. Lisa was still hugging me which I actually appreciated since I was still very vulnerable. 

"I'm picking the next movie. I've watched Mean Girls way too many times" Joey mumbled.

"I won't be here for the next movie, so you two have fun" I replied.

"What? Why? Don't you want to hang out a little bit longer with us?" Joey asked, sounding a little sad.

"Well, I think I should go home now" I said, pulling myself out of the hug I was in with Lisa.

"Are you sure? You don't have the best next door neighbor, and your parents..." Lisa replied.

"Well, I'm going to have to go home anyways Lisa. I think I'm more stable now that I was before" I explained. "I'll be fine."

"Alright then. At least let us drop you off" Joey offered.

"Well duh, I'm not going to walk home. I've been through enough and I'm not in the mood to walk" I joked.

We all laughed and shared a little group hug. We all walked downstairs and headed out to Joey's car. We drove all the way to my house in happiness. We sang along to the radio and kept each other laughing. 

"Well, here we are" Joey said quietly as he stopped the car in front of my house. 

I put my backpack over my shoulders, and gave them each one hug before leaving. I truly did love these two. I don't know what I would do without them, but I'll learn in a week or so. I exited the car and headed inside of my house.

The television was on, and so was all of the lights around the house. I walked up the stairs quietly, not wanting them to hear me. I had made it to my room and I plopped down on my bed. I had my face against the pillow and I felt the tears starting to finally form once again.

I let them stream down my face in defeat. I couldn't understand why Ryland would cheat. I replayed everything we had done together. He seemed so happy and I was happy along with him. You wouldn't think that he was cheating. Maybe he just didn't love me anymore.

My curiosity had gotten the best of me though. I quietly walked back down the stairs and I could hear my parents in dining room. I somehow didn't get their attention, and left the house. I walked over to Ryland's house as my heart started to race as I got closer and closer.

I had reached the front door of his house and knocked on the door. I felt my heart beating so hard against my chest like it was ready to burst out. The door then opened and there he was. He looked so innocent, too innocent almost. 

"Hey. What are you doing here?" He asked me, looking at me up and down.

"Could I come in? I really need to talk to you" I asked him, almost sounding like I was begging him.

"Sure, come in" He said, looking back up the stairs and then back at me.

He moved out the way to let me inside his house, and closed the door. He motioned me to sit down on the couch but I just gently shook my head. He just nodded, and sat on the part of the couch where you would let your arm rest.

"No offense babe, but you look kind of like a wreck" He said in a concerned face.

Babe. The one word that would make me smile on its own at first. Now, that word actually made me cringe since it was coming from him. He was probably right about my appearance though. I had been crying and rubbing my eyes for the last few hours. I didn't even look in the mirror before I left.

"Yeah, I probably do" I said sounding a little cold.

"Shane. Your eyes are seriously red inside and out" He said, standing up from the couch.

He walked a little closer to me. He noticed me getting tense the closer he had gotten to me. He slowly grabbed my hand, and put his hand up to my cheek. He moved his thumb up and down on my cheek, and I instantly slapped his hand away.

"Alright. What the fuck is wrong with you, Shane?" He said, almost sounding like he was about to yell at me.

"I could ask the same for you Ryland" I said with an angry tone.

"What the hell are you talk about? You're the one who came into my house telling me you want to talk to me, and ended up being rude" He hissed at me.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I opened up the picture and gave him the picture. He rolled his eyes before looking down at it. His eyes widened and he looked up at me with complete regret.

"Tell me now. Why the fuck you were kissing him? And don't you dare lie to me that he kissed you because you were clearly kissing him back" I said harshly.

He didn't respond to me. He kept his head down, and stayed like that. I crossed my arms at him and let a little scoff out. He couldn't even tell me a good damn reason. He looked back at me, and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't act like your all innocent either" He sassed at me, rolling his eyes.

"First of all, don't turn this back around on me. I didn't nothing wrong to you Ryland" I sassed back at him.

"Oh really? Then when the hell were you going to tell me you were leaving to New York?" He yelled at me.


a/n: um, heh.

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